►NMessageComposer | Simple interface that both EncryptJob and SignEncryptJob implement so the composer can extract some encryption-specific job info from them |
CAkonadiSender | The AkonadiSender class |
CAliasesExpandJob | A job to expand aliases to email addresses |
CAttachmentClipBoardJob | The AttachmentClipBoardJob class |
CAttachmentControllerBase | The AttachmentControllerBase class |
CAttachmentFromPublicKeyJob | The AttachmentFromPublicKeyJob class |
CAttachmentJob | The AttachmentJob class |
CAttachmentModel | The AttachmentModel class |
CAttachmentVcardFromAddressBookJob | The AttachmentVcardFromAddressBookJob class |
CComposerAttachmentInterface | The ComposerAttachmentInterface class |
CComposerJob | The Composer class |
CComposerLineEdit | The ComposerLineEdit class |
CComposerViewBase | The ComposerViewBase class |
CComposerViewInterface | The ComposerViewInterface class |
CContentJobBase | The ContentJobBase class |
CConvertSnippetVariableMenu | The ConvertSnippetVariableMenu class |
CConvertSnippetVariablesJob | The ConvertSnippetVariablesJob class |
CDistributionListExpandJob | A job to expand a distribution list to its member email addresses |
CEditorWatcher | Starts an editor for the given URL and emits an signal when editing has been finished |
CEmailAddressResolveJob | A job to resolve nicknames, distribution lists and email addresses for queued emails |
CEncryptJob | Encrypt the contents of a message |
CFollowupReminderCreateJob | The FollowupReminderCreateJob class |
CFollowUpReminderSelectDateDialog | The FollowUpReminderSelectDateDialog class |
CGlobalPart | The GlobalPart class |
CImageScaling | The ImageScaling class |
CImageScalingWidget | The ImageScalingWidget class |
CInfoPart | Message header |
CInsertTextFileJob | A job that downloads a given URL, interprets the result as a text file with the given encoding and then inserts the text into the editor |
CItipJob | The ItipJob class |
CItipPart | The ItipPart class |
CJobBase | A dummy abstract class defining some errors pertaining to the Composer |
CKeyResolver | A class to resolve signing/encryption keys w.r.t |
CMainTextJob | The MainTextJob class |
CMDNWarningWidgetJob | The MDNWarningWidget class |
CMessageComposerSettings | The MessageComposerSettings class |
►CMessageFactoryNG | Contains various factory methods for creating new messages such as replies, MDNs, forwards, etc |
CMessageReply | Small helper structure which encapsulates the KMime::Message created when creating a reply, and the reply mode |
CMessagePart | The MessagePart class |
CMultipartJob | The MultipartJob class |
CPluginActionType | The PluginActionType class |
CPluginComposerInterface | The PluginComposerInterface class |
CPluginEditor | The PluginEditor class |
CPluginEditorBase | The PluginEditorBase class |
CPluginEditorCheckBeforeSend | The PluginEditorCheckBeforeSend class |
CPluginEditorCheckBeforeSendInterface | The PluginEditorCheckBeforeSendInterface class |
CPluginEditorCheckBeforeSendManager | The PluginEditorCheckBeforeSendManager class |
CPluginEditorCheckBeforeSendParams | The PluginEditorCheckBeforeSendParams class |
CPluginEditorConfigureBaseWidget | The PluginEditorConfigureBaseWidget class |
CPluginEditorConverterBeforeConvertingData | The PluginEditorConverterBeforeConvertingData class |
CPluginEditorConverterInitialData | The PluginEditorConverterInitialData class |
CPluginEditorConvertText | The PluginEditorConvertText class |
CPluginEditorConvertTextInterface | The PluginEditorConvertTextInterface class |
CPluginEditorConvertTextManager | The PluginEditorConvertTextManager class |
CPluginEditorGrammarCustomToolsViewInterface | The PluginEditorGrammarCustomToolsViewInterface class |
CPluginEditorGrammarManager | The PluginEditorGrammarManager class |
