
2 This file is part of akonadiresources.
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Till Adam <adam@kde.org>
5 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
7 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
10#pragma once
12#include "agentbase.h"
13#include "akonadiagentbase_export.h"
14// AkonadiCore
15#include "akonadi/collection.h"
16#include "akonadi/item.h"
17#include "akonadi/itemsync.h"
19class KJob;
20class Akonadi__ResourceAdaptor;
21class ResourceState;
23namespace Akonadi
25class ResourceBasePrivate;
28 * @short The base class for all Akonadi resources.
29 *
30 * This class should be used as a base class by all resource agents,
31 * because it encapsulates large parts of the protocol between
32 * resource agent, agent manager and the Akonadi storage.
33 *
34 * It provides many convenience methods to make implementing a
35 * new Akonadi resource agent as simple as possible.
36 *
37 * <h4>How to write a resource</h4>
38 *
39 * The following provides an overview of what you need to do to implement
40 * your own Akonadi resource. In the following, the term 'backend' refers
41 * to the entity the resource connects with Akonadi, be it a single file
42 * or a remote server.
43 *
44 * @todo Complete this (online/offline state management)
45 *
46 * <h5>Basic %Resource Framework</h5>
47 *
48 * The following is needed to create a new resource:
49 * - A new class deriving from Akonadi::ResourceBase, implementing at least all
50 * pure-virtual methods, see below for further details.
51 * - call init() in your main() function.
52 * - a .desktop file similar to the following example
53 * \code
54 * [Desktop Entry]
55 * Name=My Akonadi Resource
56 * Type=AkonadiResource
57 * Exec=akonadi_my_resource
58 * Icon=my-icon
59 *
60 * X-Akonadi-MimeTypes=<supported-mimetypes>
61 * X-Akonadi-Capabilities=Resource
62 * X-Akonadi-Identifier=akonadi_my_resource
63 * \endcode
64 *
65 * <h5>Handling PIM Items</h5>
66 *
67 * To follow item changes in the backend, the following steps are necessary:
68 * - Implement retrieveItems() to synchronize all items in the given
69 * collection. If the backend supports incremental retrieval,
70 * implementing support for that is recommended to improve performance.
71 * - Convert the items provided by the backend to Akonadi items.
72 * This typically happens either in retrieveItems() if you retrieved
73 * the collection synchronously (not recommended for network backends) or
74 * in the result slot of the asynchronous retrieval job.
75 * Converting means to create Akonadi::Item objects for every retrieved
76 * item. It's very important that every object has its remote identifier set.
77 * - Call itemsRetrieved() or itemsRetrievedIncremental() respectively
78 * with the item objects created above. The Akonadi storage will then be
79 * updated automatically. Note that it is usually not necessary to manipulate
80 * any item in the Akonadi storage manually.
81 *
82 * To fetch item data on demand, the method retrieveItem() needs to be
83 * reimplemented. Fetch the requested data there and call itemRetrieved()
84 * with the result item.
85 *
86 * To write local changes back to the backend, you need to re-implement
87 * the following three methods:
88 * - itemAdded()
89 * - itemChanged()
90 * - itemRemoved()
91 *
92 * Note that these three functions don't get the full payload of the items by default,
93 * you need to change the item fetch scope of the change recorder to fetch the full
94 * payload. This can be expensive with big payloads, though.<br>
95 * Once you have handled changes in itemAdded() and itemChanged(), call changeCommitted().
96 * Once you have handled changes in itemRemoved(), call changeProcessed();
97 * These methods are called whenever a local item related to this resource is
98 * added, modified or deleted. They are only called if the resource is online, otherwise
99 * all changes are recorded and replayed as soon the resource is online again.
100 *
101 * <h5>Handling Collections</h5>
102 *
103 * To follow collection changes in the backend, the following steps are necessary:
104 * - Implement retrieveCollections() to retrieve collections from the backend.
105 * If the backend supports incremental collections updates, implementing
106 * support for that is recommended to improve performance.
107 * - Convert the collections of the backend to Akonadi collections.
108 * This typically happens either in retrieveCollections() if you retrieved
109 * the collection synchronously (not recommended for network backends) or
110 * in the result slot of the asynchronous retrieval job.
