
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CKGAPI2::AccountA Google account
 CKGAPI2::Drive::About::AdditionalRoleInfoDriveAbout::AdditionalRoleInfo holds the structure used for additionalRoleInfo[] property
 CKGAPI2::People::AddressA person's physical address
 CKGAPI2::People::AgeRangeTypeA person's age range
 CKGAPI2::Drive::Drives::BackgroundImageFileDrives::BackgroundImageFile holds the structure used for backgroundImageFile property
 CKGAPI2::Drive::Teamdrive::BackgroundImageFileDriveTeamdrive::BackgroundImageFile holds the structure used for backgroundImageFile property
 CKGAPI2::People::BiographyA person's short biography
 CKGAPI2::People::BirthdayA person's birthday
 CKGAPI2::People::BraggingRightsDEPRECATED: No data will be returned A person's bragging rights
 CKGAPI2::People::CalendarUrlA person's calendar URL
 CKGAPI2::Drive::Drives::CapabilitiesDrives::Capabilities holds the structure used for capabilities the current user has on this shared drive
 CKGAPI2::Drive::Teamdrive::CapabilitiesDriveTeamdrive::Capabilities holds the structure used for capabilities property
 CKGAPI2::People::ClientDataArbitrary client data that is populated by clients
 CKGAPI2::People::ContactGroupMembershipA Google contact group membership
 CKGAPI2::People::ContactGroupMetadataThe metadata about a contact group
 CKGAPI2::People::CoverPhotoA person's cover photo
 CKCalendarCore::CustomProperties [external]
 CKCalendarCore::IncidenceBase [external]
 CKGAPI2::People::DomainMembershipA Google Workspace Domain membership
 CKGAPI2::People::EmailAddressA person's email address
 CKGAPI2::People::EventAn event related to the person
 CKGAPI2::People::ExternalIdAn identifier from an external entity related to the person
 CKGAPI2::Drive::About::FeatureDriveAbout::Feature holds the structure used for features[] property
 CKGAPI2::FeedDataStructure to store additional information about a feed
 CKGAPI2::People::FieldMetadataMetadata about a field
 CKGAPI2::People::FileAsThe name that should be used to sort the person in a list
 CKGAPI2::Drive::About::FormatDriveAbout::Format holds the structure used for importFormats[] and exportFormats[] properties
 CKGAPI2::People::GenderA person's gender
 CKContacts::Geo [external]
 CKGAPI2::LocationRepresents a single record about geographical location provided by Google Latitude service
 CKGAPI2::People::GroupClientDataArbitrary client data that is populated by clients
 CKGAPI2::Drive::File::ImageMediaMetadataDriveFile::ImageMediaMetadata holds the structure used for imageMediaMetadata property
 CKGAPI2::People::ImClientA person's instant messaging client
 CKGAPI2::Drive::File::IndexableTextDriveFile::IndexableText holds the structure used for indexableText property
 CKGAPI2::People::InterestOne of the person's interests
 CKGAPI2::Drive::File::LabelsDriveFile::Labels holds the structure used for labels property
 CKGAPI2::Drive::File::ImageMediaMetadata::LocationDriveFile::ImageMediaMetadata::Location holds the structure used for imageMediaMetadata.location property
 CKGAPI2::People::LocationA person's location
 CKGAPI2::Drive::About::MaxUploadSizeDriveAbout::MaxUploadSize holds the structure used for maxUploadSizes[] property
 CKGAPI2::People::MembershipA person's membership in a group
 CKGAPI2::People::MiscKeywordA person's miscellaneous keyword
 CKGAPI2::People::NameA person's name
 CKGAPI2::People::NicknameA person's nickname
 CKGAPI2::ObjectBase class for all objects
 CKGAPI2::AccountInfoAccountInfo contains information about user's Google account
 CKGAPI2::CalendarAn object that represents a Google calendar
 CKGAPI2::Drive::AboutDriveAbout contains information about the current user along with Google Drive API settings
 CKGAPI2::Drive::ChangeChange contains the representation of a change to a file
 CKGAPI2::Drive::ChildReferenceChildReference contains a reference to a folder's child
 CKGAPI2::Drive::DrivesDrives contains a representation of a Drive
