
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAddressListBase class for headers that deal with (possibly multiple) addresses, allowing groups
 CDotAtomBase class for headers containing a dot atom
 CIdentBase class for headers which deal with a list of msg-id's
 CMailboxListBase class for headers that deal with (possibly multiple) addresses, but don't allow groups
 CParametrizedBase class for headers containing a parameter list such as "Content-Type"
 CPhraseListBase class for headers containing a list of phrases
 CSingleIdentBase class for headers which deal with a single msg-id
 CSingleMailboxBase class for headers that deal with exactly one mailbox (e.g
 CStructuredBase class for structured header fields
 CTokenBase class for headers which deal with a single atom
 CUnstructuredAbstract base class for unstructured header fields (e.g
 CBaseBaseclass of all header-classes
 CBccRepresents a "Bcc" header
 CCcRepresents a "Cc" header
 CContentDescriptionRepresents a "Content-Description" header
 CContentDispositionRepresents a "Content-Disposition" header
 CContentIDRepresents a "Content-ID" header
 CContentLocationRepresents a "Content-Location" header
 CContentTransferEncodingRepresents a "Content-Transfer-Encoding" header
 CContentTypeRepresents a "Content-Type" header
 CControlRepresents a "Control" header
 CDateRepresents a "Date" header
 CFollowUpToRepresents a "Followup-To" header
 CFromRepresent a "From" header
 CGenericRepresents an arbitrary header, that can contain any header-field
 CInReplyToRepresents a "In-Reply-To" header
 CKeywordsRepresents a "Keywords" header
 CLinesRepresents a "Lines" header
 CMailCopiesToRepresents a "Mail-Copies-To" header
 CMessageIDRepresents a "Message-ID" header
 CMIMEVersionRepresents a "MIME-Version" header
 CNewsgroupsRepresents a "Newsgroups" header
 COrganizationRepresents a "Organization" header
 CReferencesRepresents a "References" header
 CReplyToRepresents a "ReplyTo" header
 CReturnPathRepresents the Return-Path header field
 CSenderRepresents a "Sender" header
 CSubjectRepresents a "Subject" header
 CSupersedesRepresents a "Supersedes" header
 CToRepresents a "To" header
 CUserAgentRepresents a "User-Agent" header
 CMailboxRepresents an (email address, display name) pair according RFC 2822, section 3.4
 CContentA class that encapsulates MIME encoded Content
 CContentIndexA class to uniquely identify message parts (Content) in a hierarchy
 CMessageRepresents a (email) message
 CNewsArticleNNTP news article
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