1/* This file is part of the KDE project
2 Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Jarosław Staniek <staniek@kde.org>
4 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
6 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 Library General Public License for more details.
14 You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
15 along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
16 the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
17 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
20#ifndef KDB_CURSOR_H
21#define KDB_CURSOR_H
23#include <QString>
24#include <QVariant>
26#include "KDbResult.h"
27#include "KDbQueryColumnInfo.h"
29class KDbConnection;
30class KDbRecordData;
31class KDbQuerySchema;
34//! Provides database cursor functionality.
36 Cursor can be defined in two ways:
38 -# by passing KDbQuerySchema object to KDbConnection::executeQuery() or KDbConnection::prepareQuery();
39 then query is defined for in engine-independent way -- this is recommended usage
41 -# by passing raw query statement string to KDbConnection::executeQuery() or KDbConnection::prepareQuery();
42 then query may be defined for in engine-dependent way -- this is not recommended usage,
43 but convenient when we can't or do not want to allocate KDbQuerySchema object, while we
44 know that the query statement is syntactically and logically ok in our context.
46 You can move cursor to next record with moveNext() and move back with movePrev().
47 The cursor is always positioned on record, not between records, with exception that
48 after open() it is positioned before the first record (if any) -- then bof() equals true.
49 The cursor can also be positioned after the last record (if any) with moveNext() -- then eof() equals true.
50 For example, if you have four records, 1, 2, 3, 4, then after calling open(), moveNext(),
51 moveNext(), moveNext(), movePrev() you are going through records: 1, 2, 3, 2.
53 Cursor can be buffered or unbuferred.
55 @warning Buffered cursors are not implemented!
57 Buffering in this class is not related to any SQL engine capatibilities for server-side cursors
58 (eg. like 'DECLARE CURSOR' statement) - buffered data is at client (application) side.
59 Any record retrieved in buffered cursor will be stored inside an internal buffer
60 and reused when needed. Unbuffered cursor always requires one record fetching from
61 db connection at every step done with moveNext(), movePrev(), etc.
63 Notes:
64 - Do not use delete operator for KDbCursor objects - this will fail; use KDbConnection::deleteCursor()
65 instead.
66 - KDbQuerySchema object is not owned by KDbCursor object that uses it.
68class KDB_EXPORT KDbCursor: public KDbResultable
72 //! Options that describe behavior of database cursor
73 enum class Option {
74 None = 0,
75 Buffered = 1
76 };
77 Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Options, Option)
79 /*! @return connection used for the cursor */
80 KDbConnection* connection();
82 //! @overload
83 //! @since 3.1
84 const KDbConnection* connection() const;
86 /*! Opens the cursor using data provided on creation.
87 The data might be either KDbQuerySchema or a raw SQL statement. */
88 bool open();
90 /*! Closes and then opens again the same cursor.
91 If the cursor is not opened it is just opened and result of this open is returned.
92 Otherwise, true is returned if cursor is successfully closed and then opened. */
93 bool reopen();
95 /*! Closes previously opened cursor.
96 If the cursor is closed, nothing happens. */
97 virtual bool close();
99 /*! @return query schema used to define this cursor
100 or 0 if the cursor is not defined by a query schema but by a raw SQL statement. */
101 KDbQuerySchema *query() const;
103 //! @return query parameters assigned to this cursor
104 QList<QVariant> queryParameters() const;
106 //! Sets query parameters @a params for this cursor.
107 void setQueryParameters(const QList<QVariant>& params);
109 /*! @return raw query statement used to define this cursor
110 or null string if raw statement instead (but KDbQuerySchema is defined instead). */
111 KDbEscapedString rawSql() const;
113 /*! @return cursor options */
114 Options options() const;
116 /*! @return true if the cursor is opened. */
117 bool isOpened() const;
119 /*! @return true if the cursor is buffered. */
120 bool isBuffered() const;
122 /*! Sets this cursor to buffered type or not. See description
123 of buffered and nonbuffered cursors in class description.