111 * Converting means to create Akonadi::Collection objects for every retrieved
112 * collection. It's very important that every object has its remote identifier
113 * and its parent remote identifier set.
114 * - Call collectionsRetrieved() or collectionsRetrievedIncremental() respectively
115 * with the collection objects created above. The Akonadi storage will then be
116 * updated automatically. Note that it is usually not necessary to manipulate
117 * any collection in the Akonadi storage manually.
118 *
119 *
120 * To write local collection changes back to the backend, you need to re-implement
121 * the following three methods:
122 * - collectionAdded()
123 * - collectionChanged()
124 * - collectionRemoved()
125 * Once you have handled changes in collectionAdded() and collectionChanged(), call changeCommitted().
126 * Once you have handled changes in collectionRemoved(), call changeProcessed();
127 * These methods are called whenever a local collection related to this resource is
128 * added, modified or deleted. They are only called if the resource is online, otherwise
129 * all changes are recorded and replayed as soon the resource is online again.
130 *
131 * @todo Convenience base class for collection-less resources
132 */
133// FIXME_API: API dox need to be updated for Observer approach (kevin)
134class AKONADIAGENTBASE_EXPORT ResourceBase : public AgentBase
139 /**
140 * This method is used to set the name of the resource.
141 */
142 void setName(const QString &name);
144 /**
145 * Returns the name of the resource.
146 */
147 [[nodiscard]] QString name() const;
149 /**
150 * This method sets list of activities.
151 */
154 /**
155 * return list of activities.
156 */
157 [[nodiscard]] QStringList activities() const;
159 /**
160 * This method enables or not activities support.
161 */
162 void setActivitiesEnabled(bool enable);
164 /**
165 * Returns true if activities is enabled.
166 */
167 [[nodiscard]] bool activitiesEnabled() const;
169 /**
170 * Enable or disable automatic progress reporting. By default, it is enabled.
171 * When enabled, the resource will automatically emit the signals percent() and status()
172 * while syncing items or collections.
173 *
174 * The automatic progress reporting is done on a per item / per collection basis, so if a
175 * finer granularity is desired, automatic reporting should be disabled and the subclass should
176 * emit the percent() and status() signals itself.
177 *
178 * @param enabled Whether or not automatic emission of the signals is enabled.
179 * @since 4.7
180 */
181 void setAutomaticProgressReporting(bool enabled);
184 /**
185 * This signal is emitted whenever the name of the resource has changed.
186 *
187 * @param name The new name of the resource.
188 */
191 /**
192 * Emitted when a full synchronization has been completed.
193 */
194 void synchronized();
196 /**
197 * Emitted when a collection attributes synchronization has been completed.
198 *
199 * @param collectionId The identifier of the collection whose attributes got synchronized.
200 * @since 4.6
201 */
202 void attributesSynchronized(qlonglong collectionId);
204 /**
205 * Emitted when a collection tree synchronization has been completed.
206 *
207 * @since 4.8
208 */
211 /**
212 * Emitted when the item synchronization processed the current batch and is ready for a new one.
213 * Use this to throttle the delivery to not overload Akonadi.
214 *
215 * Throttling can be used during item retrieval (retrieveItems(Akonadi::Collection)) in streaming mode.
216 * To throttle only deliver itemSyncBatchSize() items, and wait for this signal, then again deliver
217 * @param remainingBatchSize items.
218 *
219 * By always only providing the number of items required to process the batch, the items don't pile
220 * up in memory and items are only provided as fast as Akonadi can process them.
221 *
222 * @see batchSize()
223 *
224 * @since 4.14
225 */
226 void retrieveNextItemSyncBatch(int remainingBatchSize);
228protected Q_SLOTS:
229 /**
230 * Retrieve the collection tree from the remote server and supply it via
231 * collectionsRetrieved() or collectionsRetrievedIncremental().
232 * @see collectionsRetrieved(), collectionsRetrievedIncremental()
233 */
234 virtual void retrieveCollections() = 0;
236 /**
237 * Retrieve all tags from the backend
238 * @see tagsRetrieved()
239 */
240 virtual void retrieveTags();
242 /**
243 * Retrieve the attributes of a single collection from the backend. The
244 * collection to retrieve attributes for is provided as @p collection.
245 * Add the attributes parts and call collectionAttributesRetrieved()
246 * when done.
