51static KMime::Types::Mailbox::List stripMyAddressesFromAddressList(const KMime::Types::Mailbox::List &list,
66MessageFactoryNG::MessageFactoryNG(const KMime::Message::Ptr &origMsg, Akonadi::Item::Id id, const Akonadi::Collection &col, QObject *parent)
81static KMime::Types::Mailbox::List authorMailboxes(const KMime::Message::Ptr &msg, const KMime::Types::Mailbox::List &mailingLists)
136 static const QRegularExpression rx{QStringLiteral("<\\s*mailto\\s*:([^@>]+@[^>]+)>"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption};
236 if (toList.isEmpty() || !mIdentityManager->thatIsMe(KMime::Types::Mailbox::listToUnicodeString(authors))) {
347 connect(job, &MessageFactoryForwardJob::forwardDone, this, &MessageFactoryNG::slotCreateForwardDone);
357QPair<KMime::Message::Ptr, QList<KMime::Content *>> MessageFactoryNG::createAttachedForward(const Akonadi::Item::List &items)
386 MessageComposer::Util::addLinkInformation(msg,, Akonadi::MessageStatus::statusForwarded());
391 return QPair<KMime::Message::Ptr, QList<KMime::Content *>>(msg, QList<KMime::Content *>() << attachments);
394KMime::Content *MessageFactoryNG::createForwardAttachmentMessage(const KMime::Message::Ptr &fwdMsg)
414 MessageComposer::Util::addLinkInformation(fwdMsg, 0, Akonadi::MessageStatus::statusForwarded());
447MessageFactoryNG::createRedirect(const QString &toStr, const QString &ccStr, const QString &bccStr, int transportId, const QString &fcc, int identity)
467 const KIdentityManagementCore::Identity &ident = mIdentityManager->identityForUoidOrDefault(id);
471 QString::fromLocal8Bit("%1 (by way of %2 <%3>)").arg(mOrigMsg->from()->asUnicodeString(), ident.fullName(), ident.primaryEmailAddress());
474 const QString strFrom = QString::fromLocal8Bit("%1 <%2>").arg(ident.fullName(), ident.primaryEmailAddress());
481 const QString newDate = QLocale::c().toString(dt, QStringLiteral("ddd, ")) + dt.toString(Qt::RFC2822Date);
495 header->fromUnicodeString(MessageCore::StringUtil::generateMessageId(msg->sender()->asUnicodeString(), msgIdSuffix));
574 receipt->subject()->fromUnicodeString(i18n("Receipt: ") + mOrigMsg->subject()->asUnicodeString());
608 QString finalRecipient = mIdentityManager->identityForUoidOrDefault(identityUoid(mOrigMsg)).fullEmailAddr();
695QPair<KMime::Message::Ptr, KMime::Content *> MessageFactoryNG::createForwardDigestMIME(const Akonadi::Item::List &items)
707 digest->contentDescription()->fromUnicodeString(QStringLiteral("Digest of %1 messages.").arg(items.count()));
732 MessageComposer::Util::addLinkInformation(msg,, Akonadi::MessageStatus::statusForwarded());
814 qCDebug(MESSAGECOMPOSER_LOG) << "KEmailAddress::splitAddressList(receiptTo):" << KEmailAddress::splitAddressList(receiptTo).join(QLatin1Char('\n'));
836 KMime::Types::AddrSpecList returnPathList = MessageHelper::extractAddrSpecs(msg, "Return-Path");
837 const QString returnPath = returnPathList.isEmpty() ? QString() : returnPathList.front().localPart + QLatin1Char('@') + returnPathList.front().domain;
859 KMime::Types::AddrSpecList returnPathList = MessageHelper::extractAddrSpecs(msg, QStringLiteral("Return-Path").toLatin1());
860 const QString returnPath = returnPathList.isEmpty() ? QString() : returnPathList.front().localPart + QLatin1Char('@') + returnPathList.front().domain;
901QString MessageFactoryNG::replaceHeadersInString(const KMime::Message::Ptr &msg, const QString &s)
904 static QRegularExpression rx{QStringLiteral("\\$\\{([a-z0-9-]+)\\}"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption};
906 const QString sDate = MessageCore::DateFormatter::formatDate(MessageCore::DateFormatter::Localized, msg->date()->dateTime());
907 qCDebug(MESSAGECOMPOSER_LOG) << "creating mdn date:" << msg->date()->dateTime().toSecsSinceEpoch() << sDate;
qint64 Id
qint64 Id
QList< Item > List
static const MessageStatus statusReplied()
static const MessageStatus statusForwarded()
bool thatIsMe(const QString &addressList) const
QString primaryEmailAddress() const
QString fullName() const
bool disabledFcc() const
const Headers::ContentType * contentType() const
void setMimeType(const QByteArray &mimeType)
void fromUnicodeString(const QString &s) override
void fromUnicodeString(const QString &s) override
QSharedPointer< Message > Ptr
void from7BitString(QByteArrayView s)
void fromUnicodeString(QStringView s)
static QList< Mailbox > listFrom7BitString(QByteArrayView s)
static QString listToUnicodeString(const QList< Mailbox > &mailboxes)
void createReplyAsync()
Create a new message that is a reply to this message, filling all required header fields with the pro...
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:119
static bool MDNRequested(const KMime::Message::Ptr &msg)
When creating MDNs, the user needs to be asked for confirmation in specific cases according to RFC 22...
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:785
void setIdentityManager(KIdentityManagementCore::IdentityManager *ident)
Set the identity manager to be used when creating messages.
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:745
static bool MDNMDNUnknownOption(const KMime::Message::Ptr &msg)
If the MDN headers contain options that KMail can't parse.
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:865
void setFolderIdentity(uint folderIdentityId)
Set the identity that is set for the folder in which the given message is.