 CKGAPI2::Drive::FileFile contains metadata for a file
 CKGAPI2::Drive::ParentReferenceParentReference contains a reference to a file's parent
 CKGAPI2::Drive::PermissionPermission contains a permission for a file
 CKGAPI2::Drive::RevisionRevision contains a revision of a file
 CKGAPI2::Drive::TeamdriveTeamdrive contains a representation of a Team Drive
 CKGAPI2::EventRepresents a single event from Google Calendar
 CKGAPI2::LocationRepresents a single record about geographical location provided by Google Latitude service
 CKGAPI2::People::ContactGroupA contact group
 CKGAPI2::People::PersonInformation about a person merged from various data sources such as the authenticated user's contacts and profile data
 CKGAPI2::TaskRepresents a single task (or todo)
 CKGAPI2::TaskListRepresents a tasklist for Google Tasks service
 CKGAPI2::People::OccupationA person's occupation
 CKGAPI2::People::OrganizationA person's past or current organization
 CKGAPI2::Drive::Permission::PermissionDetailsDetails of whether the permissions on this shared drive item are inherited or directly on this item
 CKGAPI2::People::PersonLocaleA person's locale preference
 CKGAPI2::People::PersonMetadataThe metadata about a person
 CKGAPI2::People::PhoneNumberA person's phone number
 CKGAPI2::People::PhotoA person's photo
 CKGAPI2::People::ProfileMetadataThe metadata about a profile
 CQObject [external]
 CKGAPI2::AccountPromiseAccountPromise is a result of asynchronous operations of AccountManager
 CKGAPI2::JobAbstract base class for all jobs in LibKGAPI
 CKGAPI2::LatitudeA Helper QObject
 CKGAPI2::People::RelationA person's relation to another person
 CKGAPI2::People::RelationshipInterestDEPRECATED: No data will be returned A person's relationship interest
 CKGAPI2::People::RelationshipStatusDEPRECATED: No data will be returned A person's relationship status
 CKGAPI2::ReminderRepresents a default calendar reminder
 CKGAPI2::People::ResidenceDEPRECATED: Please use person.locations instead
 CKGAPI2::Drive::Drives::RestrictionsDrives::Restrictions holds the structure used for a set of restrictions that apply to this shared drive or items inside this shared drive
 CKGAPI2::Drive::Teamdrive::RestrictionsDriveTeamdrive::Restrictions holds the structure used for restrictions property
 CKGAPI2::Drive::About::AdditionalRoleInfo::RoleSetDriveAbout::AdditionalRoleInfo::Role holds the structure used for additionalRoleInfo[].roleSets[] property
 CKGAPI2::Drive::SearchQuerySearchQuery class should be used as a base class for building file/team search queries
 CKGAPI2::Drive::DrivesSearchQueryDrivesSearchQuery class allows simply building even complex shared drive search queries for DrivesFetchJob
 CKGAPI2::Drive::FileSearchQueryFileSearchQuery class allows simply building even complex file search queries for FileFetchJob
 CKGAPI2::Drive::TeamdriveSearchQueryTeamdriveSearchQuery class allows simply building even complex team drive search queries for TeamdriveFetchJob
 CKGAPI2::People::SipAddressA person's SIP address
 CKGAPI2::People::SkillA skill that the person has
 CKGAPI2::People::SourceThe source of a field
 CKGAPI2::StaticMapMarkerRepresents marker with defined label, color, size and markers
 CKGAPI2::StaticMapPathRepresents path with defined locations, weight, color and color for filled area
 CKGAPI2::StaticMapUrlA class to build a URL from StaticMapMarkers and StaticMapPaths to fetch a map tile
 CKGAPI2::People::TaglineDEPRECATED: No data will be returned A brief one-line description of the person
 CKGAPI2::People::UrlA person's associated URLs
 CKGAPI2::Drive::UserThe authenticated user
 CKGAPI2::People::UserDefinedArbitrary user data that is populated by the end users
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Generated on Fri Oct 11 2024 12:19:32 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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