►CKDbAlterTableHandler::ActionBase | Abstract base class used for implementing all the AlterTable actions |
►CKDbAlterTableHandler::FieldActionBase | Abstract base class used for implementing table field-related actions |
CKDbAlterTableHandler::ChangeFieldPropertyAction | |
CKDbAlterTableHandler::InsertFieldAction | Defines an action for inserting a single table field |
CKDbAlterTableHandler::MoveFieldPositionAction | |
CKDbAlterTableHandler::RemoveFieldAction | Defines an action for removing a single table field |
CKDbAlterTableHandler::ActionBase::DebugOptions | Controls debug options for actions. Used in debugString() and debug() |
CKDbAlterTableHandler::ExecutionArguments | Arguments for KDbAlterTableHandler::execute() |
CKDbConnectionData | Database specific connection data, e.g. host, port |
CKDbDate | Generic date constant |
CKDbDateTime | Generic date/time constant |
CKDbDriverBehavior | Detailed definition of driver's default behavior |
CKDbDriverManager | A driver manager for finding and loading driver plugins |
►CKDbExpression | Base class for all expressions |
CKDbBinaryExpression | Binary operation |
►CKDbConstExpression | Const expression |
CKDbQueryParameterExpression | Query parameter expression |
CKDbFunctionExpression | Expression that use functional notation F(x, ...) |
CKDbNArgExpression | Base class N-argument expression |
CKDbUnaryExpression | Unary expression (with a single argument) |
CKDbVariableExpression | Variables such as fieldname or tablename.fieldname |
►CKDbField | Meta-data for a field |
CKDbQueryAsterisk | KDbQueryAsterisk class encapsulates information about single asterisk in query definition |
►CKDbFieldList | |
CKDbIndexSchema | Provides information about database index that can be created for a database table |
CKDbQuerySchema | KDbQuerySchema provides information about database query |
►CKDbTableSchema | |
CKDbInternalTableSchema | |
CKDbLookupFieldSchema | Provides information about lookup field's setup |
CKDbLookupFieldSchemaRecordSource | Record source information that can be specified for the lookup field schema |
CKDbMessageGuard | A guard class for transmitting messages based on KDbResult |
CKDbMessageHandler | |
CKDbMessageTitleSetter | |
CKDbNativeStatementBuilder | A builder for generating various types of native SQL statements |
►CKDbObject | |
CKDbIndexSchema | Provides information about database index that can be created for a database table |
CKDbQuerySchema | KDbQuerySchema provides information about database query |
CKDbSimpleCommandLineApp | A skeleton for creating a simple command line database application |
CKDbTableSchema | |
CKDbOrderByColumn | KDbOrderByColumn provides information about a single query column used for sorting |
CKDbOrderByColumnList | KDbOrderByColumnList provides list of sorted columns for a query schema |
CKDbParser | A parser tool for SQL statements |
CKDbParserError | Provides detailed error description about KDbParser |
CKDbQueryColumnInfo | Helper class that assigns additional information for the column in a query |
CKDbQuerySchemaParameter | A single parameter of a query schema |
CKDbQuerySchemaParameterValueListIterator | An iterator for a list of values of query schema parameters Allows to iterate over parameters and returns QVariant value or well-formatted string |
CKDbRecordData | Structure for storing single record with type information |
CKDbRecordEditBuffer | Data for single edited database record |
CKDbResult | |
►CKDbResultable | Interface for classes providing a result |
►CKDbAdminTools | An interface containing a set of tools for database administration |
CSqliteAdminTools | An interface containing a set of tools for SQLite database administration |
CKDbAlterTableHandler | A tool for handling altering database table schema |
►CKDbConnection | Provides database connection, allowing queries and data modification |
CKDbConnectionProxy | Gives access to protected (low-level) API of KDbConnection |
CMysqlConnection | Provides database connection, allowing queries and data modification |
CSqliteConnection | SQLite-specific connection Following connection options are supported (see KDbConnectionOptions): |
CSybaseConnection | Provides database connection, allowing queries and data modification |
CxBaseConnection | Provides database connection, allowing queries and data modification |
CKDbCursor | Provides database cursor functionality |
►CKDbDriver | Database driver's abstraction |
CMysqlDriver | MySQL database driver |
CPostgresqlDriver | PostgreSQL database driver |
CSqliteDriver | SQLite database driver |
CSybaseDriver | Sybase database driver |
CKDbPreparedStatement | Prepared database command for optimizing sequences of multiple database actions |
