Kirigami Addons is an additional set of visual components that work well on mobile and desktop and are guaranteed to be cross-platform. It uses Kirigami under the hood to create its components and should look native with any QtQuick Controls style.
A tutorial for Kirigami Addons can be found over Develop.
Most common components
Kirigami Addons provides several QML modules. Each module may contain one or multiple components.
The following components are either commonly used or serve as entrypoints for using other API in their respective modules:
- Components Module
- Date and Time Module
- TimePopup
- DatePopup
- Delegates Module
- Form Card Module
- AboutKDE
- AboutPage
- FormCard
- FormHeader
- FormCardPage
- Categorized Settings Module
- Sounds Module
- TreeView Module
List of modules and components
Each component can be used with an import statement following this pattern:
Starting with Qt6, the version is optional.
The following list can be used to check which component belongs to which module:
- AbstractMaximizeComponent
- AlbumMaximizeComponent
- AlbumModelItem
- Avatar
- AvatarButton
- FloatingButton
- DoubleFloatingButton
- ImageMaximizeDelegate
- VideoMaximizeDelegate
- SearchPopupField
- AboutKDE
- AboutPage
- AbstractFormDelegate
- FormArrow
- FormButtonDelegate
- FormCard
- FormCardPage
- FormCheckDelegate
- FormComboBoxDelegate
- FormDateTimeDelegate
- FormDelegateBackground
- FormDelegateSeparator
- FormGridContainer
- FormHeader
- FormRadioDelegate
- FormSectionText
- FormSpinBoxDelegate
- FormSwitchDelegate
- FormTextDelegate
- FormTextFieldDelegate
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:51:42 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.