
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Andrius da Costa Ribas <>
4 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL
7#pragma once
9#include "kgapidrive_export.h"
10#include "object.h"
11#include "types.h"
13#include <QSharedPointer>
14#include <QString>
15#include <QStringList>
16#include <QUrl>
18namespace KGAPI2
21namespace Drive
25 * @brief DriveAbout contains information about the current user along with
26 * Google Drive API settings.
27 *
28 * Getters and setters' documentation is based on Google Drive's API v2 reference
29 * @see <a href="">About</a>
30 *
31 * @since 2.0
32 * @author Andrius da Costa Ribas <>
33 * @author Daniel Vrátil <>
34 */
35class KGAPIDRIVE_EXPORT About : public KGAPI2::Object
38 /**
39 * @brief DriveAbout::Format holds the structure used for importFormats[]
40 * and exportFormats[] properties.
41 */
42 class Format
43 {
44 public:
45 explicit Format(const Format &other);
46 virtual ~Format();
47 bool operator==(const Format &other) const;
48 bool operator!=(const Format &other) const
49 {
50 return !operator==(other);
51 }
53 /**
54 * @brief Returns the content type to convert from.
55 */
56 QString source() const;
58 /**
59 * @brief Returns the possible content types to convert to.
60 */
61 QStringList targets() const;
63 private:
64 explicit Format();
66 class Private;
67 Private *const d;
68 friend class Private;
69 friend class About;
70 };
72 using FormatPtr = QSharedPointer<Format>;
73 using FormatsList = QList<FormatPtr>;
75 /**
76 * @brief DriveAbout::AdditionalRoleInfo holds the structure used for
77 * additionalRoleInfo[] property.
78 */
79 class AdditionalRoleInfo
80 {
81 public:
82 /**
83 * @brief DriveAbout::AdditionalRoleInfo::Role holds the structure used for
84 * additionalRoleInfo[].roleSets[] property.
85 */
86 class RoleSet
87 {
88 public:
89 explicit RoleSet(const RoleSet &other);
90 virtual ~RoleSet();
91 bool operator==(const RoleSet &other) const;
92 bool operator!=(const RoleSet &other) const
93 {
94 return !operator==(other);
95 }
97 /**
98 * @brief Returns the primary permission role.
99 */
102 /**
103 * @brief Returns the supported additional roles with the primary role.
104 */
107 private:
108 explicit RoleSet();
110 class Private;
111 Private *const d;
112 friend class Private;
113 friend class About;
114 };
116 using RoleSetPtr = QSharedPointer<RoleSet>;
117 using RoleSetsList = QList<RoleSetPtr>;
119 explicit AdditionalRoleInfo(const AdditionalRoleInfo &other);
120 virtual ~AdditionalRoleInfo();
121 bool operator==(const AdditionalRoleInfo &other) const;
122 bool operator!=(const AdditionalRoleInfo &other) const
123 {
124 return !operator==(other);
125 }
127 /**
128 * @brief Returns the content type that this additional role info applies to.
129 */
130 [[nodiscard]] QString type() const;
132 /**
133 * @brief Returns the supported additional roles per primary role.
134 */
135 [[nodiscard]] RoleSetsList roleSets() const;
137 private:
138 explicit AdditionalRoleInfo();
140 class Private;
141 Private *const d;
142 friend class Private;
143 friend class About;
144 };
146 using AdditionalRoleInfoPtr = QSharedPointer<AdditionalRoleInfo>;
147 using AdditionalRoleInfosList = QList<AdditionalRoleInfoPtr>;
149 /**
150 * @brief DriveAbout::Feature holds the structure used for features[] property.
151 */
152 class Feature
153 {
154 public:
155 explicit Feature(const Feature &other);
156 virtual ~Feature();
157 bool operator==(const Feature &other) const;
158 bool operator!=(const Feature &other) const
159 {
160 return !operator==(other);
161 }
163 /**
164 * @brief Returns the name of the feature.
165 */
166 QString featureName() const;
168 /**
169 * @brief Returns the request limit rate for this feature, in queries per second.
170 */
171 qreal featureRate() const;
173 private:
174 explicit Feature();
176 class Private;
177 Private *const d;
178 friend class Private;
179 friend class About;
180 };
182 using FeaturePtr = QSharedPointer<Feature>;
183 using FeaturesList = QList<FeaturePtr>;
185 /**
186 * @brief DriveAbout::MaxUploadSize holds the structure used for maxUploadSizes[] property.