CPluginEditorInit | The PluginEditorInit class |
CPluginEditorInitInterface | The PluginEditorInitInterface class |
CPluginEditorInitManager | The PluginEditorInitManager class |
CPluginEditorInterface | The PluginEditorInterface class |
CPluginEditorManager | The PluginEditorManager class |
CPluginGrammarAction | The PluginGrammarAction class |
CProtectedHeadersJob | Copies headers from skeleton message to content |
CRecipient | The Recipient class |
CRecipientLineEdit | The RecipientLineEdit class |
CRecipientLineFactory | The RecipientLineFactory class |
CRecipientLineNG | The RecipientLineNG class |
CRecipientsEditor | The RecipientsEditor class |
CRichTextComposerNg | The RichTextComposerNg class |
CRichTextComposerSignatures | The RichTextComposerSignatures class |
CSendLaterDialog | Send later dialog |
CSendLaterInfo | Send later information |
CSignatureController | The SignatureController class Controls signature (the footer thing, not the crypto thing) operations happening on a KMEditor triggered by identity selection or menu actions |
CSignEncryptJob | Signs and encrypt the contents of a message |
CSignJob | Signs the contents of a message |
CSinglepartJob | The SinglepartJob class |
CSkeletonMessageJob | A message containing only the headers.. |
CStatusBarLabelToggledState | The StatusBarLabelToggledState class |
CTextPart | The TextPart class |
CTransparentJob | A job that just wraps some KMime::Content into a job object for use as a subjob in another job |
►NMessageCore | |
CAttachmentCompressJob | A job to compress the attachment of an email |
CAttachmentFromMimeContentJob | A job to load an attachment from a mime content |
CAttachmentFromUrlJob | A job to load an attachment from an url |
CAttachmentLoadJob | A base class for jobs to load attachments from different sources |
CAttachmentPart | A class that encapsulates an attachment |
CAttachmentPropertiesDialog | A dialog for editing attachment properties |
CColorUtil | The ColorUtil class |
CDateFormatter | A class for abstracting date formatting |
CImageCollector | A helper class to collect the embedded images of a email |
CMailingList | A class to extract information about mailing lists from emails |
CMessageCoreSettings | The MessageCoreSettings class |
►NMessageList | |
►NCore | The implementation independent part of the MessageList library |
CAggregation | A set of aggregation options that can be applied to the MessageList::Model in a single shot |
CFakeItem | A message item that can have a fake tag list and a fake annotation |
CFilter | This class is responsible of matching messages that should be displayed in the View |
►CItem | A single item of the MessageList tree managed by MessageList::Model |
CChildItemStats | A structure used with MessageList::Item::childItemStats() |
CManager | : The manager for all the existing MessageList::Widget objects |
CMD5Hash | Compact storage of the result of an MD5 hash computation, for use in the threading code |
CMessageItem | The MessageItem class |
CMessageItemSetManager | This class manages sets of messageitem references |
CModel | This class manages the huge tree of displayable objects: GroupHeaderItems and MessageItems |
CModelInvariantIndex | An invariant index that can be ALWAYS used to reference an item inside a QAbstractItemModel |
CModelInvariantRowMapper | This class is an optimizing helper for dealing with large flat QAbstractItemModel objects |
COptionSet | A set of options that can be applied to the MessageList in one shot |
CQuickSearchLine | The QuickSearchLine class |
CSortOrder | A class which holds information about sorting, e.g |
CStorageModel | The QAbstractItemModel based interface that you need to provide for your storage to work with MessageList |
►CTheme | Defines the visual appearance of the MessageList |
