65 mGroupHeaderBackgroundColor = QColor(( + ( * 3)) / 4, ( + ( * 3)) / 4, ( + ( * 3)) / 4);
85static QFontMetrics sFontMetricsCache[FontTypesCount] = {QFontMetrics(QFont()), QFontMetrics(QFont()), QFontMetrics(QFont()), QFontMetrics(QFont())};
113 return (!bold && !italic) ? sFontCache[Normal] : (bold && !italic) ? sFontCache[Bold] : (!bold && italic) ? sFontCache[Italic] : sFontCache[BoldItalic];
128 const QString elidedText = fontMetrics.elidedText(text, layoutDir == Qt::LeftToRight ? Qt::ElideLeft : Qt::ElideRight, w);
135 painter->drawText(rct, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight | Qt::TextSingleLine, elidedText, &outRct);
138 painter->drawText(rct, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight | Qt::TextSingleLine, elidedText, &outRct);
159 const QString elidedText = fontMetrics.elidedText(text, layoutDir == Qt::LeftToRight ? Qt::ElideLeft : Qt::ElideRight, w);
182 const QString elidedText = fontMetrics.elidedText(text, layoutDir == Qt::LeftToRight ? Qt::ElideRight : Qt::ElideLeft, w);
212 const QString elidedText = fontMetrics.elidedText(text, layoutDir == Qt::LeftToRight ? Qt::ElideRight : Qt::ElideLeft, w);
241static inline const QPixmap *get_combined_read_replied_state_icon(const Theme *theme, MessageItem *messageItem)
256static inline const QPixmap *get_encryption_state_icon(const Theme *theme, MessageItem *messageItem, bool *treatAsEnabled)
281static inline const QPixmap *get_signature_state_icon(const Theme *theme, MessageItem *messageItem, bool *treatAsEnabled)
306static inline const QPixmap *get_replied_state_icon(const Theme *theme, MessageItem *messageItem)
321static inline const QPixmap *get_spam_ham_state_icon(const Theme *theme, MessageItem *messageItem)
331static inline const QPixmap *get_watched_ignored_state_icon(const Theme *theme, MessageItem *messageItem)
341static inline void paint_vertical_line(QPainter *painter, int &left, int top, int &right, int bottom, bool alignOnRight)
361static inline void compute_bounding_rect_for_vertical_line(int &left, int top, int &right, int bottom, QRect &outRect, bool alignOnRight)
382static inline void compute_bounding_rect_for_horizontal_spacer(int &left, int top, int &right, int bottom, QRect &outRect, bool alignOnRight)
395paint_permanent_icon(const QPixmap *pix, Theme::ContentItem *, QPainter *painter, int &left, int top, int &right, bool alignOnRight, int iconSize)
414compute_bounding_rect_for_permanent_icon(Theme::ContentItem *, int &left, int top, int &right, QRect &outRect, bool alignOnRight, int iconSize)
477 compute_bounding_rect_for_permanent_icon(ci, left, top, right, outRect, alignOnRight, iconSize);
480static inline void paint_tag_list(const QList<MessageItem::Tag *> &tagList, QPainter *painter, int &left, int top, int &right, bool alignOnRight, int iconSize)
503compute_bounding_rect_for_tag_list(const QList<MessageItem::Tag *> &tagList, int &left, int top, int &right, QRect &outRect, bool alignOnRight, int iconSize)
515static inline void compute_size_hint_for_item(Theme::ContentItem *ci, int &maxh, int &totalw, int iconSize, const Item *item)
549static inline QSize compute_size_hint_for_row(const Theme::Row *r, int iconSize, const Item *item)
569void ThemeDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
611 int right = opt.rect.left() + opt.rect.width(); // don't use opt.rect.right() since it's screwed
627 if ((!(opt.state & QStyle::State_Enabled)) || messageItem->aboutToBeRemoved() || (!messageItem->isValid())) {
659 QPalette::ColorGroup cg = (opt.state & QStyle::State_Enabled) ? QPalette::Normal : QPalette::Disabled;
680 painter->fillRect(QRect(left, top, right - left, opt.rect.height() - (gGroupHeaderInnerVerticalMargin * 2)),
684 int rleft = (opt.viewItemPosition == QStyleOptionViewItem::Beginning) || (opt.viewItemPosition == QStyleOptionViewItem::OnlyOne)
687 int rright = (opt.viewItemPosition == QStyleOptionViewItem::End) || (opt.viewItemPosition == QStyleOptionViewItem::OnlyOne)
690 painter->fillRect(QRect(rleft, top, rright - rleft, opt.rect.height() - (gGroupHeaderInnerVerticalMargin * 2)),
696 painter->fillRect(QRect(opt.rect.left(), top, opt.rect.width(), opt.rect.height() - (gGroupHeaderInnerVerticalMargin * 2)),
701 painter->fillRect(QRect(opt.rect.left() + opt.rect.width() - 10, top, 10, opt.rect.height() - (gGroupHeaderInnerVerticalMargin * 2)),
704 painter->fillRect(QRect(opt.rect.left(), top, 10, opt.rect.height() - (gGroupHeaderInnerVerticalMargin * 2)),
719 painter->drawRoundedRect(QRect(left, top, w, opt.rect.height() - (gGroupHeaderInnerVerticalMargin * 2)), 4.0, 4.0);
729 QLinearGradient gradient(0, top, 0, top + opt.rect.height() - (gGroupHeaderInnerVerticalMargin * 2));
