
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
3 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
9namespace KOSMIndoorMap {
11/** Known properties in MapCSS declarations. */
12enum class MapCSSProperty {
13 Unknown,
15 // general properties
16 ZIndex, /// z-order
18 // line properties
19 Width, /// line width
20 Color, /// line color
21 Opacity, /// line opacity
22 Dashes, /// line dash pattern
23 Image, /// fill image for the line
24 LineCap, /// line end cap style: none (default), round, square
25 LineJoin, /// line join style: round (default), miter, bevel
27 // line casing properties
28 CasingWidth, /// line casing width
29 CasingColor, /// line casing color
30 CasingOpacity, /// line casing opacity
31 CasingDashes, /// line casing dash pattern
32 CasingLineCap, /// line casing end cap
33 CasingLineJoin, /// line casing join style
35 // missing here: extrude properties
37 // polygon (and canvas) properties
38 FillColor, /// area fill color
39 FillOpacity, /// area fill opacity
40 FillImage, /// image to fill the area with
42 // icon properties
43 IconImage, /// URL to the icon image
44 IconWidth, /// icon width
45 IconHeight, /// icon height
46 IconOpacity, /// icon opacity
47 IconColor, /// for colorized SVGs, non-standard extension
48 IconAllowTextOverlap, /// the equivalent to CartoCSS's allow-overlap, non-standard extension
49 IconAllowIconOverlap, /// the equivalent to CartoCSS's ignore-placement, non-standard extension
51 // label properties
52 FontFamily, /// font name
53 FontSize, /// font size
54 FontWeight, /// font weight: bold or normal (default)
55 FontStyle, /// italic or normal (default)
56 FontVariant, /// small-caps or normal (default)
57 TextDecoration, /// none (default) or underline
58 TextTransform, /// none (default), uppercase, lowercase or capitalize
59 TextColor, /// text color used for the label
60 TextOpacity, /// text opacity
61 TextPosition, /// @p line or @p center
62 TextOffset, /// vertical offset from the center of the way or point
63 MaxWidth, /// maximum width before wrapping
64 Text, /// label content
65 TextHaloColor, /// text halo color
66 TextHaloRadius, /// text halo radius
68 // shield properties (casing > frame > shield > text)
69 ShieldColor, /// shield color
70 ShieldOpacity, /// shield opacity
71 ShieldFrameColor, /// shield frame color
72 ShieldFrameWidth, /// shield frame width (0 to disable)
73 ShieldCasingColor, /// shield casing color
74 ShieldCasingWidth, /// shield casing width
75 ShieldText, /// text to render on the shield
76 ShieldImage, /// background image of the shield
77 ShieldShape, /// @p rounded or @p rectangular
79 // 3D extrusion
80 Extrude,
OSM-based multi-floor indoor maps for buildings.
Known properties in MapCSS declarations.
@ LineJoin
line end cap style: none (default), round, square
@ CasingDashes
line casing opacity
@ IconWidth
URL to the icon image.
@ FontStyle
font weight: bold or normal (default)
@ ShieldText
shield casing width
@ CasingOpacity
line casing color
@ ShieldFrameWidth
shield frame color
@ TextOpacity
text color used for the label
@ CasingColor
line casing width
@ FillImage
area fill opacity
@ FillColor
line casing join style
@ ShieldFrameColor
shield opacity
@ LineCap
fill image for the line
@ CasingLineCap
line casing dash pattern
@ IconAllowIconOverlap
the equivalent to CartoCSS's allow-overlap, non-standard extension
@ FontVariant
italic or normal (default)
@ CasingLineJoin
line casing end cap
@ ShieldCasingWidth
shield casing color
@ Text
maximum width before wrapping
@ TextTransform
none (default) or underline
@ TextColor
none (default), uppercase, lowercase or capitalize
@ ShieldImage
text to render on the shield
@ IconAllowTextOverlap
for colorized SVGs, non-standard extension
@ ShieldShape
background image of the shield
@ ShieldColor
text halo radius
@ TextHaloRadius
text halo color
@ ShieldCasingColor
shield frame width (0 to disable)
@ CasingWidth
line join style: round (default), miter, bevel
@ Image
line dash pattern
@ TextDecoration
small-caps or normal (default)
@ IconImage
image to fill the area with
@ MaxWidth
vertical offset from the center of the way or point
@ FontFamily
the equivalent to CartoCSS's ignore-placement, non-standard extension
@ FillOpacity
area fill color
@ Extrude
rounded or rectangular
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