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#include <KDbField.h>

Inheritance diagram for KDbField:

Public Types

enum  Constraint {
  NoConstraints = 0 , AutoInc = 1 , Unique = 2 , PrimaryKey = 4 ,
  ForeignKey = 8 , NotNull = 16 , NotEmpty = 32 , Indexed = 64
typedef QFlags< ConstraintConstraints
typedef QHash< QByteArray, QVariantCustomPropertiesMap
typedef KDbUtils::AutodeletedList< KDbField * > List
typedef QList< KDbField * >::ConstIterator ListIterator
enum  MaxLengthStrategy { DefaultMaxLength , DefinedMaxLength }
enum  Option { NoOptions = 0 , Unsigned = 1 }
typedef QFlags< OptionOptions
typedef QPair< KDbField *, KDbField * > Pair
typedef QList< PairPairList
enum  Type {
  InvalidType = 0 , Byte = 1 , FirstType = 1 , ShortInteger = 2 ,
  Integer = 3 , BigInteger = 4 , Boolean = 5 , Date = 6 ,
  DateTime = 7 , Time = 8 , Float = 9 , Double = 10 ,
  Text = 11 , LongText = 12 , BLOB = 13 , LastType = 13 ,
  Null = 128 , Asterisk = 129 , Enum = 130 , Map = 131 ,
  Tuple = 132 , LastSpecialType = Tuple
enum  TypeGroup {
  InvalidGroup = 0 , TextGroup = 1 , IntegerGroup = 2 , FloatGroup = 3 ,
  BooleanGroup = 4 , DateTimeGroup = 5 , BLOBGroup = 6 , LastTypeGroup = 6
typedef QVector< KDbField * > Vector

Public Member Functions

 KDbField ()
 KDbField (const KDbField &f)
 KDbField (const QString &name, Type type, Constraints constr=NoConstraints, Options options=NoOptions, int maxLength=0, int precision=0, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant(), const QString &caption=QString(), const QString &description=QString())
 KDbField (KDbTableSchema *tableSchema)
QString caption () const
QString captionOrName () const
Constraints constraints () const
CustomPropertiesMap customProperties () const
QVariant customProperty (const QByteArray &propertyName, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant()) const
QVariant defaultValue () const
QString description () const
QString enumHint (int num)
QVector< QStringenumHints () const
KDbExpression expression ()
const KDbExpression expression () const
bool hasEmptyProperty () const
bool isAutoIncrement () const
bool isAutoIncrementAllowed () const
bool isDateTimeType () const
bool isExpression () const
bool isForeignKey () const
bool isFPNumericType () const
bool isIndexed () const
bool isIntegerType () const
bool isNotEmpty () const
bool isNotNull () const
bool isNumericType () const
bool isPrimaryKey () const
bool isQueryAsterisk () const
bool isTextType () const
bool isUniqueKey () const
bool isUnsigned () const
int maxLength () const
MaxLengthStrategy maxLengthStrategy () const
QString name () const
Options options () const
int order () const
KDbFieldListparent ()
const KDbFieldListparent () const
int precision () const
KDbQuerySchemaquery ()
const KDbQuerySchemaquery () const
int scale () const
void setAutoIncrement (bool a)
void setCaption (const QString &caption)
void setConstraints (Constraints c)
void setCustomProperty (const QByteArray &propertyName, const QVariant &value)
bool setDefaultValue (const QByteArray &def)
void setDefaultValue (const QVariant &def)
void setDescription (const QString &description)
void setEnumHints (const QVector< QString > &hints)
void setExpression (const KDbExpression &expr)
void setForeignKey (bool f)
void setIndexed (bool s)
void setMaxLength (int maxLength)
void setMaxLengthStrategy (MaxLengthStrategy strategy)
void setName (const QString &name)
void setNotEmpty (bool n)
void setNotNull (bool n)
void setOptions (Options options)
void setPrecision (int p)
void setPrimaryKey (bool p)
void setQuery (KDbQuerySchema *query)
void setScale (int s)
void setSubType (const QString &subType)
void setTable (KDbTableSchema *table)
void setType (Type t)
void setUniqueKey (bool u)
void setUnsigned (bool u)
void setVisibleDecimalPlaces (int p)
QString subType () const
KDbTableSchematable ()
const KDbTableSchematable () const
Type type () const
TypeGroup typeGroup () const
QString typeGroupName () const
QString typeGroupString () const
QString typeName () const
QString typeString () const
QVariant::Type variantType () const
int visibleDecimalPlaces () const