730 gradient.setColorAt(0.0, KColorScheme::shade(mGroupHeaderBackgroundColor, KColorScheme::LightShade, 0.3));
733 painter->fillRect(QRect(opt.rect.left(), top, opt.rect.width(), opt.rect.height() - (gGroupHeaderInnerVerticalMargin * 2)),
738 painter->fillRect(QRect(opt.rect.left() + opt.rect.width() - 10, top, 10, opt.rect.height() - (gGroupHeaderInnerVerticalMargin * 2)),
741 painter->fillRect(QRect(opt.rect.left(), top, 10, opt.rect.height() - (gGroupHeaderInnerVerticalMargin * 2)), QBrush(gradient));
748 QLinearGradient gradient(0, top, 0, top + opt.rect.height() - (gGroupHeaderInnerVerticalMargin * 2));
749 gradient.setColorAt(0.0, KColorScheme::shade(mGroupHeaderBackgroundColor, KColorScheme::LightShade, 0.3));
760 painter->drawRoundedRect(QRect(left, top, w, opt.rect.height() - (gGroupHeaderInnerVerticalMargin * 2)), 4.0, 4.0);
770 opt.rect = QRect(left, top, right - left, opt.rect.height() - (gGroupHeaderInnerVerticalMargin * 2));
777 int rleft = (opt.viewItemPosition == QStyleOptionViewItem::Beginning) || (opt.viewItemPosition == QStyleOptionViewItem::OnlyOne)
780 int rright = (opt.viewItemPosition == QStyleOptionViewItem::End) || (opt.viewItemPosition == QStyleOptionViewItem::OnlyOne)
783 opt.rect = QRect(rleft, top, rright - rleft, opt.rect.height() - (gGroupHeaderInnerVerticalMargin * 2));
843 paint_right_aligned_elided_text(item->displaySenderOrReceiver(), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir, font);
846 paint_right_aligned_elided_text(item->displayReceiver(), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir, font);
849 paint_right_aligned_elided_text(item->displaySender(), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir, font);
852 paint_right_aligned_elided_text(item->formattedDate(), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir, font);
855 paint_right_aligned_elided_text(item->formattedMaxDate(), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir, font);
858 paint_right_aligned_elided_text(item->formattedSize(), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir, font);
865 paint_right_aligned_elided_text(groupHeaderItem->label(), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir, font);
869 paint_permanent_icon(get_read_state_icon(mTheme, item), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir == Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
885 item->childItemCount() > 0 ? mTheme->pixmap((option.state & QStyle::State_Open) ? Theme::IconShowLess : Theme::IconShowMore) : nullptr;
915 paint_boolean_state_icon(enabled, pix, ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir == Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
922 paint_boolean_state_icon(enabled, pix, ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir == Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
1050 paint_left_aligned_elided_text(item->displaySenderOrReceiver(), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir, font);
1053 paint_left_aligned_elided_text(item->displayReceiver(), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir, font);
1056 paint_left_aligned_elided_text(item->displaySender(), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir, font);
1059 paint_left_aligned_elided_text(item->formattedDate(), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir, font);
1062 paint_left_aligned_elided_text(item->formattedMaxDate(), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir, font);
1065 paint_left_aligned_elided_text(item->formattedSize(), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir, font);
1072 paint_left_aligned_elided_text(groupHeaderItem->label(), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir, font);
1076 paint_permanent_icon(get_read_state_icon(mTheme, item), ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir != Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
1092 item->childItemCount() > 0 ? mTheme->pixmap((option.state & QStyle::State_Open) ? Theme::IconShowLess : Theme::IconShowMore) : nullptr;
1122 paint_boolean_state_icon(enabled, pix, ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir != Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
1129 paint_boolean_state_icon(enabled, pix, ci, painter, l, top, r, layoutDir != Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
1314 break; // not this row (tough we should have already found it... probably clicked upper margin)