247 *
248 * @param collection The collection whose attributes should be retrieved.
249 * @see collectionAttributesRetrieved()
250 * @since 4.6
251 */
252 virtual void retrieveCollectionAttributes(const Akonadi::Collection &collection);
254 /**
255 * Retrieve all (new/changed) items in collection @p collection.
256 * It is recommended to use incremental retrieval if the backend supports that
257 * and provide the result by calling itemsRetrievedIncremental().
258 * If incremental retrieval is not possible, provide the full listing by calling
259 * itemsRetrieved( const Item::List& ).
260 * In any case, ensure that all items have a correctly set remote identifier
261 * to allow synchronizing with items already existing locally.
262 * In case you don't want to use the built-in item syncing code, store the retrieved
263 * items manually and call itemsRetrieved() once you are done.
264 * @param collection The collection whose items to retrieve.
265 * @see itemsRetrieved( const Item::List& ), itemsRetrievedIncremental(), itemsRetrieved(), currentCollection(), batchSize()
266 */
267 virtual void retrieveItems(const Akonadi::Collection &collection) = 0;
269 /**
270 * Returns the batch size used during the item sync.
271 *
272 * This can be used to throttle the item delivery.
273 *
274 * @see retrieveNextItemSyncBatch(int), retrieveItems(Akonadi::Collection)
275 * @since 4.14
276 */
277 [[nodiscard]] int itemSyncBatchSize() const;
279 /**
280 * Set the batch size used during the item sync.
281 * The default is 10.
282 *
283 * @see retrieveNextItemSyncBatch(int)
284 * @since 4.14
285 */
286 void setItemSyncBatchSize(int batchSize);
288 /**
289 * Set to true to schedule an attribute sync before every item sync.
290 * The default is false.
291 *
292 * @since 4.15
293 */
296 /**
297 * Retrieve a single item from the backend. The item to retrieve is provided as @p item.
298 * Add the requested payload parts and call itemRetrieved() when done.
299 * @param item The empty item whose payload should be retrieved. Use this object when delivering
300 * the result instead of creating a new item to ensure conflict detection will work.
301 * @param parts The item parts that should be retrieved.
302 * @return false if there is an immediate error when retrieving the item.
303 * @see itemRetrieved()
304 * @deprecated Use retrieveItems(const Akonadi::Item::List &, const QSet<QByteArray> &) instead.
305 */
306 AKONADIAGENTBASE_DEPRECATED virtual bool retrieveItem(const Akonadi::Item &item, const QSet<QByteArray> &parts);
308 /**
309 * Retrieve given @p items from the backend.
310 * Add the requested payload parts and call itemsRetrieved() when done.
311 * It is guaranteed that all @p items in the list belong to the same Collection.
312 *
313 * If the items are retrieved synchronously in this method, in case of an error
314 * emit error(const QString &) and return @c false, which will cancel the current task.
315 * If the items are retrieved asynchronously, in case of an non-immediate error you need
316 * to call cancelTask() or cancelTask(const QString&) in the respective handler methods
317 * explicitly.
318 *
319 * @param items The items whose payload should be retrieved. Use those objects
320 * when delivering the result instead of creating new items to ensure conflict
321 * detection will work.
322 * @param parts The item parts that should be retrieved.
323 * @return false if there is an immediate error when retrieving the items.
324 * @see itemsRetrieved()
325 * @since 5.4
326 *
327 * @todo: Make this method pure virtual once retrieveItem() is gone
328 */
329 virtual bool retrieveItems(const Akonadi::Item::List &items, const QSet<QByteArray> &parts);
331 /**
332 * Abort any activity in progress in the backend. By default this method does nothing.
333 *
334 * @since 4.6
335 */
336 virtual void abortActivity();
338 /**
339 * Dump resource internals, for debugging.
340 * @since 4.9
341 */
343 {
344 return QString();
345 }
348 /**
349 * Creates a base resource.
350 *
351 * @param id The instance id of the resource.
352 */
353 ResourceBase(const QString &id);
355 /**
356 * Destroys the base resource.
357 */
358 ~ResourceBase() override;
360 /**
361 * Call this method from retrieveItem() once the result is available.
362 *
363 * @param item The retrieved item.
364 */
365 void itemRetrieved(const Item &item);
367 /**
368 * Call this method from retrieveCollectionAttributes() once the result is available.