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:775
void setTemplate(const QString &templ)
Set the template to be used when creating the reply.
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:765
KMime::Message::Ptr createMDN(KMime::MDN::ActionMode a, KMime::MDN::DispositionType d, KMime::MDN::SendingMode s, int mdnQuoteOriginal=0, const QList< KMime::MDN::DispositionModifier > &m=QList< KMime::MDN::DispositionModifier >())
Create a new message that is a MDN for this message, filling all required fields with proper values.
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:589
QPair< KMime::Message::Ptr, KMime::Content * > createForwardDigestMIME(const Akonadi::Item::List &items)
Create a new forwarded MIME digest.
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:695
void setQuote(bool quote)
Whether to quote the original message in the reply.
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:760
KMime::Message::Ptr createRedirect(const QString &toStr, const QString &ccStr=QString(), const QString &bccStr=QString(), int transportId=-1, const QString &fcc=QString(), int identity=-1)
Create a new message that is a redirect to this message, filling all required header fields with the ...
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:447
static bool MDNReturnPathEmpty(const KMime::Message::Ptr &msg)
If sending an MDN requires confirmation due to discrepancy between MDN header and Return-Path header.
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:819
QPair< KMime::Message::Ptr, QList< KMime::Content * > > createAttachedForward(const Akonadi::Item::List &items=Akonadi::Item::List())
Create a forward from the given list of messages, attaching each message to be forwarded to the new f...
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:357
KMime::Message::Ptr createDeliveryReceipt()
Create a new message that is a delivery receipt of this message, filling required header fields with ...
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:559
void setSelection(const QString &selection)
Set the selection to be used to base the reply on.
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:755
void setMailingListAddresses(const KMime::Types::Mailbox::List &listAddresses)
Set extra mailinglist addresses to send the created message to.
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:770
static bool MDNConfirmMultipleRecipients(const KMime::Message::Ptr &msg)
If sending an MDN requires confirmation due to multiple addresses.
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:799
void createForwardAsync()
Create a new message that is a forward of this message, filling all required header fields with the p...
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:296
void putRepliesInSameFolder(Akonadi::Item::Id parentColId=-1)
Whether or not to put the reply to a message in the same folder as the message itself.
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:780
void setReplyStrategy(MessageComposer::ReplyStrategy replyStrategy)
Set the reply strategy to use.
Definition messagefactoryng.cpp:750
static QString formatDate(DateFormatter::FormatType ftype, const QDateTime &t, const QString &data=QString(), bool shortFormat=true)
Convenience function dateString.
Definition dateformatter.cpp:212
KCODECS_EXPORT QStringList splitAddressList(const QString &aStr)
QString i18n(const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
KCOREADDONS_EXPORT Result match(QStringView pattern, QStringView str)
Simple interface that both EncryptJob and SignEncryptJob implement so the composer can extract some e...
Definition attachmentcontrollerbase.h:27
QByteArray headerAsSendableString(const KMime::Message::Ptr &originalMessage)
Return the message header with the headers that should not be sent stripped off.
Definition stringutil.cpp:391
void removePrivateHeaderFields(const KMime::Message::Ptr &message, bool cleanUpHeader)
Removes all private header fields (e.g.
Definition stringutil.cpp:351
QByteArray asSendableString(const KMime::Message::Ptr &originalMessage)
Returns the message contents with the headers that should not be sent stripped off.
Definition stringutil.cpp:380
QString replySubject(KMime::Message *msg)
Return this mails subject, formatted for "reply" mails.
Definition stringutil.cpp:746
QString generateMessageId(const QString &address, const QString &suffix)
Generates the Message-Id.
Definition stringutil.cpp:297
QString forwardSubject(KMime::Message *msg)
Return this mails subject, formatted for "forward" mails.
Definition stringutil.cpp:738
void initHeader(const KMime::Message::Ptr &message, const KIdentityManagementCore::IdentityManager *identMan, uint id)
Initialize header fields.
Definition messagehelper.cpp:21
void setAutomaticFields(const KMime::Message::Ptr &msg, bool aIsMulti)
Set fields that are either automatically set (Message-id) or that do not change from one message to a...
Definition messagehelper.cpp:147
void initFromMessage(const KMime::Message::Ptr &msg, const KMime::Message::Ptr &origMsg, KIdentityManagementCore::IdentityManager *identMan, uint id, bool idHeaders)
Initialize headers fields according to the identity and the transport header of the given original me...
Definition messagehelper.cpp:32
const char * constData() const const
qsizetype indexOf(QByteArrayView bv, qsizetype from) const const
bool isEmpty() const const
qsizetype lastIndexOf(QByteArrayView bv) const const
QByteArray mid(qsizetype pos, qsizetype len) const const
QByteArray trimmed() const const
QDateTime currentDateTime()
QString toString(QStringView format, QCalendar cal) const const
qsizetype count() const const
T & first()
void reserve(qsizetype size)
QLocale c()
QString toString(QDate date, FormatType format) const const
QMetaObject::Connection connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor)
QString arg(Args &&... args) const const
bool contains(QChar ch, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const const
QString fromLatin1(QByteArrayView str)
QString fromLocal8Bit(QByteArrayView str)
bool isEmpty() const const
QString number(double n, char format, int precision)
QString & remove(QChar ch, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs)
QString & replace(QChar before, QChar after, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs)
QByteArray toLatin1() const const
uint toUInt(bool *ok, int base) const const
QByteArray toUtf8() const const
QString trimmed() const const
QString join(QChar separator) const const
QTextStream & left(QTextStream &stream)
QTextStream & right(QTextStream &stream)
Small helper structure which encapsulates the KMime::Message created when creating a reply,...
Definition messagefactoryng.h:52
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:50:06 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:50:06 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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