1349 compute_bounding_rect_for_right_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->subject(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1352 compute_bounding_rect_for_right_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->displaySenderOrReceiver(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1355 compute_bounding_rect_for_right_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->displayReceiver(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1358 compute_bounding_rect_for_right_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->displaySender(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1361 compute_bounding_rect_for_right_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->formattedDate(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1364 compute_bounding_rect_for_right_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->formattedMaxDate(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1367 compute_bounding_rect_for_right_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->formattedSize(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1370 compute_bounding_rect_for_right_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->folder(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1374 compute_bounding_rect_for_right_aligned_elided_text(groupHeaderItem->label(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1378 compute_bounding_rect_for_permanent_icon(ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir == Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
1381 compute_bounding_rect_for_permanent_icon(ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir == Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
1410 compute_bounding_rect_for_boolean_state_icon(enabled, ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir == Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
1417 compute_bounding_rect_for_boolean_state_icon(enabled, ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir == Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
1495 compute_bounding_rect_for_vertical_line(l, top, r, bottom, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir == Qt::LeftToRight);
1498 compute_bounding_rect_for_horizontal_spacer(l, top, r, bottom, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir == Qt::LeftToRight);
1503 compute_bounding_rect_for_tag_list(tagList, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir == Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
1515 QRect inexactRect(mHitContentItemRect.left(),, mHitContentItemRect.width(), mHitRowRect.height());
1522 viewportPoint.x() > inexactRect.right() ? viewportPoint.x() - inexactRect.right() : inexactRect.left() - viewportPoint.x();
1546 compute_bounding_rect_for_left_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->subject(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1549 compute_bounding_rect_for_left_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->displaySenderOrReceiver(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1552 compute_bounding_rect_for_left_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->displayReceiver(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1555 compute_bounding_rect_for_left_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->displaySender(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1558 compute_bounding_rect_for_left_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->formattedDate(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1561 compute_bounding_rect_for_left_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->formattedMaxDate(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1564 compute_bounding_rect_for_left_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->formattedSize(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1567 compute_bounding_rect_for_left_aligned_elided_text(mHitItem->folder(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1571 compute_bounding_rect_for_left_aligned_elided_text(groupHeaderItem->label(), ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir, font);
1575 compute_bounding_rect_for_permanent_icon(ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir != Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
1578 compute_bounding_rect_for_permanent_icon(ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir != Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
1607 compute_bounding_rect_for_boolean_state_icon(enabled, ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir != Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
1614 compute_bounding_rect_for_boolean_state_icon(enabled, ci, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir != Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
1692 compute_bounding_rect_for_vertical_line(l, top, r, bottom, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir != Qt::LeftToRight);