Static Public Member Functions

static QVariant convertToType (const QVariant &value, Type type)
static int defaultMaxLength ()
static bool hasEmptyProperty (Type type)
static bool isAutoIncrementAllowed (Type type)
static bool isDateTimeType (Type type)
static bool isFPNumericType (Type type)
static bool isIntegerType (Type type)
static bool isNumericType (Type type)
static bool isTextType (Type type)
static void setDefaultMaxLength (int maxLength)
static int specialTypesCount ()
static Type typeForString (const QString &typeString)
static TypeGroup typeGroup (Type type)
static TypeGroup typeGroupForString (const QString &typeGroupString)
static QString typeGroupName (TypeGroup typeGroup)
static QStringList typeGroupNames ()
static int typeGroupsCount ()
static QString typeGroupString (TypeGroup typeGroup)
static QString typeName (Type type)
static QStringList typeNames ()
static int typesCount ()
static QString typeString (Type type)
static QVariant::Type variantType (Type type)

Protected Member Functions

 KDbField (KDbFieldList *aParent, int aOrder=-1)
 KDbField (KDbQuerySchema *querySchema)
 KDbField (KDbQuerySchema *querySchema, const KDbExpression &expr)
virtual KDbFieldcopy ()
void setOrder (int order)
void setParent (KDbFieldList *parent)

Detailed Description

Meta-data for a field.

KDbField provides information about single database field.

KDbField class has defined following members:

  • name
  • type
  • database constraints
  • additional options
  • maxLength (makes sense mostly for string types)
  • maxLengthStrategy (makes sense mostly for string types)
  • precision (for floating-point type)
  • defaultValue
  • caption (user readable name that can be e.g. translated)
  • description (user readable name additional text, can be useful for developers)
  • defaultWidth (a hint for displaying in tabular mode or as text box)

KDbField can also have assigned expression (see KDbExpression class, and expression() method).

Note that aliases for fields are defined within query, not in KDbField object, because the same field can be used in different queries with different alias.

Notes for advanced use: KDbField obeject is designed to be owned by a parent object. Such a parent object can be KDbTableSchema, if the field defines single table column, or KDbQuerySchema, if the field defines an expression (KDbExpression class).

Using expression class for fields allos to define expressions within queries like "SELECT AVG(price) FROM products"

You can choose whether your field is owned by query or table, using appropriate constructor, or using parameterless constructor and calling setTable() or setQuery() later.

Definition at line 71 of file KDbField.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Constraints

Definition at line 142 of file KDbField.h.

◆ CustomPropertiesMap

A data type used for handling custom properties of a field.

Definition at line 688 of file KDbField.h.

◆ List

list of fields

Definition at line 77 of file KDbField.h.

◆ ListIterator

iterator for list of fields

Definition at line 79 of file KDbField.h.

◆ Options

Definition at line 149 of file KDbField.h.

◆ Pair

fields pair

Definition at line 80 of file KDbField.h.

◆ PairList

list of fields pair

Definition at line 81 of file KDbField.h.

◆ Vector

vector of fields

Definition at line 78 of file KDbField.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Constraint

Possible constraints defined for a field.


only legal for string-like and blob fields

Definition at line 132 of file KDbField.h.

◆ MaxLengthStrategy

Strategy for defining maximum length of text for this field. Only makes sense if the field type is of Text type. Default strategy is DefinedMaxLength.


Default maximum text length defined globally by the application.

See also

Used if setMaxLength() was called to set specific maximum value or to unlimited (0).

Definition at line 429 of file KDbField.h.

