Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
CKoOdtFrameReportLine | |
▼CKPluginMetaData [external] | |
CKReportPluginMetaData | Information about a KReport plugin |
CKReportDataSource | Abstraction of report data source |
CKReportDesign | Report design in .kreport format |
▼CKReportDesignerItemBase | Base class for report items used within the designer GUI |
CKReportDesignerItemRectBase | Base class for rectangular report items used within the designer GUI |
CKReportDesignReadingStatus | The KReportDesignReadStatus represents status of reading a report design in .kreport format |
▼CKReportElement | Functional visual element of a report design |
CKReportLabelElement | Label element of a report design |
CKReportLineStyle | Line style |
CKReportPluginEntry | |
CKReportRendererBase | Base class for report renderers |
CKReportRendererContext | |
CKReportRendererFactory | Factory for creating renderers |
CKReportScriptSource | Abstraction of report script source |
CKReportSection | Section of a report design |
CKReportUnit | Converts between different units |
COROPage | Represents a single page in a document and may contain zero or more OROPrimitive objects all of which represent some form of mark to be made on a page |
▼COROPrimitive | Represents the basic primitive with a position and type. Other primitives are subclasses with a defined type and any additional information they require to define that primitive |
COROCheckBox | Defines checkbox |
COROEllipse | Defines an ellipse |
COROImage | Defines an image. An image is a bitmap |
COROLine | Defines a line with a width/weight |
COROPicture | Defines a picture. A picture is different to an image, in that it is drawn using commands |
CORORect | Defines a rectangle |
COROTextBox | A text box primitive it defines a box region and text that will be rendered inside that region, it also contains information for font and positioning of the text |
COROSection | Represents a single a single row in a document and may contain zero or more OROPrimitives |
CKReportPluginManager::Private | |
▼CQGraphicsItem [external] | |
▼CQAbstractGraphicsShapeItem [external] | |
▼CQGraphicsRectItem [external] | |
CKReportDesignerItemRectBase | Base class for rectangular report items used within the designer GUI |
CKReportPage | Provides a widget that renders a specific page of an ORODocument The widget is sized to the document size in pixels |
▼CQGraphicsObject [external] | |
▼CQGraphicsTextItem [external] | |
CBoundedTextItem | Subclass of QGraphicsTextItem which simply forces its boundingRect to be the same as its parent |
▼CQObject [external] | |
CKReportDesignerSectionDetailGroup | A section group allows a header and footer to be used for a particular report field |
CKReportDocument | Top level report document definition. A KReportDocment defines the design of a document, and is composed of multiple sections |
CKReportGroupTracker | Keeps track of groups as the data for the group changes |
▼CKReportItemBase | Base class for items that are drawn syncronously |
CKReportAsyncItemBase | Base class for items that are drawn asyncronously due to unknown loading times |
CKReportPage | Provides a widget that renders a specific page of an ORODocument The widget is sized to the document size in pixels |
CKReportPluginInterface | An interface for plugins delivering KReport elements |
CKReportPluginManager | Manager class for finding and loading available plugins |
CKReportPreRenderer | Takes a report definition and prerenders the result to an ORODocument that can be used to pass to any number of renderers |
CKReportScriptConstants | Helper giving access to various scripting constants |
CKReportScriptDebug | Helper for the scripting API to display user messages |
CKReportScriptDraw | Helper giving access to drawing functions |
CKReportSectionData | KReportSectionData is used to store the information about a specific report section |
CORODocument | Represents a single document containing one or more OROPage elements |
CQGraphicsObject [external] | |
▼CQWidget [external] | |
CKReportDesigner | The ReportDesigner is the main widget for designing a report |
CKReportDesignerSection | This class is the base to all Report Section's visual representation |
CKReportDesignerSectionDetail | The central detail section which contains the bulk of the report |
CKReportView | Provides a simple widget for viewing a rendered report on screen |
CScripting::CheckBox | Checkbox item script interface |
CScripting::Field | Field script interface |
CScripting::Image | Image item script interface |
CScripting::Line | Line item script interface |
CScripting::Report | Report object user scripting API |
CScripting::Text | Text item script interface |
▼CQPaintDevice [external] | |
CQWidget [external] | |
CKReportDataSource::SortedField | Describes sorting for single field, By default the order is ascending |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:56:43 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:56:43 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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