1695 compute_bounding_rect_for_horizontal_spacer(l, top, r, bottom, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir != Qt::LeftToRight);
1700 compute_bounding_rect_for_tag_list(tagList, l, top, r, mHitContentItemRect, layoutDir != Qt::LeftToRight, mTheme->iconSize());
1712 QRect inexactRect(mHitContentItemRect.left(),, mHitContentItemRect.width(), mHitRowRect.height());
1800QSize ThemeDelegate::sizeHintForItemTypeAndColumn(Item::Type type, int column, const Item *item) const
1839 for (QList<Theme::Row *>::ConstIterator rowit = rows->constBegin(), endRowIt = rows->constEnd(); rowit != endRowIt; ++rowit) {
1864 mCachedMessageItemSizeHint = sizeHintForItemTypeAndColumn(Item::Message, index.column(), item);
1869 mCachedGroupHeaderItemSizeHint = sizeHintForItemTypeAndColumn(Item::GroupHeader, index.column(), item);
bool isWatched() const
bool isImportant() const
bool isIgnored() const
bool hasInvitation() const
bool isForwarded() const
bool hasAttachment() const
bool isSpam() const
bool isReplied() const
bool isToAct() const
bool isHam() const
QColor shade(ShadeRole) const
A single item of the MessageList tree managed by MessageList::Model.
Definition item.h:36
QString formattedMaxDate() const
A string with a text rappresentation of maxDate() obtained via Manager.
Definition item.cpp:317
QString formattedDate() const
A string with a text rappresentation of date() obtained via Manager.
Definition item.cpp:308
const Akonadi::MessageStatus & status() const
Returns the status associated to this Item.
Definition item.cpp:449
virtual QList< Tag * > tagList() const
Returns the list of tags for this item.
Definition messageitem.cpp:233
bool isValid() const
Returns true if this ModelInvariantIndex is valid, that is, it has been attached to a ModelInvariantR...
Definition modelinvariantindex.cpp:28
QRect hitRowRect() const
Returns the rectangle of the row that was reported as hit by the previous call to hitTest().
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1775
const Theme::Column * hitColumn() const
Returns the theme column that was reported as hit by the previous call to hitTest().
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1755
bool hitTest(const QPoint &viewportPoint, bool exact=true)
Performs a hit test on the specified viewport point.
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1235
bool hitContentItemRight() const
Returns true if the hit theme content item was a right item and false otherwise.
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1790
Item * hitItem() const
Returns the Item that was reported as hit by the previous call to hitTest().
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1745
QRect hitContentItemRect() const
Returns the bounding rect of the content item that was reported as hit by the previous call to hitTes...
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1795
const Theme::ContentItem * hitContentItem() const
Returns the theme content item that was reported as hit by the previous call to hitTest().
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1785
QSize sizeHintForItemTypeAndColumn(Item::Type type, int column, const Item *item=nullptr) const
Returns a heuristic sizeHint() for the specified item type and column.
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1800
int hitColumnIndex() const
Returns the index of the theme column that was reported as hit by the previous call to hitTest().
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1760
void generalFontChanged()
Called when the global fonts change (from systemsettings)
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1879
virtual Item * itemFromIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const =0
Returns the Item for the specified model index.
const QModelIndex & hitIndex() const
Returns the model index that was reported as hit by the previous call to hitTest().
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1740
bool hitRowIsMessageRow() const
Returns true if the hitRow() is a message row, false otherwise.
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1780
QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const override
Reimplemented from QStyledItemDelegate.
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1850
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const override
Reimplemented from QStyledItemDelegate.
Definition themedelegate.cpp:569
const Theme::Row * hitRow() const
Returns the theme row that was reported as hit by the previous call to hitTest().
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1765
QRect hitItemRect() const
Returns the visual rectangle of the item that was reported as hit by the previous call to hitTest().