►CKDbPreparedStatementInterface | Prepared statement interface for backend-dependent implementations |
CMysqlPreparedStatement | |
CSqlitePreparedStatement | |
CKDbProperties | A set of storable database properties |
CSqliteVacuum | Helper class performing interactive compacting (VACUUM) of the SQLite database |
CKDbResultInfo | |
CKDbSelectStatementOptions | Options used in KDbNativeStatementBuilder::generateSelectStatement() |
CKDbServerVersionInfo | |
CKDbSqlField | Abstracts low-level information about a single field for KDbSqlResult |
CKDbSqlRecord | Abstracts a single record obtained from a KDbSqlResult object |
CKDbSqlResult | Abstracts result of a raw SQL query preparation by KDbConnection::prepareSql() |
CKDbSqlString | Abstracts low-level information about a single string value returned by KDbSqlRecord |
CKDbTableOrQuerySchema | |
CKDbTableSchemaChangeListener | An interface allowing to listen for table schema changes |
CKDbTableViewColumn | Definition of a single column for table view |
CKDbTime | Generic time constant |
CKDbToken | A type-safe KDbSQL token It can be used in KDb expressions |
CKDbTransaction | This class encapsulates a single database transaction |
►CKDbTransactionData | Internal prototype for storing transaction handle for KDbTransaction object |
CPostgresqlTransactionData | |
CKDbTransactionGuard | KDbTransactionGuard class is a convenience class that simplifies handling transactions |
CKDbVersionInfo | |
CKDbYear | Generic year constant based on extended ISO 8601 specification |
►CKPluginMetaData [external] | |
CKDbDriverMetaData | Provides information about a single driver plugin |
COrderByColumnInternal | |
CKDbUtils::Property | A single property |
►CKDbUtils::PropertySet | A set of properties |
CKDbConnectionOptions | Generic options for a single connection. The options are accessible using key/value pairs. This enables extensibility depending on driver's type and version |
►CQByteArray [external] | |
CKDbEscapedString | Specialized string for escaping |
►CQHash [external] | |
CKDbUtils::AutodeletedHash< QByteArray, ActionBase * > | |
CKDbUtils::AutodeletedHash< int, ActionDict * > | |
►CQHash< Key, T > [external] | |
CKDbUtils::AutodeletedHash< Key, T > | Autodeleting hash |
CKDbUtils::CaseInsensitiveHash< Key, T > | Case insensitive hash container supporting QString or QByteArray keys |
►CQHash< QByteArray, KDbUtils::Property * > [external] | |
CKDbUtils::AutodeletedHash< QByteArray, KDbUtils::Property * > | |
►CQHash< QByteArray, QVariant > [external] | |
CKDbGuiItem | An abstract class used to specify GUI information such as button texts tooltips and icons |
►CQList [external] | |
CKDbUtils::AutodeletedList< KDbField * > | |
►CKDbUtils::AutodeletedList< KDbRecordData * > | |
CKDbTableViewData | A list of records to allow configurable sorting and more |
►CQList< T > [external] | |
CKDbUtils::AutodeletedList< T > | Autodeleting list |
►CQObject [external] | |
CKDbDriver | Database driver's abstraction |
CKDbTableViewData | A list of records to allow configurable sorting and more |
►CQValidator [external] | |
CKDbLongLongValidator | A validator for longlong data type |
►CKDbValidator | A validator extending QValidator with offline-checking for value's validity |
CKDbIdentifierValidator | Validates input for identifier |
►CKDbMultiValidator | A validator groupping multiple QValidators |
CKDbFieldValidator | A validator for KDb data types |
CKDbObjectNameValidator | |
CSqliteVacuum | Helper class performing interactive compacting (VACUUM) of the SQLite database |
►CQSharedData [external] | |
►CKDbExpressionData | Internal data class used to implement implicitly shared class KDbExpression |
CKDbBinaryExpressionData | Internal data class used to implement implicitly shared class KDbBinaryExpression |
►CKDbConstExpressionData | Internal data class used to implement implicitly shared class KDbConstExpression |
CKDbQueryParameterExpressionData | Internal data class used to implement implicitly shared class KDbQueryParameterExpression |
CKDbFunctionExpressionData | Internal data class used to implement implicitly shared class KDbFunctionExpression |
CKDbNArgExpressionData | Internal data class used to implement implicitly shared class KDbNArgExpression |
CKDbUnaryExpressionData | Internal data class used to implement implicitly shared class KDbUnaryExpression |
CKDbVariableExpressionData | Internal data class used to implement implicitly shared class KDbVariableExpression |
CKDbPreparedStatement::Data | |
CSelectOptionsInternal | |
CKDbUtils::StaticSetOfStrings | A set created from static (0-terminated) array of raw null-terminated strings |
Ctristate | 3-state logical type with three values: true, false and cancelled and convenient operators |