Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
▼COSM::AbstractReader | Abstract base class for OSM file format readers |
COSM::O5mParser | Zero-copy parser of O5M binary files |
COSM::OsmPbfParser | Parser of .osm.pbf files |
▼COSM::AbstractWriter | Abstract base class for OSM file format writers |
COSM::O5mWriter | Serialize an OSM::DataSet into the o5m file format |
COSM::OsmPbfWriter | Serialize an OSM::DataSet into the PBF file format |
COSM::XmlWriter | Serialize a OSM::DataSet into OSM XML |
CAmenityListDelegate | Delegate for use on an AmenityModel |
COSM::BoundingBox | Bounding box, ie |
COSM::Coordinate | Coordinate, stored as 1e7 * degree to avoid floating point precision issues, and offset to unsigned values to make the z-order curve work |
COSM::DataSet | A set of nodes, ways and relations |
COSM::DataSetMergeBuffer | Holds OSM elements produced by a parser prior to merging into OSM::DataSet |
CKOSM::EditorController | Filtering/sorting on top of the AmenityModel |
COSM::Element | A reference to any of OSM::Node/OSMWay/OSMRelation |
CKOSMIndoorMap::Equipment | Elevator or escalator element |
CKOSMIndoorMap::Gate | An airport gate |
CKOSMIndoorMap::HitDetector | Picking hit detector |
CWikidata::Image | Commons image metadata |
CIndoorMap | QML item for displaying a train station or airport map |
COSM::IOPluginInterface | Plugin interface for OSM file/data readers |
CWikidata::Item | Wikidata item |
COSM::Languages | Languages in preference order to consider when looking up translated tag values |
CKOSMIndoorMap::MapCSSParser | MapCSS parser |
CKOSMIndoorMap::MapCSSResult | Result of MapCSS stylesheet evaluation for all layer selectors |
CKOSMIndoorMap::MapCSSResultLayer | Result of MapCSS stylesheet evaluation for a single layer selector |
CKOSMIndoorMap::MapCSSStyle | A parsed MapCSS style sheet |
CKOSMIndoorMap::MapData | Raw OSM map data, separated by levels |
CKOSMIndoorMap::MapLevel | A floor level |
CKOSMIndoorMap::MapPointerEvent | Data type for mouse/touch events on the map |
COSM::Member | A member in a relation |
CKOSMIndoorRouting::NavMesh | Compiled nav mesh for routing |
COSM::Node | An OSM node |
CKOSMIndoorMap::OSMAddress | Postal address from OSM data |
CKOSMIndoorMap::OSMElement | QML wrapper around an OSM element |
COSMElementInformationDialog | Dialog showing detailed information about a specific OSM element |
COSMElementInformationDialogAddressDelegate | OSM element info dialog delegate for graphically displaying link entries |
COSMElementInformationDialogImageDelegate | Delegate for showing images and logos in the OSM element information dialog |
COSMElementInformationDialogLinkDelegate | OSM element info dialog delegate for graphically displaying link entries |
COSMElementInformationDialogOpeningHoursDelegate | OSM element info dialog delegate for graphically displaying opening hours |
COSMElementInformationDialogStringDelegate | OSM element info dialog delegate for graphically displaying textual entries |
CWikidata::P | Wikidata property identifier |
CKOSMIndoorMap::PainterRenderer | QPainter-based renderer of a SceneGraph |
CKOSMIndoorMap::Platform | A railway platform/track |
CKOSMIndoorMap::PlatformSection | A railway platform section |
CWikidata::Q | Wikidata item identifier |
▼CQObject [external] | |
▼CKOSMIndoorMap::AbstractOverlaySource | A source for overlay elements, drawn on top of the static map data |
►CKOSMIndoorMap::EquipmentModel | Overlay source for elevators and escalators |
CKOSMIndoorMap::ModelOverlaySource | A source for overlay elements, based on a QAbstractItemModel as input |
CKOSMIndoorMap::MapCSSLoader | Asynchronous loader for (remote) MapCSS assets |
CKOSMIndoorMap::MapLoader | Loader for OSM data for a single station or airport |
CKOSMIndoorMap::View | View transformations and transformation manipulation |
CKOSMIndoorRouting::NavMeshBuilder | Job for building a navigation mesh for the given building |
CKOSMIndoorRouting::RoutingController | Routing interface for QML |
CKOSMIndoorRouting::RoutingJob | Job for running a routing query on a compiled NavMesh instance |
COSM::OverpassQuery | An Overpass QL query job, to be executed by OverpassQueryManager |
COSM::OverpassQueryManager | Executes OverpassQuery jobs |
▼CQAbstractItemModel [external] | |
CKOSMIndoorMap::PlatformModel | Lists all platforms/tracks and platform sections found in the current map |
►CQAbstractListModel [external] | |
►CQAbstractProxyModel [external] | |
▼CQQmlExtensionPlugin [external] | |
CKOSMIndoorMapQuickPlugin | Qt Quick integration plugin for KOSMIndoorMap |
▼CQQuickItem [external] | |
►CQQuickPaintedItem [external] | |
▼CWikidata::Query | Base class for Wikidata queries |
CWikidata::EntitiesQuery | Wikidata multi-entity retrieval query |
CWikidata::ImageMetadataQuery | Wikidata image metadata query |
CWikidata::QueryManager | Executes wikidata queries |
▼CQQmlParserStatus [external] | |
CQQuickItem [external] | |
CKOSMIndoorRouting::rcVec3 | 3D vector type compatible with the Recast API |
COSM::Relation | An OSM relation |
CKOSMIndoorRouting::RoutingProfile | Routing profile |
CKOSMIndoorMap::SceneController | Creates/updates the scene graph based on a given style sheet and view |
CKOSMIndoorMap::SceneGraph | Scene graph of the currently displayed level |
CKOSMIndoorMap::SceneGraphItem | Scene graph item description and handle for its content |
▼CKOSMIndoorMap::SceneGraphItemPayload | Payload base class for scene graph items |
CKOSMIndoorMap::LabelItem | A text or icon label |
▼CKOSMIndoorMap::PolygonBaseItem | Base item for filled polygons |
CKOSMIndoorMap::MultiPolygonItem | Multi-polygon item, used for polygons with "holes" in them |
CKOSMIndoorMap::PolygonItem | A single filled polygon |
CKOSMIndoorMap::PolylineItem | A path/way/line item in the scenegraph |
▼COSM::StringKey | Base class for unique string keys |
COSM::Role | A relation role name key |
COSM::TagKey | A key of an OSM tag |
▼COSM::StringKeyRegistryBase | |
COSM::StringKeyRegistry< OSM::TagKey > | |
COSM::StringKeyRegistry< OSM::Role > | |
COSM::StringKeyRegistry< T > | Registry of unique string keys |
COSM::Tag | An OSM element tag |
COSM::Internal::TaggedPointer< T > | Pointer with the lower bits used for compact flag storage |
COSM::UniqueElement | A std::unique_ptr-like object for OSM element types |
COSM::Way | An OSM way |
COSM::ZTile | Tile in a quad tree made up out of z-order curve positions |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:58:51 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:58:51 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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