124 This method only works if cursor is not opened (isOpened()==false).
125 You can close already opened cursor and then switch this option on/off.
126 */
127 void setBuffered(bool buffered);
129 /*! Moves current position to the first record and retrieves it.
130 @return true if the first record was retrieved.
131 False could mean that there was an error or there is no record available. */
132 bool moveFirst();
134 /*! Moves current position to the last record and retrieves it.
135 @return true if the last record was retrieved.
136 False could mean that there was an error or there is no record available. */
137 virtual bool moveLast();
139 /*! Moves current position to the next record and retrieves it. */
140 virtual bool moveNext();
142 /*! Moves current position to the next record and retrieves it.
143 Currently it's only supported for buffered cursors. */
144 virtual bool movePrev();
146 /*! @return true if current position is after last record. */
147 inline bool eof() const {
148 return m_afterLast;
149 }
151 /*! @return true if current position is before first record. */
152 inline bool bof() const {
153 return m_at == 0;
154 }
156 /*! @return current internal position of the cursor's query.
157 We are counting records from 0.
158 Value -1 means that cursor does not point to any valid record
159 (this happens eg. after open(), close(),
160 and after moving after last record or before first one. */
161 inline qint64 at() const {
162 return readAhead() ? 0 : (m_at - 1);
163 }
165 /*! @return number of fields available for this cursor.
166 This never includes ROWID column or other internal columns (e.g. lookup). */
167 inline int fieldCount() const {
168 return m_query ? m_logicalFieldCount : m_fieldCount;
169 }
171 /*! @return true if ROWID information is available for each record.
172 ROWID information is available
174 for a KDb database driver and the master table has no primary key defined.
175 Phisically, ROWID value is returned after last returned field,
176 so data vector's length is expanded by one. */
177 bool containsRecordIdInfo() const;
179 /*! @return a value stored in column number @a i (counting from 0).
180 It has unspecified behavior if the cursor is not at valid record.
181 Note for driver developers:
182 If @a i is >= than m_fieldCount, null QVariant value should be returned.
183 To return a value typically you can use a pointer to internal structure
184 that contain current record data (buffered or unbuffered). */
185 virtual QVariant value(int i) = 0;
187 /*! [PROTOTYPE] @return current record data or @c nullptr if there is no current records. */
188 virtual const char ** recordData() const = 0;
190 /*! Sets a list of columns for ORDER BY section of the query.
191 Only works when the cursor has been created using KDbQuerySchema object
192 (i.e. when query()!=0; does not work with raw statements).
193 Each name on the list must be a field or alias present within the query
194 and must not be covered by aliases. If one or more names cannot be found within
195 the query, the method will have no effect. Any previous ORDER BY settings will be removed.
197 The order list provided here has priority over a list defined in the KDbQuerySchema
198 object itseld (using KDbQuerySchema::setOrderByColumnList()).
199 The KDbQuerySchema object itself is not modifed by this method: only order of records retrieved
200 by this cursor is affected.
202 Use this method before calling open(). You can also call reopen() after calling this method
203 to see effects of applying records order. */
204 //! @todo implement this
205 void setOrderByColumnList(const QStringList& columnNames);
207 /*! Convenience method, similar to setOrderByColumnList(const QStringList&). */
208 //! @todo implement this
209 void setOrderByColumnList(const QString& column1, const QString& column2 = QString(),
210 const QString& column3 = QString(), const QString& column4 = QString(),
211 const QString& column5 = QString());
213 /*! @return a list of fields contained in ORDER BY section of the query.
214 @see setOrderBy(const QStringList&) */
215 KDbQueryColumnInfo::Vector orderByColumnList() const;
217 /*! Allocates a new KDbRecordData and stores data in it (makes a deep copy of each field).
218 If the cursor is not at valid record, the result is undefined.
219 @return newly created record data object or 0 on error. */
222 /*! Puts current record's data into @a data (makes a deep copy of each field).
223 If the cursor is not at valid record, the result is undefined.
224 @return true on success.
