Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
►NKItinerary | Classes for reservation/travel data models, data extraction and data augmentation |
►NBER | BER/DER/X.690 encoding classes and functions |
CElement | An element in BER/DER/X.690 encoding |
►NFcb | ERA Flexible Content Barcode (FCB) version 1.3 |
►Nv13 | |
CBerthDetailData | Berth information |
CCarCarriageReservationData | Car carriage reservation document |
CCardReferenceType | Customer card information |
CCompartmentDetailsType | Compartment information |
CControlData | Ticket control data |
CCountermarkData | Countermark document |
CCustomerCardData | Customer card document |
CCustomerStatusType | Customer status information |
CDelayConfirmation | Delay confirmation document |
CDeltaCoordinate | Delta encoding of a geographic coordinate |
CDocumentData | Variant wrapper for specific document types |
CExtensionData | Generic extension data |
CFIPTicketData | FIP ticket document |
CGeoCoordinateType | Geographic coordinate |
CIncludedOpenTicketType | Open tickets included into a reservation |
CIssuingData | Issuing information |
CLuggageRestrictionType | Luggage restriction information |
COpenTicketData | Open ticket document (NRT) |
CParkingGroundData | Parking ground document |
CPassData | Rail pass document (RPT) |
CPlacesType | Seat information |
CPolygoneType | A geographic polygon |
CRegionalValidityType | Regional validity information |
CRegisteredLuggageType | Luggage information |
CReservationData | Reservation document (IRT, RES) |
CStationPassageData | Station passage document |
CTariffType | Tariff information |
CTimeRangeType | Time range |
CTokenType | Ticket token |
CTrainLinkType | Reference to a specific train journey |
CTravelerData | A set of traverlers |
CTravelerType | Information about a single traveler |
CUicRailTicketData | Top-level type for the ERA FCB ticket structure |
CValidityPeriodDetailType | Set of validity time period |
CValidityPeriodType | Validity time period |
CVatDetailType | VAT information |
CViaStationType | A set of via stations |
CVoucherData | Voucher document |
CZoneType | A tariff zone |
►Nv3 | |
CBerthDetailData | Berth information |
CCarCarriageReservationData | Car carriage reservation document |
CCardReferenceType | Customer card information |
CCompartmentDetailsType | Compartment information |
CControlData | Ticket control data |
CCountermarkData | Countermark document |
CCustomerCardData | Customer card document |
CCustomerStatusType | Customer status information |
CDelayConfirmation | Delay confirmation document |
CDeltaCoordinate | Delta encoding of a geographic coordinate |
CDocumentData | Variant wrapper for specific document types |
CExtensionData | Generic extension data |
CFIPTicketData | FIP ticket document |
CGeoCoordinateType | Geographic coordinate |
CIncludedOpenTicketType | Open tickets included into a reservation |
CIssuingData | Issuing information |
CLuggageRestrictionType | Luggage restriction information |
COpenTicketData | Open ticket document (NRT) |
CParkingGroundData | Parking ground document |
CPassData | Rail pass document (RPT) |
CPlacesType | Seat information |
CPolygoneType | A geographic polygon |
CRegionalValidityType | Regional validity information |
CRegisteredLuggageType | Luggage information |
CReservationData | Reservation document (IRT, RES) |
CStationPassageData | Station passage document |
CTariffType | Tariff information |
CTimeRangeType | Time range |
CTokenType | Ticket token |
CTrainLinkType | Reference to a specific train journey |
CTrainValidityType | Validity information for PassData |
CTravelerData | A set of traverlers |
CTravelerType | Information about a single traveler |
CUicRailTicketData | Top-level type for the ERA FCB ticket structure |
CValidityPeriodDetailType | Set of validity time period |
CValidityPeriodType | Validity time period |
CVatDetailType | VAT information |
CViaStationType | A set of via stations |
CVoucherData | Voucher document |
CZoneType | A tariff zone |
►NJsApi | JavaScript API available to extractor scripts |
CBarcode | Barcode decoding functions |
CBitArray | Bit array methods for JS extractor scripts |
CByteArray | API for dealing with QByteArray and/or JS ArrayBuffer objects |
CExtractorEngine | API to access the extractor engine for JS extractor scripts |
CJsonLd | Methods to create JSON-LD objects |
►NKnowledgeDb | Lookup functions, utilities and data types for the static knowledge database |