369 *
370 * @param collection The collection whose attributes got retrieved.
371 * @since 4.6
372 */
373 void collectionAttributesRetrieved(const Collection &collection);
375 /**
376 * Resets the dirty flag of the given item and updates the remote id.
377 *
378 * Call whenever you have successfully written changes back to the server.
379 * This implicitly calls changeProcessed().
380 * @param item The changed item.
381 */
382 void changeCommitted(const Item &item);
384 /**
385 * Resets the dirty flag of all given items and updates remote ids.
386 *
387 * Call whenever you have successfully written changes back to the server.
388 * This implicitly calls changeProcessed().
389 * @param items Changed items
390 *
391 * @since 4.11
392 */
393 void changesCommitted(const Item::List &items);
395 /**
396 * Resets the dirty flag of the given tag and updates the remote id.
397 *
398 * Call whenever you have successfully written changes back to the server.
399 * This implicitly calls changeProcessed().
400 * @param tag Changed tag.
401 *
402 * @since 4.13
403 */
404 void changeCommitted(const Tag &tag);
406 /**
407 * Call whenever you have successfully handled or ignored a collection
408 * change notification.
409 *
410 * This will update the remote identifier of @p collection if necessary,
411 * as well as any other collection attributes.
412 * This implicitly calls changeProcessed().
413 * @param collection The collection which changes have been handled.
414 */
415 void changeCommitted(const Collection &collection);
417 /**
418 * Call this to supply the full folder tree retrieved from the remote server.
419 *
420 * @param collections A list of collections.
421 * @see collectionsRetrievedIncremental()
422 */
423 void collectionsRetrieved(const Collection::List &collections);
425 void tagsRetrieved(const Tag::List &tags, const QHash<QString, Item::List> &tagMembers);
427 /**
428 * Call this to supply incrementally retrieved collections from the remote server.
429 *
430 * @param changedCollections Collections that have been added or changed.
431 * @param removedCollections Collections that have been deleted.
432 * @see collectionsRetrieved()
433 */
434 void collectionsRetrievedIncremental(const Collection::List &changedCollections, const Collection::List &removedCollections);
436 /**
437 * Enable collection streaming, that is collections don't have to be delivered at once
438 * as result of a retrieveCollections() call but can be delivered by multiple calls
439 * to collectionsRetrieved() or collectionsRetrievedIncremental(). When all collections
440 * have been retrieved, call collectionsRetrievalDone().
441 * @param enable @c true if collection streaming should be enabled, @c false by default
442 */
443 void setCollectionStreamingEnabled(bool enable);
445 /**
446 * Call this method to indicate you finished synchronizing the collection tree.
447 *
448 * This is not needed if you use the built in syncing without collection streaming
449 * and call collectionsRetrieved() or collectionRetrievedIncremental() instead.
450 * If collection streaming is enabled, call this method once all collections have been delivered
451 * using collectionsRetrieved() or collectionsRetrievedIncremental().
452 */
455 /**
456 * Allows to keep locally changed collection parts during the collection sync.
457 *
458 * This is useful for resources to be able to provide default values during the collection
459 * sync, while preserving eventual more up-to date values.
460 *
461 * Valid values are attribute types and "CONTENTMIMETYPE" for the collections content mimetypes.
462 *
463 * By default this is enabled for the EntityDisplayAttribute.
464 *
465 * @param parts A set parts for which local changes should be preserved.
466 * @since 4.14
467 */
470 /**
471 * Call this method to supply the full collection listing from the remote server. Items not present in the list
472 * will be dropped from the Akonadi database.
473 *
474 * If the remote server supports incremental listing, it's strongly
475 * recommended to use itemsRetrievedIncremental() instead.
476 * @param items A list of items.
477 * @see itemsRetrievedIncremental().
478 */
479 void itemsRetrieved(const Item::List &items);
481 /**
482 * Call this method when you want to use the itemsRetrieved() method
483 * in streaming mode and indicate the amount of items that will arrive
484 * that way.