◆ Option

Possible options defined for a field.

Definition at line 145 of file KDbField.h.

◆ Type

Unified (most common used) types of fields.


Unsupported/Unimplemented type


1 byte, signed or unsigned


First type 2 bytes, signed or unsigned


4 bytes, signed or unsigned


8 bytes, signed or unsigned


0 or 1


4 bytes


8 bytes


Other name: Varchar


Other name: Memo


Large binary object


This line should be at the end of the list of types!


Used for fields that are "NULL" expressions.


Used in KDbQueryAsterisk subclass objects only, not used in table definitions, but only in query definitions


An integer internal with a string list of hints


Mapping from string to string list (more generic than Enum)


A list of values (e.g. arguments of a function)


This line should be at the end of the list of special types!

Definition at line 84 of file KDbField.h.

◆ TypeGroup

Type groups for fields.

Definition at line 118 of file KDbField.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ KDbField() [1/7]

KDbField::KDbField ( KDbTableSchema * tableSchema)

Creates a database field as a child of tableSchema table. No other properties are set (even the name), so these should be set later.

Definition at line 205 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ KDbField() [2/7]

KDbField::KDbField ( )

Creates a database field. maxLength property is set to 0 (unlimited length). No other properties are set (even the name), so these should be set later.

Definition at line 189 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ KDbField() [3/7]

KDbField::KDbField ( const QString & name,
Type type,
Constraints constr = NoConstraints,
Options options = NoOptions,
int maxLength = 0,
int precision = 0,
const QVariant & defaultValue = QVariant(),
const QString & caption = QString(),
const QString & description = QString() )

Creates a database field with specified properties. For meaning of maxLength argument please refer to setMaxLength().

Definition at line 221 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ KDbField() [4/7]

KDbField::KDbField ( const KDbField & f)

Constructs a deep copy of field f.

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 231 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ ~KDbField()

KDbField::~KDbField ( )

Definition at line 236 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ KDbField() [5/7]

KDbField::KDbField ( KDbFieldList * aParent,
int aOrder = -1 )

Definition at line 197 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ KDbField() [6/7]

KDbField::KDbField ( KDbQuerySchema * querySchema,
const KDbExpression & expr )

Creates a database field as a child of querySchema table Assigns expr expression to this field, if present. Used internally by query schemas, e.g. to declare asterisks or to add expression columns. No other properties are set, so these should be set later.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 210 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ KDbField() [7/7]

KDbField::KDbField ( KDbQuerySchema * querySchema)

Definition at line 216 of file KDbField.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ caption()

QString KDbField::caption ( ) const
caption of this field.

Definition at line 316 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ captionOrName()

QString KDbField::captionOrName ( ) const
caption of this field or - if empty - return its name.

Definition at line 326 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ constraints()

KDbField::Constraints KDbField::constraints ( ) const
the constraints defined for this field.

Definition at line 301 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ convertToType()

QVariant KDbField::convertToType ( const QVariant & value,
Type type )

Converts value value to variant corresponding to type type.

Only normal types are supported. If converting is not possible a null value is returned.

use an array of functions?

Definition at line 426 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ copy()

KDbField * KDbField::copy ( )
a deep copy of this object. Used in KDbFieldList(const KDbFieldList& fl).

Reimplemented in KDbQueryAsterisk.

Definition at line 374 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ customProperties()

KDbField::CustomPropertiesMap KDbField::customProperties ( ) const
all custom properties

Definition at line 1053 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ customProperty()

QVariant KDbField::customProperty ( const QByteArray & propertyName,
const QVariant & defaultValue = QVariant() ) const
custom property propertyName. If there is no such a property, defaultValue is returned.

Definition at line 1033 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ defaultMaxLength()

int KDbField::defaultMaxLength ( )
default maximum length of text. Default is 0, i.e unlimited length (if the engine supports it).

Definition at line 645 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ defaultValue()

QVariant KDbField::defaultValue ( ) const
default value for this field. Null value means there is no default value declared. The variant value is compatible with field's type.