225 @c false is returned if @a data is @c nullptr. */
226 bool storeCurrentRecord(KDbRecordData* data) const;
228 bool updateRecord(KDbRecordData* data, KDbRecordEditBuffer* buf, bool useRecordId = false);
230 bool insertRecord(KDbRecordData* data, KDbRecordEditBuffer* buf, bool getRecrordId = false);
232 bool deleteRecord(KDbRecordData* data, bool useRecordId = false);
234 bool deleteAllRecords();
237 /*! Cursor will operate on @a conn, raw SQL statement @a sql will be used to execute query. */
238 KDbCursor(KDbConnection* conn, const KDbEscapedString& sql, Options options = KDbCursor::Option::None);
240 /*! Cursor will operate on @a conn, @a query schema will be used to execute query. */
241 KDbCursor(KDbConnection* conn, KDbQuerySchema* query, Options options = KDbCursor::Option::None);
243 ~KDbCursor() override;
245 void init(KDbConnection* conn);
247 /*! Internal: cares about proper flag setting depending on result of drv_getNextRecord()
248 and depending on wherher a cursor is buffered. */
249 bool getNextRecord();
251 /*! Note for driver developers: this method should initialize engine-specific cursor's
252 resources using an SQL statement @a sql. It is not required to store @a sql statement somewhere
253 in your KDbCursor subclass (it is already stored in m_query or m_rawStatement,
254 depending query type) - only pass it to proper engine's function. */
255 virtual bool drv_open(const KDbEscapedString& sql) = 0;
257 virtual bool drv_close() = 0;
258 virtual void drv_getNextRecord() = 0;
260 /*! Stores currently fetched record's values in appropriate place of the buffer.
261 Note for driver developers:
262 This place can be computed using m_at. Do not change value of m_at or any other
263 KDbCursor members, only change your internal structures like pointer to current
264 record, etc. If your database engine's API function (for record fetching)
265 do not allocates such a space, you want to allocate a space for current
266 record. Otherwise, reuse existing structure, what could be more efficient.
267 All functions like drv_appendCurrentRecordToBuffer() operates on the buffer,
268 i.e. array of stored records. You are not forced to have any particular
269 fixed structure for buffer item or buffer itself - the structure is internal and
270 only methods like storeCurrentRecord() visible to public.
271 */
273 /*! Moves pointer (that points to the buffer) -- to next item in this buffer.
274 Note for driver developers: probably just execute "your_pointer++" is enough.
275 */
276 virtual void drv_bufferMovePointerNext() = 0;
277 /*! Like drv_bufferMovePointerNext() but execute "your_pointer--". */
278 virtual void drv_bufferMovePointerPrev() = 0;
279 /*! Moves pointer (that points to the buffer) to a new place: @a at.
280 */
281 virtual void drv_bufferMovePointerTo(qint64 at) = 0;
283 /*! Clears cursor's buffer if this was allocated (only for buffered cursor type).
284 Otherwise do nothing. For reimplementing. Default implementation does nothing. */
285 virtual void drv_clearBuffer() {}
287 //! @internal clears buffer with reimplemented drv_clearBuffer(). */
288 void clearBuffer();
290 /*! Puts current record's data into @a data (makes a deep copy of each field).
291 This method has unspecified behavior if the cursor is not at valid record.
292 @return true on success.
293 Note: For reimplementation in driver's code. Shortly, this method translates
294 a record data from internal representation (probably also used in buffer)
295 to simple public KDbRecordData representation. */
296 virtual bool drv_storeCurrentRecord(KDbRecordData* data) const = 0;
298 KDbQuerySchema *m_query;
299 bool m_afterLast;
300 qint64 m_at;
301 int m_fieldCount; //!< cached field count information
302 int m_fieldsToStoreInRecord; //!< Used by storeCurrentRecord(), reimplement if needed
303 //!< (e.g. PostgreSQL driver, when m_containsRecordIdInfo is true
304 //!< sets m_fieldCount+1 here)
305 int m_logicalFieldCount; //!< logical field count, i.e. without internal values like Record Id or lookup
306 KDbCursor::Options m_options; //!< cursor options that describes its behavior
308 //! Possible results of record fetching, used for m_fetchResult
309 enum class FetchResult {
310 Invalid, //!< used before starting the fetching, result is not known yet
311 Error, //!< error of fetching
312 Ok, //!< the data is fetched
313 End //!< at the end of data
314 };
316 FetchResult m_fetchResult; //!< result of a record fetching
318 //<members related to buffering>
319 int m_records_in_buf; //!< number of records currently stored in the buffer
320 bool m_buffering_completed; //!< true if we already have all records stored in the buffer
321 //</members related to buffering>
323 //! Useful e.g. for value(int) method to obtain access to schema definition.