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1750
int hitRowIndex() const
Returns the index of the theme row that was reported as hit by the previous call to hitTest().
Definition themedelegate.cpp:1770
The Column class defines a view column available inside this theme.
Definition theme.h:501
const QList< Row * > & groupHeaderRows() const
Returns the list of rows visible in this column for a GroupHeaderItem.
Definition theme.cpp:743
const QList< Row * > & messageRows() const
Returns the list of rows visible in this column for a MessageItem.
Definition theme.cpp:700
The ContentItem class defines a content item inside a Row.
Definition theme.h:56
bool displaysText() const
Returns true if this item displays some kind of text.
Definition theme.cpp:77
bool hideWhenDisabled() const
Returns true if this item should be hidden when in disabled state.
Definition theme.cpp:223
bool canUseCustomColor() const
Returns true if this ContentItem can make use of a custom color.
Definition theme.cpp:72
bool softenByBlending() const
Returns true if this item should be always painted in a "soft" fashion.
Definition theme.cpp:251
bool softenByBlendingWhenDisabled() const
Returns true if this item should be painted in a "soft" fashion when in disabled state.
Definition theme.cpp:237
@ CombinedReadRepliedStateIcon
The combined icon that displays the unread/read/replied/forwarded state (never disabled)
Definition theme.h:190
@ RepliedStateIcon
The icon that displays the replied/forwarded state (may be disabled)
Definition theme.h:142
@ AttachmentStateIcon
The icon that displays the attachment state (may be disabled)
Definition theme.h:138
const QColor & customColor() const
Returns the custom color set for this item.
Definition theme.cpp:265
The Row class defines a row of items inside a Column.
Definition theme.h:408
const QList< ContentItem * > & rightItems() const
Returns the list of right aligned items for this row.
Definition theme.cpp:398
const QList< ContentItem * > & leftItems() const
Returns the list of left aligned items for this row.
Definition theme.cpp:489
The Theme class defines the visual appearance of the MessageList.
Definition theme.h:48
@ AutoColor
Automatically determine the color (somewhere in the middle between background and text)
Definition theme.h:795
The implementation independent part of the MessageList library.
Definition aggregation.h:22
int blue() const const
int green() const const
bool isValid() const const
int red() const const
void setBold(bool enable)
void setItalic(bool enable)
QFont systemFont(SystemFont type)
QRect boundingRect(QChar ch) const const
QString elidedText(const QString &text, Qt::TextElideMode mode, int width, int flags) const const
void setColorAt(qreal position, const QColor &color)
typedef ConstIterator
const_iterator constBegin() const const
const_iterator constEnd() const const
qsizetype count() const const
int column() const const
bool isValid() const const
void drawLine(const QLine &line)
void drawPixmap(const QPoint &point, const QPixmap &pixmap)
void drawRoundedRect(const QRect &rect, qreal xRadius, qreal yRadius, Qt::SizeMode mode)
void drawText(const QPoint &position, const QString &text)
void fillRect(const QRect &rectangle, QGradient::Preset preset)
const QFont & font() const const
qreal opacity() const const
const QPen & pen() const const
RenderHints renderHints() const const
void setBackgroundMode(Qt::BGMode mode)
void setBrush(Qt::BrushStyle style)
void setFont(const QFont &font)
void setOpacity(qreal opacity)
void setPen(Qt::PenStyle style)
void setRenderHint(RenderHint hint, bool on)
const QColor & color(ColorGroup group, ColorRole role) const const
QColor color() const const
int x() const const
int y() const const
bool contains(const QPoint &point, bool proper) const const
int left() const const
int right() const const
int width() const const
int height() const const
int width() const const
virtual void drawControl(ControlElement element, const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const const=0
virtual void initStyleOption(QStyleOptionViewItem *option, const QModelIndex &index) const const
QTextStream & left(QTextStream &stream)
QTextStream & right(QTextStream &stream)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:50:07 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:50:07 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.