Definition at line 281 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ description()

QString KDbField::description ( ) const
description text for this field.

Definition at line 331 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ enumHint()

QString KDbField::enumHint ( int num)
hint name for enum value num.

Definition at line 346 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ enumHints()

QVector< QString > KDbField::enumHints ( ) const
the hints for enum fields.

Definition at line 341 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ expression() [1/2]

KDbExpression KDbField::expression ( )
KDbExpression object if the field value is an expression. Unless the expression is set with setExpression(), it is null.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 1011 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ expression() [2/2]

const KDbExpression KDbField::expression ( ) const

Definition at line 1016 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ hasEmptyProperty() [1/2]

bool KDbField::hasEmptyProperty ( ) const
true if this field has EMPTY property (i.e. it is of type string or is a BLOB).

Definition at line 521 of file KDbField.h.

◆ hasEmptyProperty() [2/2]

bool KDbField::hasEmptyProperty ( Type type)

static version of hasEmptyProperty() method

true if this field type has EMPTY property (i.e. it is string or BLOB type)

Definition at line 557 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ isAutoIncrement()

bool KDbField::isAutoIncrement ( ) const
true if the field is autoincrement (e.g. integer/numeric)

Definition at line 282 of file KDbField.h.

◆ isAutoIncrementAllowed() [1/2]

bool KDbField::isAutoIncrementAllowed ( ) const
true if this field can be auto-incremented. Actually, returns true for integer field type.
See also
IntegerType, isAutoIncrement()

Definition at line 531 of file KDbField.h.

◆ isAutoIncrementAllowed() [2/2]

bool KDbField::isAutoIncrementAllowed ( Type type)

static version of isAutoIncrementAllowed() method

true if this field type can be auto-incremented.

Definition at line 562 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ isDateTimeType() [1/2]

bool KDbField::isDateTimeType ( ) const
true if the field is of any date or time related type

Definition at line 344 of file KDbField.h.

◆ isDateTimeType() [2/2]

bool KDbField::isDateTimeType ( Type type)

Static version of isDateTimeType() method

true if the field is of any date or time related type

Definition at line 534 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ isExpression()

bool KDbField::isExpression ( ) const
true if there is expression defined for this field. This method is provided for better readibility

Definition at line 1006 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ isForeignKey()

bool KDbField::isForeignKey ( ) const
true if the field is member of single-field foreign key

Definition at line 297 of file KDbField.h.

◆ isFPNumericType() [1/2]

bool KDbField::isFPNumericType ( ) const
true if the field is of any floating point numeric type

Definition at line 335 of file KDbField.h.

◆ isFPNumericType() [2/2]

bool KDbField::isFPNumericType ( Type type)

static version of isFPNumericType() method

true if the field is of any floating point numeric type

Definition at line 529 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ isIndexed()

bool KDbField::isIndexed ( ) const
true if the field is indexed using single-field database index.

Definition at line 312 of file KDbField.h.

◆ isIntegerType() [1/2]

bool KDbField::isIntegerType ( ) const
true if the field is of any integer type

Definition at line 326 of file KDbField.h.

◆ isIntegerType() [2/2]

bool KDbField::isIntegerType ( Type type)

Static version of isIntegerType() method

true if the field is of any integer type

Definition at line 501 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ isNotEmpty()

bool KDbField::isNotEmpty ( ) const
true if the field is not allowed to be null

Definition at line 307 of file KDbField.h.

◆ isNotNull()

bool KDbField::isNotNull ( ) const
true if the field is not allowed to be null

Definition at line 302 of file KDbField.h.

◆ isNumericType() [1/2]

bool KDbField::isNumericType ( ) const
true if the field is of any numeric type (integer or floating point)

Definition at line 317 of file KDbField.h.

◆ isNumericType() [2/2]

bool KDbField::isNumericType ( Type type)

Static version of isNumericType() method

true if the field is of any numeric type (integer or floating point)

Definition at line 514 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ isPrimaryKey()

bool KDbField::isPrimaryKey ( ) const
true if the field is member of single-field primary key

Definition at line 287 of file KDbField.h.