324 KDbQueryColumnInfo::Vector* m_visibleFieldsExpanded;
327 bool readAhead() const;
330 friend class CursorDeleter;
331 class Private;
332 Private * const d;
335//! Sends information about object @a cursor to debug output @a dbg.
336//! @since 3.1
337KDB_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, KDbCursor& cursor);
339//! Sends information about object @a cursor to debug output @a dbg.
340KDB_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const KDbCursor& cursor);
Provides database connection, allowing queries and data modification.
Provides database cursor functionality.
Definition KDbCursor.h:69
virtual const char ** recordData() const =0
bool bof() const
Definition KDbCursor.h:152
bool deleteRecord(KDbRecordData *data, bool useRecordId=false)
bool updateRecord(KDbRecordData *data, KDbRecordEditBuffer *buf, bool useRecordId=false)
KDbRecordData * storeCurrentRecord() const
virtual bool drv_storeCurrentRecord(KDbRecordData *data) const =0
Possible results of record fetching, used for m_fetchResult.
Definition KDbCursor.h:309
@ Invalid
used before starting the fetching, result is not known yet
Definition KDbCursor.h:310
@ End
at the end of data
Definition KDbCursor.h:313
@ Error
error of fetching
Definition KDbCursor.h:311
@ Ok
the data is fetched
Definition KDbCursor.h:312
int m_fieldsToStoreInRecord
Used by storeCurrentRecord(), reimplement if needed (e.g.
Definition KDbCursor.h:302
virtual void drv_clearBuffer()
Definition KDbCursor.h:285
bool insertRecord(KDbRecordData *data, KDbRecordEditBuffer *buf, bool getRecrordId=false)
virtual void drv_bufferMovePointerTo(qint64 at)=0
virtual QVariant value(int i)=0
KDbQueryColumnInfo::Vector orderByColumnList() const
int fieldCount() const
Definition KDbCursor.h:167
KDbQuerySchema * query() const
int m_fieldCount
cached field count information
Definition KDbCursor.h:301
KDbCursor::Options m_options
cursor options that describes its behavior
Definition KDbCursor.h:306
Options that describe behavior of database cursor.
Definition KDbCursor.h:73
virtual void drv_bufferMovePointerPrev()=0
KDbCursor(KDbConnection *conn, const KDbEscapedString &sql, Options options=KDbCursor::Option::None)
Definition KDbCursor.cpp:66
int m_records_in_buf
number of records currently stored in the buffer
Definition KDbCursor.h:319
bool m_buffering_completed
true if we already have all records stored in the buffer
Definition KDbCursor.h:320
virtual void drv_bufferMovePointerNext()=0
bool deleteAllRecords()
bool getNextRecord()
int m_logicalFieldCount
logical field count, i.e. without internal values like Record Id or lookup
Definition KDbCursor.h:305
virtual void drv_appendCurrentRecordToBuffer()=0
Options options() const
void setOrderByColumnList(const QStringList &columnNames)
bool eof() const
Definition KDbCursor.h:147
KDbQueryColumnInfo::Vector * m_visibleFieldsExpanded
Useful e.g. for value(int) method to obtain access to schema definition.
Definition KDbCursor.h:324
qint64 at() const
Definition KDbCursor.h:161
virtual bool drv_open(const KDbEscapedString &sql)=0
FetchResult m_fetchResult
result of a record fetching
Definition KDbCursor.h:316
Specialized string for escaping.
KDbQuerySchema provides information about database query.
Structure for storing single record with type information.
provides data for single edited database record
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:50:41 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.