
Todo List
Class KoOdtFrameReportLine
This implementation is a hack because neither words nor libre writer implements lines in a good way.
Member KReportDesign::defaultPageLayout ()
For KDE Plasma use information from the Locale by using readConfigNumEntry("PageSize", QPrinter::A4, m_pageSize, QPrinter::PageSize) from KLocalePrivate::initFormat() (klocale_kde.cpp)
Member KReportDesign::toString (int indent=1) const
Member KReportDesigner::itemActions (QActionGroup *group=nullptr)

make line a real plugin so this isn't needed:

maybe this is a bit hackish It finds the first plugin based on the priority in userdata The lowest oriority a plugin can have is 10 And inserts a separator before it.

Member KReportDesigner::sectionContextMenuEvent (KReportDesignerSectionScene *scene, QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)

KF5 use KStandardAction

KF5 use KStandardAction

KF5 use KStandard*

Member KReportDesigner::slotEditDelete ()
temporary: clears cut and copy lists to make sure we do not crash if weve deleted something in the list should really check if an item is in the list first and remove it.
Member KReportDesigner::slotEditPaste (QGraphicsScene *)
this code sucks :) The setPos calls only work AFTER the name has been set ?!?!?
Member KReportDesignerItemRectBase::mouseMoveEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override
use an enum for the directions
Member KReportDesignerItemRectBase::move (const QPointF &) override
Member KReportDesignerSection::initFromXML (const QDomNode &section)
4.0: Use QDomElement
Member KReportDesignerSectionDetail::initFromXML (QDomNode *node)
4.0: Use QDomElement
Member KReportDocument::KReportDocument (const QDomElement &elemSource, QObject *parent=nullptr)
add config for default margins or add within templates support
Member KReportPluginInterface::createDesignerInstance (const QDomNode &element, KReportDesigner *designer, QGraphicsScene *scene)=0
4.0: Use QDomElement
Member KReportPluginInterface::createRendererInstance (const QDomNode &element)=0
4.0: Use QDomElement
Class KReportRendererFactory
make it use plugins
Member KReportRendererFactory::createInstance (const QString &key)



Member KReportSectionData::sectionTypeFromString (const QString &s)
use QMap
Member KReportSectionData::sectionTypeString (KReportSectionData::Type type)
use QMap
Member KReportUnit::parseValue (const QString &value, qreal defaultVal=0.0)
add support for mi/ft ?
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2024 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Oct 11 2024 12:16:25 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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