187 */
188 class MaxUploadSize
189 {
190 public:
191 explicit MaxUploadSize(const MaxUploadSize &other);
192 virtual ~MaxUploadSize();
193 bool operator==(const MaxUploadSize &other) const;
194 bool operator!=(const MaxUploadSize &other) const
195 {
196 return !operator==(other);
197 }
199 /**
200 * @brief Returns the file type.
201 */
202 QString type() const;
204 /**
205 * @brief Returns the max upload size for this type.
206 */
207 qlonglong size() const;
209 private:
210 explicit MaxUploadSize();
212 class Private;
213 Private *const d;
214 friend class Private;
215 friend class About;
216 };
218 using MaxUploadSizePtr = QSharedPointer<MaxUploadSize>;
219 using MaxUploadSizesList = QList<MaxUploadSizePtr>;
221 struct KGAPIDRIVE_EXPORT Fields {
222 static const QString AdditionalRoleInfo;
223 static const QString AdditionalRoles;
224 static const QString BackgroundImageLink;
225 static const QString BytesUsed;
226 static const QString CanCreateDrives;
227 static const QString ColorRgb;
228 static const QString DisplayName;
229 static const QString DomainSharingPolicy;
230 static const QString EmailAddress;
231 static const QString Etag;
232 static const QString ExportFormats;
233 static const QString FeatureName;
234 static const QString FeatureRate;
235 static const QString Features;
236 static const QString FolderColorPalette;
237 static const QString Id;
238 static const QString ImportFormats;
239 static const QString IsAuthenticatedUser;
240 static const QString IsCurrentAppInstalled;
241 static const QString Kind;
242 static const QString LanguageCode;
243 static const QString LargestChangeId;
244 static const QString MaxUploadSizes;
245 static const QString Name;
246 static const QString PermissionId;
247 static const QString Picture;
248 static const QString PrimaryRole;
249 static const QString QuotaBytesByService;
250 static const QString QuotaBytesTotal;
251 static const QString QuotaBytesUsed;
252 static const QString QuotaBytesUsedAggregate;
253 static const QString QuotaBytesUsedInTrash;
254 static const QString QuotaType;
255 static const QString RemainingChangeIds;
256 static const QString RoleSets;
257 static const QString RootFolderId;
258 static const QString SelfLink;
259 static const QString ServiceName;
260 static const QString Size;
261 static const QString Source;
262 static const QString Targets;
263 static const QString TeamDriveThemes;
264 static const QString Type;
265 static const QString Url;
266 static const QString User;
267 };
269 About(const About &other);
270 ~About() override;
272 bool operator==(const About &other) const;
273 bool operator!=(const About &other) const
274 {
275 return !operator==(other);
276 }
278 /**
279 * @brief Returns the link back to this item.
280 */
281 QUrl selfLink() const;
283 /**
284 * @brief Returns the name of the current user.
285 */
286 QString name() const;
288 /**
289 * @brief Returns the total number of quota bytes.
290 */
291 qlonglong quotaBytesTotal() const;
293 /**
294 * @brief Returns the total number of quota bytes used.
295 */
296 qlonglong quotaBytesUsed() const;
298 /**
299 * @brief Returns the total number of quota bytes used by trashed items.
300 */
301 qlonglong quotaBytesUsedInTrash() const;
303 /**
304 * @brief returns the total number of quota bytes used by all Google apps
305 * (Drive, Picasa, etc.).
306 * @since 5.3.2
307 */
308 qlonglong quotaBytesUsedAggregate() const;
310 /**
311 * @brief returns the total number of quota bytes used by all Google apps
312 * (Drive, Picasa, etc.).
313 * @deprecated since 5.3.2, use quotaBytesUsedAggregate() instead.
314 */
316 KGAPIDRIVE_DEPRECATED qlonglong quotaBytesUserAggregate() const;
319 /**
320 * @brief Returns the largest change id.
321 */
322 qlonglong largestChangeId() const;
324 /**
325 * @brief Returns the number of remaining change ids.
326 */
327 qlonglong remainingChangeIds() const;
329 /**
330 * @brief Returns the id of the root folder.
331 */
334 /**
335 * @brief Returns the domain sharing policy for the current user.