485 *
486 * @warning By default this will end the item sync automatically once
487 * sufficient items were delivered. To disable this and only make use
488 * of the progress reporting, use setDisableAutomaticItemDeliveryDone()
489 *
490 * @note The recommended way is therefore:
491 * @code
492 * setDisableAutomaticItemDeliveryDone(true);
493 * setItemStreamingEnabled(true);
494 * setTotalItems(X); // X = sum of all items in all batches
495 * while (...) {
496 * itemsRetrievedIncremental(...);
497 * // or itemsRetrieved(...);
498 * }
499 * itemsRetrievalDone();
500 * @endcode
501 *
502 * @param amount number of items that will arrive in streaming mode
503 * @see setDisableAutomaticItemDeliveryDone(bool)
504 * @see setItemStreamingEnabled(bool)
505 */
506 void setTotalItems(int amount);
508 /**
509 * Disables the automatic completion of the item sync,
510 * based on the number of delivered items.
511 *
512 * This ensures that the item sync only finishes once itemsRetrieved()
513 * is called, while still making it possible to use the automatic progress
514 * reporting based on setTotalItems().
515 *
516 * @note This needs to be called once, before the item sync is started.
517 *
518 * @see setTotalItems(int)
519 * @since 4.14
520 */
521 void setDisableAutomaticItemDeliveryDone(bool disable);
523 /**
524 * Enable item streaming, which is disabled by default.
525 * Item streaming means that the resource can call setTotalItems(),
526 * and then itemsRetrieved() or itemsRetrievedIncremental() multiple times,
527 * in chunks. When all is done, the resource should call itemsRetrievalDone().
528 * @param enable @c true if items are delivered in chunks rather in one big block.
529 * @see setTotalItems(int)
530 */
531 void setItemStreamingEnabled(bool enable);
533 /**
534 * Set transaction mode for item sync'ing.
535 * @param mode item transaction mode
536 * @see Akonadi::ItemSync::TransactionMode
537 * @since 4.6
538 */
541 /**
542 * Set merge mode for item sync'ing.
543 *
544 * Default merge mode is RIDMerge.
545 *
546 * @note This method must be called before first call to itemRetrieved(),
547 * itemsRetrieved() or itemsRetrievedIncremental().
548 *
549 * @param mode Item merging mode (see ItemCreateJob for details on item merging)
550 * @see Akonadi::ItemSync::MergeMode
551 * @since 4.14.11
552 */
553 void setItemMergingMode(ItemSync::MergeMode mode);
555 /**
556 * Call this method to supply incrementally retrieved items from the remote server.
557 *
558 * @param changedItems Items changed in the backend.
559 * @param removedItems Items removed from the backend.
560 */
561 void itemsRetrievedIncremental(const Item::List &changedItems, const Item::List &removedItems);
563 /**
564 * Call this method to indicate you finished synchronizing the current collection.
565 *
566 * This is not needed if you use the built in syncing without item streaming
567 * and call itemsRetrieved() or itemsRetrievedIncremental() instead.
568 * If item streaming is enabled, call this method once all items have been delivered
569 * using itemsRetrieved() or itemsRetrievedIncremental().
570 * @see retrieveItems()
571 */
572 void itemsRetrievalDone();
574 /**
575 * Call this method to remove all items and collections of the resource from the
576 * server cache.
577 *
578 * The method should not be used anymore
579 *
580 * @see invalidateCache()
581 * @since 4.3
582 */
583 void clearCache();
585 /**
586 * Call this method to invalidate all cached content in @p collection.
587 *
588 * The method should be used when the backend indicated that the cached content
589 * is no longer valid.
590 *
591 * @param collection parent of the content to be invalidated in cache
592 * @since 4.8
593 */
594 void invalidateCache(const Collection &collection);
596 /**
597 * Returns the collection that is currently synchronized.
598 * @note Calling this method is only allowed during a collection synchronization task, that
599 * is directly or indirectly from retrieveItems().
600 */
601 [[nodiscard]] Collection currentCollection() const;
603 /**
604 * Returns the item that is currently retrieved.
605 * @note Calling this method is only allowed during fetching a single item, that
606 * is directly or indirectly from retrieveItem().
607 */
608 AKONADIAGENTBASE_DEPRECATED Item currentItem() const;
610 /**
611 * Returns the items that are currently retrieved.
612 * @note Calling this method is only allowed during item fetch, that is
613 * directly or indirectly from retrieveItems(Akonadi::Item::List,QSet<QByteArray>)
614 */
615 [[nodiscard]] Item::List currentItems() const;
617 /**
618 * This method is called whenever the resource should start synchronize all data.