CAirport | Airport information structure as used in the database |
CAlphaId | Compact storage for fixed-size identifiers consisting out of uppercase latin letters, such as IATA airport codes or ISO 3166 country codes |
CBenerailStationId | Benerail station id |
CCoordinate | Geographical coordinate |
CCountry | Country information |
CFiveAlphaId | Base class for SNCF/Benerail station identifiers |
CIBNR | IBNR station id |
CSncfStationId | SNCF station id |
CTrainStation | Train station entry in the station table |
CTrainStationIdIndex | Train station id to station index lookup table structure |
CTrainStationIndex | Position in the train station database |
CUICIdentiferBase | Base class for UIC/IBNR station identifiers |
CUICStation | UIC station id |
CUnalignedNumber | Unalinged storage of a numerical value |
CVRStationCode | VR (Finland) station codes |
CAbstractExtractor | Abstract base class for data extractors |
CAction | Base class for actions |
CActivityPubExtractor | ActivityPub extractor |
CAirline | An airline |
CAirport | Airport |
►CBarcodeDecoder | Barcode decoding with result caching |
CResult | Barcode decoding result |
CBinaryDocumentProcessor | Processor for generic binary content |
CBitVectorView | Non-owning bit-level view for working with data that isn't byte-aligned |
CBoatReservation | A boat or ferry reservation |
CBoatTerminal | Boat or ferry terminal |
CBoatTrip | A boat or ferry trip |
CBrand | A brand |
CBusReservation | A bus reservation |
CBusStation | Bus station |
CBusTrip | A bus trip |
CCancelAction | Cancel action |
CCheckInAction | Check-in action |
CCreativeWork | Base type describing any form of content |
CDigitalDocument | Description of a document |
CDownloadAction | Download action |
CElbDocumentProcessor | Document processor for ERA ELB ticket barcodes |
CELBTicket | ERA (Element List Barcode) ELB ticket barcode |
CELBTicketSegment | Segment block of an ERA ELB ticket |
CEmailMessage | Description of an email |
CEvent | An event |
CEventReservation | An event reservation |
CExternalProcessor | Dummy node to delegate to an external extractor process |
CExtractorDocumentNode | A node in the extracted document object tree |
CExtractorDocumentNodeFactory | Instantiates KItinerary::ExtractorDocumentNode instances using the type-specific document processor |
CExtractorDocumentProcessor | Abstract base class of a document type processor |
CExtractorEngine | Semantic data extraction engine |
CExtractorFilter | Determines whether an extractor is applicable to a given email |
CExtractorPostprocessor | Post-process extracted data to filter out garbage and augment data from other sources |
CExtractorRepository | Collection of all known data extractors |
CExtractorResult | Generic extraction result |
CExtractorValidator | Validates extractor results |
CFcbUtil | Higher-level decoding utilities for ERA FCB ticket data |
►CFile | A file containing a bundle of reservations and associated documents |
CPkPassIdentifier | Decodes an identifier returned by passId() again |
CFlight | A flight |
CFlightReservation | A flight reservation |
CFoodEstablishment | Food-related business (such as a restaurant, or a bakery) |
CFoodEstablishmentReservation | A restaurant reservation |
CGenericBoardingPassExtractor | Generic PDF boarding pass extractor |
CGeoCoordinates | Geographic coordinates |
CHarDocumentProcessor | Processor for entire HAR archives |
CHtmlDocument | HTML document for extraction |
CHtmlDocumentProcessor | Processor for HTML documents |
CHtmlElement | HTML document element |
CHttpResponse | Container for an HTTP response to be passed into the extractor engine |
CHttpResponseProcessor | Processor for HTTP responses |
CIataBcbp | A IATA BarCoded Boarding Pass (BCBP) |
CIataBcbpDocumentProcessor | Document node processor for IATA BCBPs |
CIataBcbpRepeatedConditionalSection | Conditional (optional) sections of an IATA BCBP, occurs once per leg |
CIataBcbpRepeatedMandatorySection | Repeated mandatory sections of an IATA BCBP, occurs once per leg |
CIataBcbpSectionBase | |
CIataBcbpSecuritySection | Security section of an IATA BCBP |
CIataBcbpUniqueConditionalSection | Unique conditional (optional) section of an IATA BCBP |
CIataBcbpUniqueMandatorySection | Unique mandatory section of an IATA BCBP |
CIcalCalendarProcessor | Processor for ical calendars |
CIcalEventProcessor | Processor for ical calendar events |
CImageDocumentProcessor | Processor for image document elements |
CJoinAction | Action to join an event |