◆ isQueryAsterisk()

bool KDbField::isQueryAsterisk ( ) const

There can be added asterisks (KDbQueryAsterisk objects) to query schemas' field list. KDbQueryAsterisk subclasses KDbField class, and to check if the given object (pointed by KDbField*) is asterisk or just ordinary field definition, you can call this method. This is just effective version of QObject::isA(). Every KDbQueryAsterisk object returns true here, and every KDbField object returns false.

Definition at line 640 of file KDbField.h.

◆ isTextType() [1/2]

bool KDbField::isTextType ( ) const
true if the field is of any text type

Definition at line 353 of file KDbField.h.

◆ isTextType() [2/2]

bool KDbField::isTextType ( Type type)

Static version of isTextType() method

true if the field is of any text type

Definition at line 546 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ isUniqueKey()

bool KDbField::isUniqueKey ( ) const
true if the field is member of single-field unique key

Definition at line 292 of file KDbField.h.

◆ isUnsigned()

bool KDbField::isUnsigned ( ) const

if the type has the unsigned attribute

Definition at line 515 of file KDbField.h.

◆ maxLength()

int KDbField::maxLength ( ) const
maximum length of text allowed for this field. Only meaningful if the type is Text.
See also

Definition at line 665 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ maxLengthStrategy()

KDbField::MaxLengthStrategy KDbField::maxLengthStrategy ( ) const
a hint that indicates if the maximum length of text for this field is based on default setting (defaultMaxLength()) or was explicitly set. Only makes sense if the field type is Text.

Definition at line 655 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ name()

QString KDbField::name ( ) const
the name of this field

Definition at line 256 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ options()

KDbField::Options KDbField::options ( ) const
options defined for this field.

Definition at line 261 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ order()

int KDbField::order ( ) const
order of this field in containing table (counting starts from 0) (-1 if unspecified).

Definition at line 306 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ parent() [1/2]

KDbFieldList * KDbField::parent ( )
parent for this field (table, query, etc.)

Definition at line 241 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ parent() [2/2]

const KDbFieldList * KDbField::parent ( ) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 246 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ precision()

int KDbField::precision ( ) const
precision for numeric and other fields that have both length (scale) and precision (floating point types).

Definition at line 286 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ query() [1/2]

KDbQuerySchema * KDbField::query ( )

For special use when the field defines expression.

query schema of query that owns this field or null if it has no query assigned.
See also

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 600 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ query() [2/2]

const KDbQuerySchema * KDbField::query ( ) const

Definition at line 605 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ scale()

int KDbField::scale ( ) const
scale for numeric and other fields that have both length (scale) and precision (floating point types). The scale of a numeric is the count of decimal digits in the fractional part, to the right of the decimal point. The precision of a numeric is the total count of significant digits in the whole number, that is, the number of digits to both sides of the decimal point. So the number 23.5141 has a precision of 6 and a scale of 4. Integers can be considered to have a scale of zero.

Definition at line 291 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setAutoIncrement()

void KDbField::setAutoIncrement ( bool a)

Sets auto increment flag. Only available to set true, if isAutoIncrementAllowed() is true.

Definition at line 857 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setCaption()

void KDbField::setCaption ( const QString & caption)

Sets caption for this field to caption.

Definition at line 321 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setConstraints()

void KDbField::setConstraints ( Constraints c)

Sets constraints to c. If PrimaryKey is set in c, also constraits implied by being primary key are enforced (see setPrimaryKey()). If Indexed is not set in c, constraits implied by not being are enforced as well (see setIndexed()).

Definition at line 630 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setCustomProperty()

void KDbField::setCustomProperty ( const QByteArray & propertyName,
const QVariant & value )

Sets value value for custom property propertyName.

Definition at line 1042 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setDefaultMaxLength()

void KDbField::setDefaultMaxLength ( int maxLength)

Sets default maximum length of text. 0 means unlimited length, greater than 0 means specific maximum length.