336 */
339 /**
340 * @brief Returns the allowable import formats.
341 */
342 FormatsList importFormats() const;
344 /**
345 * @brief Returns the allowable export formats.
346 */
347 FormatsList exportFormats() const;
349 /**
350 * @brief Returns information about supported additional roles per file type.
351 *
352 * The most specific type takes precedence.
353 */
354 AdditionalRoleInfosList additionalRoleInfo() const;
356 /**
357 * @brief Returns the list of additional features enabled on this account.
358 */
359 FeaturesList features() const;
361 /**
362 * @brief Returns the list of max upload sizes for each file type.
363 *
364 * The most specific type takes precedence.
365 */
366 MaxUploadSizesList maxUploadSizes() const;
368 /**
369 * @brief Returns the current user's ID as visible in the permissions collection.
370 */
373 /**
374 * @brief Returns whether the authenticated app is installed by the authenticated user.
375 */
378 /**
379 * @brief Returns the authenticated user.
380 */
381 UserPtr user() const;
383 /**
384 * @brief Returns whether the user can create shared drives.
385 */
386 bool canCreateDrives() const;
388 /**
389 * @brief Constructs a new DriveAbout object from given JSON data
390 *
391 * @param jsonData
392 */
393 static AboutPtr fromJSON(const QByteArray &jsonData);
396 About();
398 class Private;
400 friend class Private;
403} /* namespace Drive */
405} /* namespace KGAPI2 */
QStringList additionalRoles() const
Returns the supported additional roles with the primary role.
QString primaryRole() const
Returns the primary permission role.
DriveAbout::AdditionalRoleInfo holds the structure used for additionalRoleInfo[] property.
Definition about.h:80
QString type() const
Returns the content type that this additional role info applies to.
RoleSetsList roleSets() const
Returns the supported additional roles per primary role.
qreal featureRate() const
Returns the request limit rate for this feature, in queries per second.
Definition about.cpp:230
QString featureName() const
Returns the name of the feature.
Definition about.cpp:225
QString source() const
Returns the content type to convert from.
Definition about.cpp:62
QStringList targets() const
Returns the possible content types to convert to.
Definition about.cpp:67
qlonglong size() const
Returns the max upload size for this type.
Definition about.cpp:285
QString type() const
Returns the file type.
Definition about.cpp:280
DriveAbout contains information about the current user along with Google Drive API settings.
Definition about.h:36
QString domainSharingPolicy() const
Returns the domain sharing policy for the current user.
KGAPIDRIVE_DEPRECATED qlonglong quotaBytesUserAggregate() const
returns the total number of quota bytes used by all Google apps (Drive, Picasa, etc....
FeaturesList features() const
Returns the list of additional features enabled on this account.
MaxUploadSizesList maxUploadSizes() const
Returns the list of max upload sizes for each file type.
FormatsList importFormats() const
Returns the allowable import formats.
qlonglong largestChangeId() const
Returns the largest change id.
static AboutPtr fromJSON(const QByteArray &jsonData)
Constructs a new DriveAbout object from given JSON data.
qlonglong remainingChangeIds() const
Returns the number of remaining change ids.
QString name() const
Returns the name of the current user.
qlonglong quotaBytesUsedAggregate() const
returns the total number of quota bytes used by all Google apps (Drive, Picasa, etc....
UserPtr user() const
Returns the authenticated user.
qlonglong quotaBytesTotal() const
Returns the total number of quota bytes.
AdditionalRoleInfosList additionalRoleInfo() const
Returns information about supported additional roles per file type.
qlonglong quotaBytesUsed() const
Returns the total number of quota bytes used.
QString rootFolderId() const
Returns the id of the root folder.
bool isCurrentAppInstalled() const
Returns whether the authenticated app is installed by the authenticated user.
QUrl selfLink() const
Returns the link back to this item.
bool canCreateDrives() const
Returns whether the user can create shared drives.
FormatsList exportFormats() const
Returns the allowable export formats.
QString permissionId() const
Returns the current user's ID as visible in the permissions collection.
qlonglong quotaBytesUsedInTrash() const
Returns the total number of quota bytes used by trashed items.
The authenticated user.
Definition user.h:27
Base class for all objects.
Definition object.h:31
A job to fetch a single map tile described by a StaticMapUrl.
Definition blog.h:16
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:02:35 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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