CJsonLdDocument | Serialization/deserialization code for JSON-LD data |
CJsonLdDocumentProcessor | Processor for raw JSON-LD data |
►CJsonLdFilterEngine | JSON-LD filtering for input normalization or type transforms |
CPropertyMapping | Property mappings |
CTypeFilter | Type filter functions |
CTypeMapping | Type mappings |
CLocalBusiness | LocalBusiness |
CLodgingBusiness | Hotel |
CLodgingReservation | A hotel reservation |
CMergeUtil | Utilities for merging reservations or elements of them |
CMimeDocumentProcessor | MIME document processor |
COrganization | An organization |
CPdfDocument | PDF document for extraction |
CPdfDocumentProcessor | PDF document processor |
CPdfImage | An image in a PDF document |
CPdfImageRef | PDF object reference for an image, with the ability to address attached masks as well |
CPdfLink | An external link in a PDF file |
CPdfPage | A page in a PDF document |
CPerson | A person |
CPkPassDocumentProcessor | Processor for Apple Wallet pass files |
CPlace | Base class for places |
CPListDocumentProcessor | Document node processor for Apple property lists |
CPostalAddress | Postal address |
CPriceUtil | Utilities for dealing with price/currency information of items |
CProgramMembership | A frequent traveler, bonus points or discount scheme program membership |
CProtobufStreamReader | Protocol Buffers stream reader |
CRct2Ticket | RCT2 ticket layout payload of an UIC 918.3 ticket token |
CRentalCar | A car rental |
CRentalCarReservation | A Rental Car reservation |
CReservation | Abstract base class for reservations |
CReserveAction | Reserve action |
CRsp6Decoder | UK RSP-6 ticket decoder |
CScriptExtractor | A single unstructured data extraction rule set |
CSeat | A reserved seat |
CSsbDocumentProcessor | Document processor for ERA SSB ticket barcodes |
CSSBTicketBase | Internal base class for ERA SSB tickets |
CSSBv1Ticket | ERA SSB ticket barcode (version 1) |
CSSBv2Ticket | ERA SSB ticket barcode (version 2) |
CSSBv3Ticket | ERA SSB ticket barcode (version 3) |
CTaxiReservation | A Taxi reservation |
CTextDocumentProcessor | Processor for plain text documents |
CTicket | A booked ticket |
CToken | Barcode token utilities |
CTouristAttraction | Tourist attraction (e.g |
CTrainReservation | A train reservation |
CTrainStation | Train station |
CTrainTrip | A train trip |
CUic9183Block | A data block from a UIC 918.3 ticket |
CUic9183DocumentProcessor | Processor for UIC 918.3 containers |
CUic9183Flex | Represents a U_FLEX block holding different versions of an FCB payload |
CUic9183Head | U_HEAD block of a UIC 918.3 ticket container |
CUic9183Header | Header of an UIC 918.3 ticket |
CUic9183Parser | Parser for UIC 918.3 and 918.3* train tickets |
CUic9183TicketLayout | Parser for a U_TLAY block in a UIC 918-3 ticket container, such as a ERA TLB ticket |
CUic9183TicketLayoutField | Low-level field entries in a U_TLAY block |
CUpdateAction | Edit/update action |
CUPERDecoder | Decoder for data encoded according to X.691 ASN.1 Unaligned Packed Encoding Rules (UPER) |
CVdvBcdDate | Date encoded as 8 BCD digits |
CVdvBcdNumber | Two-digit BCD encoded number |
CVdvDateTimeCompact | Date/time representation encoded in 4 byte |
CVdvDocumentProcessor | Processor for VDV ticket barcodes |
CVdvNumber | Big-endian numeric value |
CVdvTicket | Ticket information from a VDV barcode |
CVdvTicketBasicData | Product specific data - basic information |
CVdvTicketCommonTransactionData | Ticket transaction data block |
CVdvTicketHeader | Ticket data header |
CVdvTicketIssueData | Ticket issuer data block |
CVdvTicketParser | Parser for VDV tickets |
CVdvTicketTrailer | Ticket trailer, after padding |
CVdvTicketTravelerData | Product specific data - traveler information |
CVdvTicketValidityAreaData | Ticket validity area data block |
CVendor0080BLBlock | UIC 918.3 0080BL vendor data block |
CVendor0080BLOrderBlock | UIC 918.3 0080BL vendor data block order block |
CVendor0080BLSubBlock | UIC 918.3 0080BL vendor data block sub-block |
CVendor0080VUBlock | UIC 918.3 0080VU vendor data block (DB local public transport extensions) |
CVendor1154UTBlock | UIC 918.3 1154UT vendor data block |
CVendor1154UTSubBlock | UIC 918.3 1154UT vendor data block sub-block |
CViewAction | View action |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:55:15 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:55:15 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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