►CColumn | Defines a view column available inside this theme |
CSharedRuntimeData | A set of shared runtime data |
CContentItem | Defines a content item inside a Row |
CRow | Defines a row of items inside a Column |
CThemeDelegate | The ThemeDelegate paints the message list view message and group items by using the supplied Theme |
CView | The MessageList::View is the real display of the message list |
CWidget | Provides a widget which has the messagelist and the most important helper widgets, like the search line and the comboboxes for changing status filtering, aggregation etc |
►NUtils | |
CAggregationComboBox | A specialized QComboBox that lists all message list aggregations |
CAggregationConfigButton | A specialized QPushButton that displays the aggregation configure dialog when pressed |
CAggregationEditor | A widget that allows editing a single MessageList::Aggregation |
CConfigureAggregationsDialog | The dialog used for configuring MessageList::Aggregation sets |
COptionSetEditor | The base class for the OptionSet editors |
CThemeComboBox | A specialized QComboBox that lists all message list themes |
CThemeConfigButton | A specialized QPushButton that displays the theme configure dialog when pressed |
CPane | This is the main MessageList panel for Akonadi applications |
CStorageModel | The Akonadi specific implementation of the Core::StorageModel |
CWidget | The Akonadi specific implementation of the Core::Widget |
►NMessageViewer | |
►NInterface | |
CBodyPartURLHandler | An interface to body part reader link handlers |
CAbstractMessageLoadedHandler | An interface to plug in a handler that is called when an message item has been loaded into the view |
CAntiSpamConfig | Singleton to manage loading the kmail.antispamrc file |
CAttachmentDialog | A class which handles the dialog used to present the user a choice what to do with an attachment |
CAttachmentMarkBlock | The AttachmentMarkBlock class |
CAttachmentStrategy | The AttachmentStrategy class |
CBufferedHtmlWriter | QBuffer-backed HtmlWriter |
CConfigureWidget | Configure widget that can be used in a KConfigDialog |
CCSSHelper | The CSSHelper class |
CCSSHelperBase | The CSSHelperBase class |
CDKIMCheckPolicy | The DKIMCheckPolicy class |
CDKIMCheckPolicyJob | The DKIMCheckPolicyJob class |
CDKIMCheckSignatureJob | The DKIMCheckSignatureJob class |
CDKIMDownloadKeyJob | The DKIMDownloadKeyJob class |
CDKIMHeaderParser | The DKIMHeaderParser class |
CDKIMInfo | The DKIMInfo class |
CDKIMKeyRecord | The DKIMKeyRecord class |
CDKIMManager | The DKIMManager class |
CDKIMManagerAuthenticationServer | The DKIMManagerAuthenticationServer class |
CDKIMManagerKey | The DKIMManagerKey class |
CDKIMManagerKeyDialog | The DKIMManagerKeyDialog class |
CDKIMManagerKeyWidget | The DKIMManagerKeyWidget class |
CDKIMManagerRules | The DKIMManagerRules class |
CDKIMManageRulesDialog | The DKIMManageRulesDialog class |
CDKIMManageRulesWidget | The DKIMManageRulesWidget class |
CDKIMManageRulesWidgetItem | The DKIMManageRulesWidgetItem class |
CDKIMRule | The DKIMRule class |
CDKIMViewerMenu | The DKIMViewerMenu class |
CDKIMWidgetInfo | The DKIMWidgetInfo class |
CDMARCInfo | The DMARCInfo class |
CEmptySource | The EmptySource class |
CFileHtmlWriter | The FileHtmlWriter class |
CGrantleeHeaderFormatter | The GrantleeHeaderFormatter class |
CGrantleeHeaderStyle | The GrantleeHeaderStyle class |
CGrantleeHeaderTestStyle | The GrantleeHeaderTestStyle class |
CHeaderStrategy | The HeaderStrategy class |
CHeaderStyle | This class encapsulates the visual appearance of message headers |
CHeaderStyleInterface | The HeaderStyleInterface class |
CHeaderStyleMenuManager | The HeaderStyleMenuManager class |
CHeaderStylePlugin | The HeaderStylePlugin class |
CHeaderStylePluginManager | The HeaderStylePluginManager class |