Definition at line 650 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setDefaultValue() [1/2]

bool KDbField::setDefaultValue ( const QByteArray & def)

Sets default value decoded from QByteArray. Decoding errors are detected (value is strictly checked against field type)

  • if one is encountered, default value is cleared (defaultValue()==QVariant()).
    true if given value was valid for field type.
if (!ok || (!(d->options & Unsigned) && (-v > 0x080000000 || v > (0x080000000-1))) || ((d->options & Unsigned) && (v < 0 || v > 0x100000000)))
BigInteger support

Definition at line 716 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setDefaultValue() [2/2]

void KDbField::setDefaultValue ( const QVariant & def)

Sets default value for this field. Setting null value removes the default value.

See also

Definition at line 711 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setDescription()

void KDbField::setDescription ( const QString & description)

Sets description for this field to description.

Definition at line 336 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setEnumHints()

void KDbField::setEnumHints ( const QVector< QString > & hints)

Sets the hint for enum fields

Definition at line 351 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setExpression()

void KDbField::setExpression ( const KDbExpression & expr)

Sets expression data expr. If there was already expression set, it is removed before new assignment. This KDbField object becames logical owner of expr object, so do not use the expression for other objects (you can call KDbExpression::clone()). Current field's expression is deleted, if exists.

Because the field defines an expression, it should be assigned to a query, not to a table, otherwise this call will not have any effect.

Definition at line 1021 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setForeignKey()

void KDbField::setForeignKey ( bool f)

Sets whether the field has to be declared with single-field foreign key. Used in KDbIndexSchema::setForeigKey().

Definition at line 894 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setIndexed()

void KDbField::setIndexed ( bool s)

Specifies whether the field is indexed (KDb::Indexed item) (by single-field implicit index) or not. Use this with caution. Since index is used to control unique, not null/empty constratins, setting this to false implies setting:

  • setPrimaryKey(false)
  • setUniqueKey(false)
  • setNotNull(false)
  • setNotEmpty(false) because above flags need index to be present. Similarly, setting one of the above flags to true, will automatically do setIndexed(true) for the same reason.

Definition at line 915 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setMaxLength()

void KDbField::setMaxLength ( int maxLength)

Sets maximum length for this field. Only works for Text type. It can be specific maximum value or 0 for unlimited length (which will work if engine supports). Resets maxLengthStrategy property to DefinedMaxLength. To reset to default maximum length, call setMaxLength(defaultMaxLength()) and then to indicate this is based on default setting, call setMaxLengthStrategy(DefaultMaxLength).

See also
maxLength(), maxLengthStrategy()

Definition at line 670 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setMaxLengthStrategy()

void KDbField::setMaxLengthStrategy ( MaxLengthStrategy strategy)

Sets strategy for defining maximum length of text for this field. Only makes sense if the field type is Text. Default strategy is DefinedMaxLength. Changing this value does not affect maxLength property.

Fields with DefaultMaxLength strategy does not follow changes made by calling setDefaultMaxLength() so to update the default maximum lengths in fields, the app has to iterate over all fields of type Text, and reset to the new default as explained in setMaxLength() documentation. See documentation for setMaxLength() for information how to reset maxLength to default value.

See also
maxLengthStrategy(), setMaxLength()

Definition at line 660 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setName()

void KDbField::setName ( const QString & name)

Sets name name for this field.

Definition at line 615 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setNotEmpty()

void KDbField::setNotEmpty ( bool n)

Specifies whether the field has single-field unique constraint or not (KDb::NotEmpty item). Setting this to true implies setting Indexed flag to true (setIndexed(true)), because index is required it control not empty constraint.

Definition at line 908 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setNotNull()

void KDbField::setNotNull ( bool n)

Specifies whether the field has single-field unique constraint or not (KDb::NotNull item). Setting this to true implies setting Indexed flag to true (setIndexed(true)), because index is required it control not null constraint.

Definition at line 901 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setOptions()

void KDbField::setOptions ( Options options)

Sets options for this field.

