35In principle, every size or existence change in one of the objects listed above must be propagated
37There are also settings changes that invalidate the size of other components, where the size changes
49Note that grids are painted from the coordinate plane, not from the diagram as ownership would suggest.
Contains KChart macros.
Base class common for all coordinate planes, CartesianCoordinatePlane, PolarCoordinatePlane,...
Definition KChartAbstractCoordinatePlane.h:31
AbstractDiagram defines the interface for diagram classes.
Definition KChartAbstractDiagram.h:37
Set of attributes usable for background pixmaps.
Definition KChartBackgroundAttributes.h:23
AbstractCoordinatePlane * coordinatePlane()
Each chart must have at least one coordinate plane.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1224
void setFrameAttributes(const FrameAttributes &a)
Specify the frame attributes to be used, by default is it a thin black line.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1182
void setGlobalLeadingLeft(int leading)
Set the padding between the start of the widget and the start of the area that is used for drawing on...
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1305
void replaceLegend(Legend *legend, Legend *oldLegend=nullptr)
Replaces the old legend, or appends the new legend, it there is none yet.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1639
HeaderFooter * headerFooter()
The first header or footer of the chart.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1515
Legend * legend()
The first legend of the chart or 0 if there was none added to the chart.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1673
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect)
Paints all the contents of the chart.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1353
void setGlobalLeadingRight(int leading)
Set the padding between the start of the widget and the start of the area that is used for drawing on...
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1329
LegendList legends()
The list of all legends associated with the chart.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1678
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override
Draws the background and frame, then calls paint().
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1428
void setGlobalLeadingTop(int leading)
Set the padding between the start of the widget and the start of the area that is used for drawing at...
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1317
void propertiesChanged()
Emitted upon change of a property of the Chart or any of its components.
void takeLegend(Legend *legend)
Removes the legend from the chart, without deleting it.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1656
void takeCoordinatePlane(AbstractCoordinatePlane *plane)
Removes the coordinate plane from the chart, without deleting it.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1280
void setCoordinatePlaneLayout(QLayout *layout)
Set the coordinate plane layout that should be used as model for the internal used layout.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1203
void insertCoordinatePlane(int index, AbstractCoordinatePlane *plane)
Inserts a coordinate plane to the chart at index index.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1245
HeaderFooterList headerFooters()
The list of headers and footers associated with the chart.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1524
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override
Adjusts the internal layout when the chart is resized.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1389
void setGlobalLeading(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
Set the padding between the margin of the widget and the area that the contents are drawn into.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1297
void setBackgroundAttributes(const BackgroundAttributes &a)
Specify the background attributes to be used, by default there is no background.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1192
void addHeaderFooter(HeaderFooter *headerFooter)
Adds a header or a footer to the chart.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1435
void takeHeaderFooter(HeaderFooter *headerFooter)
Removes the header (or footer, resp.) from the chart, without deleting it.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1492
void setGlobalLeadingBottom(int leading)
Set the padding between the start of the widget and the start of the area that is used for drawing on...
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1341
void replaceCoordinatePlane(AbstractCoordinatePlane *plane, AbstractCoordinatePlane *oldPlane=nullptr)
Replaces the old coordinate plane, or appends the plane, it there is none yet.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1262
void addCoordinatePlane(AbstractCoordinatePlane *plane)
Adds a coordinate plane to the chart.
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1239
void replaceHeaderFooter(HeaderFooter *headerFooter, HeaderFooter *oldHeaderFooter=nullptr)
Replaces the old header (or footer, resp.), or appends the new header or footer, it there is none yet...
Definition KChartChart.cpp:1474
A set of attributes for frames around items.
Definition KChartFrameAttributes.h:23
Legend defines the interface for the legend drawing class.
Definition KChartLegend.h:42
QObject * parent() const const
QWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f)
QLayout * layout() const const
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:51:36 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:51:36 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.