CHeaderStyleUtil | The HeaderStyleUtil class |
CHTMLBlock | The HTMLBlock class |
CHtmlStatusBar | The HTML statusbar widget for use with the reader |
CHtmlWriter | An interface for HTML sinks |
CIconNameCache | This class is a replacement for KIconLoader::iconPath(), because the iconPath() function can be slow for non-existing icons or icons that fall back to a generic icon |
CInvitationSettings | The InvitationSettings class |
CKeyInfo | The KeyInfo struct |
CKXFace | The KXFace class |
CMailViewerSource | An ObjectTreeParser source working on a MailViewer object |
CMailWebEnginePage | The MailWebEnginePage class |
CMailWebEngineView | The MailWebEngineView class |
CMarkMessageReadHandler | A viewer handler to mark viewed messages as read |
CMDNWarningWidget | The MDNWarningWidget class |
CMessageDisplayFormatAttribute | The MessageDisplayFormatAttribute class |
CMessagePartRendererBase | The MessagePartRendererBase class |
CMessagePartRendererFactory | The MessagePartRendererFactory class |
CMessagePartRendererManager | The MessagePartRendererManager class |
CMessagePartRenderPlugin | Plugin interface for MessagePartRendererBase instances |
CMessageViewerCheckBeforeDeletingInterface | The MessageViewerCheckBeforeDeletingInterface class |
CMessageViewerCheckBeforeDeletingParameters | The MessageViewerCheckBeforeDeletingParameters class |
CMessageViewerCheckBeforeDeletingPlugin | The MessageViewerCheckBeforeDeletingPlugin class |
CMessageViewerCheckBeforeDeletingPluginManager | The MessageViewerCheckBeforeDeletingPluginManager class |
CMessageViewerCheckBeforeDeletingPluginWidget | The MessageViewerCheckBeforeDeletingPluginWidget class |
CMessageViewerConfigureSettingsPlugin | The MessageViewerConfigureSettingsPlugin class |
CMessageViewerConfigureSettingsPluginManager | The MessageViewerConfigureSettingsPluginManager class |
CMessageViewerConfigureSettingsPluginWidget | The MessageViewerConfigureSettingsPluginWidget class |
CMessageViewerSettings | The MessageViewerSettings class |
CMimeTreeModel | A model representing the mime part tree of a message |
COpenWithUrlInfo | The OpenWithUrlInfo class |
CPlainHeaderStyle | The PlainHeaderStyle class |
CPrintingSettings | The PrintingSettings class |
CRemoteContentConfigureDialog | The RemoteContentConfigureDialog class |
CRemoteContentDialog | The RemoteContentDialog class |
CRemoteContentInfo | The RemoteContentInfo class |
CRemoteContentManager | The RemoteContentManager class |
CRemoteContentMenu | The RemoteContentMenu class |
CRemoteContentWidgetItem | The RemoteContentWidgetItem class |
CRenderContext | The RenderContext class |
CRichHeaderStrategy | The RichHeaderStrategy class |
CScamCheckShortUrl | The ScamCheckShortUrl class |
CScamCheckShortUrlManager | The ScamCheckShortUrlManager class |
CScamDetectionInfo | The ScamDetectionInfo class |
CScamDetectionWebEngine | The ScamDetectionWebEngine class |
CScamExpandUrlJob | The ScamExpandUrlJob class |
CSpamHeaderAnalyzer | Flyweight for analysing spam headers |
CSpamScore | A simple tuple of error, agent, score, confidence and header |
CURLHandlerManager | Singleton to manage the list of URLHandlers |
CViewer | This is the main widget for the viewer |
CViewerPlugin | The ViewerPlugin class |
CViewerPluginInterface | The ViewerPluginInterface class |
CViewerPluginManager | The ViewerPluginManager class |
CViewerPluginToolManager | The ViewerPluginToolManager class |
►NMimeTreeParser | |
►NInterface | |
CBodyPart | Interface of message body parts |
CBodyPartFormatter | The BodyPartFormatter class |
CBodyPartFormatterPlugin | Interface for BodyPartFormatter plugins |
CBodyPartMemento | Interface of classes that implement status for BodyPartFormatters |
CObjectTreeSource | Interface for object tree sources |