Definition at line 266 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setOrder()

void KDbField::setOrder ( int order)

Sets order of this field in containing table. Counting starts from 0. -1 if unspecified.

Definition at line 311 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setParent()

void KDbField::setParent ( KDbFieldList * parent)

Sets parent for this field.

Definition at line 251 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setPrecision()

void KDbField::setPrecision ( int p)

Sets scale for this field. Only works for floating-point types.

Definition at line 676 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setPrimaryKey()

void KDbField::setPrimaryKey ( bool p)

Specifies whether the field is single-field primary key or not (KDb::PrimeryKey item). Use this with caution. Setting this to true implies setting:

  • setUniqueKey(true)
  • setNotNull(true)
  • setNotEmpty(true)
  • setIndexed(true)

Setting this to false implies setting setAutoIncrement(false).

is this ok for all engines?

Definition at line 867 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setQuery()

void KDbField::setQuery ( KDbQuerySchema * query)

For special use when field defines expression. Sets query schema of query that owns this field. This does not adds the field to query object. You do not need to call this method by hand. Call KDbQuerySchema::addField() instead.

See also

Definition at line 610 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setScale()

void KDbField::setScale ( int s)

Sets scale for this field. Only works for floating-point types.

See also

Definition at line 684 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setSubType()

void KDbField::setSubType ( const QString & subType)

Sets (optional) subtype for this field.

See also

Definition at line 276 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setTable()

void KDbField::setTable ( KDbTableSchema * table)

Sets table schema of table that owns this field. This does not adds the field to table object. You do not need to call this method by hand. Call KDbTableSchema::addField(KDbField *field) instead.

See also

Definition at line 595 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setType()

void KDbField::setType ( Type t)

Sets type t for this field. This does nothing if there's expression assigned.

See also

Definition at line 620 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setUniqueKey()

void KDbField::setUniqueKey ( bool u)

Specifies whether the field has single-field unique constraint or not (KDb::Unique item). Setting this to true implies setting Indexed flag to true (setIndexed(true)), because index is required it control unique constraint.

Definition at line 883 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setUnsigned()

void KDbField::setUnsigned ( bool u)

Sets unsigned flag for this field. Only works for integer types.

Definition at line 700 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ setVisibleDecimalPlaces()

void KDbField::setVisibleDecimalPlaces ( int p)

Sets number of decimal places that should be visible to the user.

See also

Definition at line 692 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ specialTypesCount()

int KDbField::specialTypesCount ( )
number of special types available (Asterisk, Enum, etc.), that means

Definition at line 363 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ subType()

QString KDbField::subType ( ) const
(optional) subtype for this field. Subtype is a string providing additional hint for field's type. E.g. for BLOB type, it can be a MIME type or certain QVariant type name, for example: "QPixmap", "QColor" or "QFont"

Definition at line 271 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ table() [1/2]

KDbTableSchema * KDbField::table ( )
table schema of table that owns this field or null if it has no table assigned.
See also

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Definition at line 585 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ table() [2/2]

const KDbTableSchema * KDbField::table ( ) const

Definition at line 590 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ type()

KDbField::Type KDbField::type ( ) const
a type for this field. If there's expression assigned, type of the expression (after evaluation) is returned instead.

Definition at line 379 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ typeForString()

KDbField::Type KDbField::typeForString ( const QString & typeString)
type for a given nontranslated type string typeString

For example returns KDbType::Integer for "Integer". typeString has to be name of type not greater than KDbField::LastType; KDbField::Null is also supported. For unsupported value KDbField::InvalidType is returned.

Definition at line 491 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ typeGroup() [1/2]

TypeGroup KDbField::typeGroup ( ) const
type group for this field

Definition at line 382 of file KDbField.h.

◆ typeGroup() [2/2]

KDbField::TypeGroup KDbField::typeGroup ( Type type)
group for type

For example returns KDbField::TextGroup for KDbField::Text type. type has to be an element from KDbField::Type, not greater than KDbField::LastType. For unsupported type KDbField::InvalidGroup is returned.

