
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NEventViewsNamespace EventViews provides facilities for displaying incidences, including events, to-dos, and journal entries
 CDecorationThis class provides the interface for a date dependent decoration
 CElementClass for calendar decoration elements
 CStoredElementThis class provides a stored element, which contains all data for the given date/month/year
 CAgendaItemThis class describes the widgets that represent the various calendar items in the agenda view
 CAgendaViewAgendaView is the agenda-like view that displays events in a single or multi-day view
 CEventViewEventView is the abstract base class from which all other calendar views for event data are derived
 CJournalViewThis class provides a journal view
 CListViewThis class provides a multi-column list view of events
 CMonthCellKeeps information about a month cell
 CMonthGraphicsItemA MonthGraphicsItem representing a part of an event
 CMonthGraphicsViewRenders a MonthScene
 CMonthItemA month item manages different MonthGraphicsItems
 CMonthViewNew month view
 CMultiAgendaViewShows one agenda for every resource side-by-side
 CScrollIndicatorGraphics items which indicates that the view can be scrolled to display more events
 CTimelineViewThis class provides a view showing which blocks of time are occupied by events in the user's calendars
 CTodoViewThis class provides a view for Todo items
 CWhatsNextViewThis class provides a view of the next events and todos
 CColoredTodoProxyModelProxyModel adding background color for overdue and due today items in a TodoModel
 CTodoCategoriesDelegateThis delegate is responsible for displaying the categories of todos
 CTodoCompleteDelegateThis delegate is responsible for displaying progress bars for the completion status of indivitual todos
 CTodoDueDateDelegateThis delegate is responsible for displaying the due date of todos
 CTodoPriorityDelegateThis delegate is responsible for displaying the priority of todos
 CTodoRichTextDelegateThis delegate is responsible for displaying possible rich text elements of a todo
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