CAlternativeMessagePart | The AlternativeMessagePart class |
CAttachmentMessagePart | The AttachmentMessagePart class |
CAttachmentTemporaryFilesDirs | The AttachmentTemporaryFilesDirs class |
CBodyPartFormatterFactory | The place to obtain BodyPartFormatter candidates for a given mime type |
CCertMessagePart | The CertMessagePart class |
CEncapsulatedRfc822MessagePart | The EncapsulatedRfc822MessagePart class |
CEncryptedMessagePart | The EncryptedMessagePart class |
CHtmlMessagePart | The HtmlMessagePart class |
CMessagePart | The MessagePart class |
CMessagePartList | The MessagePartList class |
CMimeMessagePart | The MimeMessagePart class |
CNodeHelper | |
CObjectTreeParser | Parses messages and generates HTML display code out of them |
CPartNodeBodyPart | Implementation of the BodyPart interface using KMime::Content's |
CProcessResult | The ProcessResult class |
CQGpgMEJobExecutor | Helper class for synchronous execution of Kleo crypto jobs |
CSignedMessagePart | The SignedMessagePart class |
CSimpleObjectTreeSource | A very simple ObjectTreeSource |
CTextMessagePart | The TextMessagePart class |
CURLHandler | An interface to reader link handlers |
►NTemplateParser | |
CCustomTemplates | The CustomTemplates class |
CCustomTemplatesMenu | The CustomTemplatesMenu class |
CTemplateConvertCommandJob | The TemplateConvertCommandJob class |
CTemplateExtractTextFromMail | The TemplateExtractTextFromMail class |
CTemplateParserEmailAddressRequesterBase | The TemplateParserEmailAddressRequesterBase class |
CTemplateParserJob | The TemplateParser transforms a message with a given template |
CTemplatesCommandMenu | The TemplatesCommandMenu class |
CTemplatesConfiguration | The TemplatesConfiguration class |
CTemplatesInsertCommandAction | The TemplatesInsertCommandAction class |
CTemplatesInsertCommandPushButton | The TemplatesInsertCommandPushButton class |
CTemplatesTextEdit | The TemplatesTextEdit class |
►NWebEngineViewer | |
CBackOffModeManager | The BackOffModeManager class |
CBlockTrackingUrlInterceptor | The BlockMailTrackingUrlInterceptor class |
CCheckPhishingUrlCache | The CheckPhishingUrlCache class |
CCheckPhishingUrlJob | The CheckPhishingUrlJob class |
CCreateDatabaseFileJob | The CreateDatabaseFileJob class |
CCreatePhishingUrlDataBaseJob | The CreatePhishingUrlDataBaseJob class |
CFindBarBase | The FindBarBase class |
CFindBarWebEngineView | The FindBarWebEngineView class |
CHashCacheManager | The HashCacheManager class |
CInterceptorManager | The InterceptorManager class |
CLocalDataBaseManager | The LocalDataBaseManager class |
CNetworkPluginUrlInterceptor | The NetworkPluginUrlInterceptor class |
CNetworkPluginUrlInterceptorConfigureWidget | The NetworkPluginUrlInterceptorConfigureWidget class |
CNetworkPluginUrlInterceptorInterface | The NetworkPluginUrlInterceptorInterface class |
CNetworkUrlInterceptor | The NetworkUrlInterceptor class |
CNetworkUrlInterceptorManager | The NetworkUrlInterceptorManager class |
CNetworkUrlInterceptorPluginManager | The NetworkUrlInterceptorPluginManager class |
CSearchFullHashJob | The SearchFullHashJob class |
CWebEngineAccessKey | The WebEngineAccessKey class |
CWebEngineExportPdfPageJob | The WebEngineExportHtmlPageJob class |
CWebEngineManageScript | The WebEngineManageScript class |
CWebEnginePage | The WebEnginePage class |
CWebEngineView | The WebEngineView class |
CWebHitTest | The WebHitTest class |
CWebHitTestResult | The WebHitTestResult class |
CZoomActionMenu | The ZoomActionMenu class |
CAttachmentPart | A class that encapsulates an attachment |
►CMessageFactoryNG | Contains various factory methods for creating new messages such as replies, MDNs, forwards, etc |
CMessageReply | Small helper structure which encapsulates the KMime::Message created when creating a reply, and the reply mode |