Definition at line 567 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ typeGroupForString()

KDbField::TypeGroup KDbField::typeGroupForString ( const QString & typeGroupString)
type group for a given nontranslated type group typeGroupString

For example returns KDbField::TextGroup for "TextGroup" string. For unsupported value KDbField::InvalidGroup is returned.

Definition at line 496 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ typeGroupName() [1/2]

QString KDbField::typeGroupName ( ) const
a translated type group name for this field

Definition at line 387 of file KDbField.h.

◆ typeGroupName() [2/2]

QString KDbField::typeGroupName ( TypeGroup typeGroup)
a translated group name for typeGroup

Definition at line 474 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ typeGroupNames()

QStringList KDbField::typeGroupNames ( )
list of all available translated type group names

The first element of the list is the name of KDbField::InvalidGroup, the last one is a name of KDbField::LastTypeGroup.

Definition at line 480 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ typeGroupsCount()

int KDbField::typeGroupsCount ( )
number of type groups available

Definition at line 369 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ typeGroupString() [1/2]

QString KDbField::typeGroupString ( ) const
a type group string for this field, for example "Integer" string for KDbField::IntegerGroup.

Definition at line 399 of file KDbField.h.

◆ typeGroupString() [2/2]

QString KDbField::typeGroupString ( TypeGroup typeGroup)
a nontranslated type group string for typeGroup, e.g. "IntegerGroup" for IntegerGroup type

Definition at line 485 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ typeName() [1/2]

QString KDbField::typeName ( ) const
a translated type name for this field

Definition at line 377 of file KDbField.h.

◆ typeName() [2/2]

QString KDbField::typeName ( Type type)
a translated type name for type

type has to be an element from KDbField::Type, not greater than KDbField::LastType. Only normal types and KDbField::Null are supported. For unsupported types empty string is returned.

See also
typesCount() specialTypesCount()

Definition at line 458 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ typeNames()

QStringList KDbField::typeNames ( )
list of all available translated names of normal types

The first element of the list is the name of KDbField::InvalidType, the last one is a name of KDbField::LastType.

See also
typesCount() specialTypesCount()

Definition at line 463 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ typesCount()

int KDbField::typesCount ( )
number of normal types available, i.e. types > InvalidType and <= LastType.

Definition at line 357 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ typeString() [1/2]

QString KDbField::typeString ( ) const
a type string for this field, for example "Integer" string for KDbField::Integer type.

Definition at line 393 of file KDbField.h.

◆ typeString() [2/2]

QString KDbField::typeString ( Type type)
a nontranslated type string for type

For example returns "Integer" for KDbType::Integer. type has to be an element from KDbField::Type, not greater than KDbField::LastType; KDbField::Null is also supported. For unsupported types empty string is returned.

Definition at line 468 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ variantType() [1/2]

QVariant::Type KDbField::variantType ( ) const

Converts field's type to QVariant equivalent as accurate as possible.

Definition at line 368 of file KDbField.h.

◆ variantType() [2/2]

QVariant::Type KDbField::variantType ( Type type)

Converts type type to QVariant equivalent as accurate as possible.

Only normal types are supported.

See also
typesCount() specialTypesCount()

Definition at line 387 of file KDbField.cpp.

◆ visibleDecimalPlaces()

int KDbField::visibleDecimalPlaces ( ) const
should we keep extended properties here or move them to a QVariant dictionary?
number of decimal places that should be visible to the user, e.g. within table view widget, form or printout. Only meaningful if the field type is floating point or (in the future: decimal or currency).
  • Any value less than 0 (-1 is the default) means that there should be displayed all digits of the fractional part, except the ending zeros. This is known as "auto" mode. For example, 12.345000 becomes 12.345.
  • Value of 0 means that all the fractional part should be hidden (as well as the dot or comma). For example, 12.345000 becomes 12.
  • Value N > 0 means that the fractional part should take exactly N digits. If the fractional part is shorter than N, additional zeros are appended. For example, "12.345" becomes "12.345000" if N=6.

Definition at line 296 of file KDbField.cpp.

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