619 */
620 void synchronize();
622 /**
623 * This method is called whenever the collection with the given @p id
624 * shall be synchronized.
625 */
626 void synchronizeCollection(qint64 id);
628 /**
629 * This method is called whenever the collection with the given @p id
630 * shall be synchronized.
631 * @param recursive if true, a recursive synchronization is done
632 */
633 void synchronizeCollection(qint64 id, bool recursive);
635 /**
636 * This method is called whenever the collection with the given @p id
637 * shall have its attributes synchronized.
638 *
639 * @param id The id of the collection to synchronize
640 * @since 4.6
641 */
642 void synchronizeCollectionAttributes(qint64 id);
644 /**
645 * Synchronizes the collection attributes.
646 *
647 * @param col The id of the collection to synchronize
648 * @since 4.15
649 */
652 /**
653 * Refetches the Collections.
654 */
657 /**
658 * Refetches Tags.
659 */
660 void synchronizeTags();
662 /**
663 * Stops the execution of the current task and continues with the next one.
664 */
665 void cancelTask();
667 /**
668 * Stops the execution of the current task and continues with the next one.
669 * Additionally an error message is emitted.
670 * @param error additional error message to be emitted
671 */
672 void cancelTask(const QString &error);
674 /**
675 * Suspends the execution of the current task and tries again to execute it.
676 *
677 * This can be used to delay the task processing until the resource has reached a safe
678 * state, e.g. login to a server succeeded.
679 *
680 * @note This does not change the order of tasks so if there is no task with higher priority
681 * e.g. a custom task added with #Prepend the deferred task will be processed again.
682 *
683 * @since 4.3
684 */
685 void deferTask();
687 /**
688 * Inherited from AgentBase.
689 *
690 * When going offline, the scheduler aborts the current task, so you should
691 * do the same in your resource, if the task implementation is asynchronous.
692 */
693 void doSetOnline(bool online) override;
695 /**
696 * Indicate the use of hierarchical remote identifiers.
697 *
698 * This means that it is possible to have two different items with the same
699 * remoteId in different Collections.
700 *
701 * This should be called in the resource constructor as needed.
702 *
703 * @param enable whether to enable use of hierarchical remote identifiers
704 * @since 4.4
705 */
708 friend class ResourceScheduler;
709 friend class ::ResourceState;
711 /**
712 * Describes the scheduling priority of a task that has been queued
713 * for execution.
714 *
715 * @see scheduleCustomTask
716 * @since 4.4
717 */
719 Prepend, ///< The task will be executed as soon as the current task has finished.
720 AfterChangeReplay, ///< The task is scheduled after the last ChangeReplay task in the queue
721 Append ///< The task will be executed after all tasks currently in the queue are finished
722 };
724 /**
725 * Schedules a custom task in the internal scheduler. It will be queued with
726 * all other tasks such as change replays and retrieval requests and eventually
727 * executed by calling the specified method. With the priority parameter the
728 * time of execution of the Task can be influenced. @see SchedulePriority
729 * @param receiver The object the slot should be called on.
730 * @param method The name of the method (and only the name, not signature, not SLOT(...) macro),
731 * that should be called to execute this task. The method has to be a slot and take a QVariant as
732 * argument.
733 * @param argument A QVariant argument passed to the method specified above. Use this to pass task
734 * parameters.
735 * @param priority Priority of the task. Use this to influence the position in
736 * the execution queue.
737 * @since 4.4
738 */
739 void scheduleCustomTask(QObject *receiver, const char *method, const QVariant &argument, SchedulePriority priority = Append);
741 /**
742 * Indicate that the current task is finished. Use this method from the slot called via scheduleCustomTaks().
743 * As with all the other callbacks, make sure to either call taskDone() or cancelTask()/deferTask() on all
744 * exit paths, otherwise the resource will hang.
745 * @since 4.4
746 */
747 void taskDone();
749 /**
750 * Dump the contents of the current ChangeReplay
751 * @since 4.8.1
752 */
753 [[nodiscard]] QString dumpNotificationListToString() const;
755 /**
756 * Dumps memory usage information to stdout.
757 * For now it outputs the result of glibc's mallinfo().
758 * This is useful to check if your memory problems are due to poor management by glibc.
