
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
7#pragma once
9#include "akonadicore_export.h"
11#include <QMetaType>
12#include <QObject>
14namespace Akonadi
16class ServerManagerPrivate;
19 * @short Provides methods to control the Akonadi server process.
20 *
21 * Asynchronous, low-level control of the Akonadi server.
22 * Akonadi::Control provides a synchronous interface to some of the methods in here.
23 *
24 * @author Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
25 * @see Akonadi::Control
26 * @since 4.2
27 */
28class AKONADICORE_EXPORT ServerManager : public QObject
32 /**
33 * Enum for the various states the server can be in.
34 * @since 4.5
35 */
36 enum State {
37 NotRunning, ///< Server is not running, could be no one started it yet or it failed to start.
38 Starting, ///< Server was started but is not yet running.
39 Running, ///< Server is running and operational.
40 Stopping, ///< Server is shutting down.
41 Broken, ///< Server is not operational and an error has been detected.
42 Upgrading ///< Server is performing a database upgrade as part of a new startup.
43 };
45 /**
46 * Starts the server. This method returns immediately and does not wait
47 * until the server is actually up and running.
48 * @return @c true if the start was possible (which not necessarily means
49 * the server is really running though) and @c false if an immediate error occurred.
50 * @see Akonadi::Control::start()
51 */
52 static bool start();
54 /**
55 * Stops the server. This methods returns immediately after the shutdown
56 * command has been send and does not wait until the server is actually
57 * shut down.
58 * @return @c true if the shutdown command was sent successfully, @c false
59 * otherwise
60 */
61 static bool stop();
63 /**
64 * Shows the Akonadi self test dialog, which tests Akonadi for various problems
65 * and reports these to the user if.
66 * @param parent the parent widget for the dialog
67 */
68 static void showSelfTestDialog(QWidget *parent);
70 /**
71 * Checks if the server is available currently. For more detailed status information
72 * see state().
73 * @see state()
74 */
75 [[nodiscard]] static bool isRunning();
77 /**
78 * Returns the state of the server.
79 * @since 4.5
80 */
81 [[nodiscard]] static State state();
83 /**
84 * Returns the reason why the Server is broken, if known.
85 *
86 * If state() is @p Broken, then you can use this method to obtain a more
87 * detailed description of the problem and present it to users. Note that
88 * the message can be empty if the reason is not known.
89 *
90 * @since 5.6
91 */
92 [[nodiscard]] static QString brokenReason();
94 /**
95 * Returns the identifier of the Akonadi instance we are connected to. This is usually
96 * an empty string (representing the default instance), unless you have explicitly set
97 * the AKONADI_INSTANCE environment variable to connect to a different one.
98 * @since 4.10
99 */
100 [[nodiscard]] static QString instanceIdentifier();
102 /**
103 * Returns @c true if we are connected to a non-default Akonadi server instance.
104 * @since 4.10
105 */
106 [[nodiscard]] static bool hasInstanceIdentifier();
108 /**
109 * Types of known D-Bus services.
110 * @since 4.10
111 */
113 Server,
114 Control,
115 ControlLock,
116 UpgradeIndicator,
117 };
119 /**
120 * Returns the namespaced D-Bus service name for @p serviceType.
121 * Use this rather the raw service name strings in order to support usage of a non-default
122 * instance of the Akonadi server.
123 * @param serviceType the service type for which to return the D-Bus name
124 * @since 4.10
125 */
126 static QString serviceName(ServiceType serviceType);
128 /**
129 * Known agent types.
130 * @since 4.10
131 */
133 Agent,
134 Resource,
135 Preprocessor,
136 };
138 /**
139 * Returns the namespaced D-Bus service name for an agent of type @p agentType with agent
140 * identifier @p identifier.
141 * @param agentType the agent type to use for D-Bus base name
142 * @param identifier the agent identifier to include in the D-Bus name
143 * @since 4.10
144 */
145 [[nodiscard]] static QString agentServiceName(ServiceAgentType agentType, const QString &identifier);
147 /**
148 * Adds the multi-instance namespace to @p string if required (with '_' as separator).
149 * Use whenever a multi-instance safe name is required (configfiles, identifiers, ...).
150 * @param string the string to adapt
151 * @since 4.10
152 */
153 [[nodiscard]] static QString addNamespace(const QString &string);
155 /**
156 * Returns the singleton instance of this class, for connecting to its
157 * signals
158 */
159 static ServerManager *self();
161 enum OpenMode {
162 ReadOnly,
163 ReadWrite,
164 };
165 /**
166 * Returns absolute path to akonadiserverrc file with Akonadi server
167 * configuration.
168 */
169 [[nodiscard]] static QString serverConfigFilePath(OpenMode openMode);
171 /**
172 * Returns absolute path to configuration file of an agent identified by
173 * given @p identifier.
174 */
175 [[nodiscard]] static QString agentConfigFilePath(const QString &identifier);
177 /**
178 * Returns current Akonadi database generation identifier
179 *
180 * Generation is guaranteed to never change unless as long as the database
181 * backend is not removed and re-created. In such case it is guaranteed that
182 * the new generation number will be higher than the previous one.
183 *
184 * Generation can be used by applications to detect when Akonadi database
185 * has been recreated and thus some of the configuration (for example
186 * collection IDs stored in a config file) must be invalidated.
187 *
188 * @note Note that the generation number is only available if the server
189 * is running. If this function is called before the server starts it will
190 * return 0.
191 *
192 * @since 5.4
193 */
194 [[nodiscard]] static uint generation();
197 /**
198 * Emitted whenever the server becomes fully operational.
199 */
200 void started();
202 /**
203 * Emitted whenever the server becomes unavailable.
204 */
205 void stopped();
207 /**
208 * Emitted whenever the server state changes.
209 * @param state the new server state
210 * @since 4.5
211 */
215 /// @cond PRIVATE
216 friend class ServerManagerPrivate;
217 ServerManager(ServerManagerPrivate *dd);
218 ServerManagerPrivate *const d;
219 /// @endcond
Provides methods to control the Akonadi server process.
Definition control.h:54
Provides methods to control the Akonadi server process.
void started()
Emitted whenever the server becomes fully operational.
Types of known D-Bus services.
void stopped()
Emitted whenever the server becomes unavailable.
Known agent types.
Enum for the various states the server can be in.
@ Running
Server is running and operational.
@ Starting
Server was started but is not yet running.
@ Broken
Server is not operational and an error has been detected.
@ NotRunning
Server is not running, could be no one started it yet or it failed to start.
@ Stopping
Server is shutting down.
void stateChanged(Akonadi::ServerManager::State state)
Emitted whenever the server state changes.
void stop(Ekos::AlignState mode)
Helper integration between Akonadi and Qt.
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2024 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Oct 11 2024 12:11:39 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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