759 * Look for a high value on fsmblks when interpreting results.
760 * man mallinfo for more details.
761 * @since 4.11
762 */
763 void dumpMemoryInfo() const;
765 /**
766 * Returns a string with memory usage information.
767 * @see dumpMemoryInfo()
768 *
769 * @since 4.11
770 */
771 [[nodiscard]] QString dumpMemoryInfoToString() const;
773 /**
774 * Dump the state of the scheduler
775 * @since 4.8.1
776 */
777 [[nodiscard]] QString dumpSchedulerToString() const;
780 static QString parseArguments(int argc, char **argv);
782 // dbus resource interface
783 friend class ::Akonadi__ResourceAdaptor;
785 void requestItemDelivery(const QList<qint64> &uids, const QByteArrayList &parts);
788 Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(ResourceBase)
790 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotAbortRequested())
791 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotDeliveryDone(KJob *))
792 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotCollectionSyncDone(KJob *))
793 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotDeleteResourceCollection())
794 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotDeleteResourceCollectionDone(KJob *))
795 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotCollectionDeletionDone(KJob *))
796 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotInvalidateCache(const Akonadi::Collection &))
797 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotLocalListDone(KJob *))
798 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotSynchronizeCollection(const Akonadi::Collection &))
799 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotCollectionListDone(KJob *))
800 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotSynchronizeCollectionAttributes(const Akonadi::Collection &))
801 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotCollectionListForAttributesDone(KJob *))
802 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotCollectionAttributesSyncDone(KJob *))
803 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotItemSyncDone(KJob *))
804 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotPercent(KJob *, quint64))
805 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotDelayedEmitProgress())
806 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotPrepareItemRetrieval(const Akonadi::Item &items))
807 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotPrepareItemRetrievalResult(KJob *))
808 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotPrepareItemsRetrieval(const QList<Akonadi::Item> &items))
809 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotPrepareItemsRetrievalResult(KJob *))
810 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void changeCommittedResult(KJob *))
811 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotSessionReconnected())
812 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotRecursiveMoveReplay(RecursiveMover *))
813 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotRecursiveMoveReplayResult(KJob *))
814 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotTagSyncDone(KJob *))
815 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotSynchronizeTags())
816 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotItemRetrievalCollectionFetchDone(KJob *))
817 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotAttributeRetrievalCollectionFetchDone(KJob *))
824 * Convenience Macro for the most common main() function for Akonadi resources.
825 */
826#define AKONADI_RESOURCE_MAIN(resourceClass) \
827 int main(int argc, char **argv) \
828 { \
829 return Akonadi::ResourceBase::init<resourceClass>(argc, argv); \
830 }
void error(const QString &message)
This signal shall be used to report errors.
AgentBase(const QString &id)
Creates an agent base.
Represents a collection of PIM items.
Definition collection.h:62
QList< Collection > List
Describes a list of collections.
Definition collection.h:84
Transaction mode used by ItemSync.
Definition itemsync.h:129
Represents a PIM item stored in Akonadi storage.
Definition item.h:100
QList< Item > List
Describes a list of items.
Definition item.h:110
The base class for all Akonadi resources.
void setScheduleAttributeSyncBeforeItemSync(bool)
Set to true to schedule an attribute sync before every item sync.
void setItemTransactionMode(ItemSync::TransactionMode mode)
Set transaction mode for item sync'ing.
void invalidateCache(const Collection &collection)
Call this method to invalidate all cached content in collection.
void setActivitiesEnabled(bool enable)
This method enables or not activities support.
void collectionAttributesRetrieved(const Collection &collection)
Call this method from retrieveCollectionAttributes() once the result is available.
bool activitiesEnabled() const
Returns true if activities is enabled.
int itemSyncBatchSize() const
Returns the batch size used during the item sync.
void setItemSyncBatchSize(int batchSize)
Set the batch size used during the item sync.
void setDisableAutomaticItemDeliveryDone(bool disable)
Disables the automatic completion of the item sync, based on the number of delivered items.
void synchronizeCollection(qint64 id)
This method is called whenever the collection with the given id shall be synchronized.
virtual void retrieveTags()
Retrieve all tags from the backend.
virtual void retrieveCollections()=0
Retrieve the collection tree from the remote server and supply it via collectionsRetrieved() or colle...
Describes the scheduling priority of a task that has been queued for execution.
@ Prepend
The task will be executed as soon as the current task has finished.
@ Append
The task will be executed after all tasks currently in the queue are finished.
@ AfterChangeReplay
The task is scheduled after the last ChangeReplay task in the queue.
void retrieveNextItemSyncBatch(int remainingBatchSize)
Emitted when the item synchronization processed the current batch and is ready for a new one.
void setKeepLocalCollectionChanges(const QSet< QByteArray > &parts)
Allows to keep locally changed collection parts during the collection sync.
void attributesSynchronized(qlonglong collectionId)
Emitted when a collection attributes synchronization has been completed.
void itemsRetrievalDone()
Call this method to indicate you finished synchronizing the current collection.
virtual QString dumpResourceToString() const
Dump resource internals, for debugging.
QStringList activities() const
return list of activities.
Item::List currentItems() const
Returns the items that are currently retrieved.
void setTotalItems(int amount)
Call this method when you want to use the itemsRetrieved() method in streaming mode and indicate the ...
void setActivities(const QStringList &activities)
This method sets list of activities.
void setAutomaticProgressReporting(bool enabled)
Enable or disable automatic progress reporting.
void collectionsRetrieved(const Collection::List &collections)
Call this to supply the full folder tree retrieved from the remote server.
void deferTask()
Suspends the execution of the current task and tries again to execute it.
void setItemStreamingEnabled(bool enable)
Enable item streaming, which is disabled by default.
QString name() const
Returns the name of the resource.
void collectionsRetrievalDone()
Call this method to indicate you finished synchronizing the collection tree.
void clearCache()
Call this method to remove all items and collections of the resource from the server cache.
void collectionsRetrievedIncremental(const Collection::List &changedCollections, const Collection::List &removedCollections)
Call this to supply incrementally retrieved collections from the remote server.
void itemRetrieved(const Item &item)
Call this method from retrieveItem() once the result is available.
virtual AKONADIAGENTBASE_DEPRECATED bool retrieveItem(const Akonadi::Item &item, const QSet< QByteArray > &parts)
Retrieve a single item from the backend.
void synchronize()
This method is called whenever the resource should start synchronize all data.
void changeCommitted(const Item &item)
Resets the dirty flag of the given item and updates the remote id.
void itemsRetrieved(const Item::List &items)
Call this method to supply the full collection listing from the remote server.
void doSetOnline(bool online) override
Inherited from AgentBase.
Collection currentCollection() const
Returns the collection that is currently synchronized.
void nameChanged(const QString &name)
This signal is emitted whenever the name of the resource has changed.
virtual void retrieveItems(const Akonadi::Collection &collection)=0
Retrieve all (new/changed) items in collection collection.
void cancelTask()
Stops the execution of the current task and continues with the next one.
void itemsRetrievedIncremental(const Item::List &changedItems, const Item::List &removedItems)
Call this method to supply incrementally retrieved items from the remote server.
void setItemMergingMode(ItemSync::MergeMode mode)
Set merge mode for item sync'ing.
void setHierarchicalRemoteIdentifiersEnabled(bool enable)
Indicate the use of hierarchical remote identifiers.
ResourceBase(const QString &id)
Creates a base resource.
virtual void retrieveCollectionAttributes(const Akonadi::Collection &collection)
Retrieve the attributes of a single collection from the backend.
void collectionTreeSynchronized()
Emitted when a collection tree synchronization has been completed.
~ResourceBase() override
Destroys the base resource.
void setName(const QString &name)
This method is used to set the name of the resource.
void synchronizeCollectionTree()
Refetches the Collections.
void synchronizeTags()
Refetches Tags.
void setCollectionStreamingEnabled(bool enable)
Enable collection streaming, that is collections don't have to be delivered at once as result of a re...
void changesCommitted(const Item::List &items)
Resets the dirty flag of all given items and updates remote ids.
virtual void abortActivity()
Abort any activity in progress in the backend.
void synchronizeCollectionAttributes(qint64 id)
This method is called whenever the collection with the given id shall have its attributes synchronize...
Returns the item that is currently retrieved.
An Akonadi Tag.
Definition tag.h:26
Helper integration between Akonadi and Qt.
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Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:52:29 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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