
Search for usage in LXR

#include <MarbleMap.h>

Inheritance diagram for Marble::MarbleMap:


void framesPerSecond (qreal fps)
void highlightedPlacemarksChanged (qreal, qreal, GeoDataCoordinates::Unit)
void mouseClickGeoPosition (qreal lon, qreal lat, GeoDataCoordinates::Unit)
void mouseMoveGeoPosition (const QString &geoPositionString)
void pluginSettingsChanged ()
void projectionChanged (Projection)
void propertyValueChanged (const QString &name, bool value)
void radiusChanged (int radius)
void renderPluginInitialized (RenderPlugin *renderPlugin)
void renderStateChanged (const RenderState &state)
void renderStatusChanged (RenderStatus status)
void repaintNeeded (const QRegion &dirtyRegion=QRegion())
void themeChanged (const QString &theme)
void tileLevelChanged (int level)
void viewContextChanged (ViewContext viewContext)
void visibleLatLonAltBoxChanged (const GeoDataLatLonAltBox &visibleLatLonAltBox)
void visibleRelationTypesChanged (GeoDataRelation::RelationTypes relationTypes)

Public Slots

void centerOn (const qreal lon, const qreal lat)
void clearVolatileTileCache ()
int debugLevelTag () const
void downloadRegion (QList< TileCoordsPyramid > const &)
void highlightRouteRelation (qint64 osmId, bool enabled)
bool levelTagDebugModeEnabled () const
void notifyMouseClick (int x, int y)
void paint (GeoPainter &painter, const QRect &dirtyRect)
void reload ()
void rotateBy (qreal deltaLon, qreal deltaLat)
void setCenterLatitude (qreal lat)
void setCenterLongitude (qreal lon)
void setDebugLevelTag (int level)
void setDefaultAngleUnit (AngleUnit angleUnit)
void setDefaultFont (const QFont &font)
void setHeading (qreal heading)
void setLevelTagDebugModeEnabled (bool visible)
void setLockToSubSolarPoint (bool visible)
void setMapThemeId (const QString &maptheme)
void setProjection (Projection projection)
void setPropertyValue (const QString &name, bool value)
void setRadius (int radius)
void setShowAtmosphere (bool visible)
void setShowBackground (bool visible)
void setShowBorders (bool visible)
void setShowCities (bool visible)
void setShowCityLights (bool visible)
void setShowClouds (bool visible)
void setShowCompass (bool visible)
void setShowCrosshairs (bool visible)
void setShowDebugBatchRender (bool visible)
void setShowDebugPlacemarks (bool visible)
void setShowDebugPolygons (bool visible)
void setShowFrameRate (bool visible)
void setShowGrid (bool visible)
void setShowIceLayer (bool visible)
void setShowLakes (bool visible)
void setShowOtherPlaces (bool visible)
void setShowOverviewMap (bool visible)
void setShowPlaces (bool visible)
void setShowRelief (bool visible)
void setShowRivers (bool visible)
void setShowRuntimeTrace (bool visible)
void setShowScaleBar (bool visible)
void setShowSunShading (bool visible)
void setShowTerrain (bool visible)
void setShowTileId (bool visible)
void setSubSolarPointIconVisible (bool visible)
void setVisibleRelationTypes (GeoDataRelation::RelationTypes relationTypes)
void setVolatileTileCacheLimit (quint64 kiloBytes)
bool showDebugBatchRender () const
bool showDebugPlacemarks () const
bool showDebugPolygons () const
bool showRuntimeTrace () const

Public Member Functions

 MarbleMap ()
 MarbleMap (MarbleModel *model)
void addLayer (LayerInterface *layer)
QString addTextureLayer (GeoSceneTextureTileDataset *texture)
qreal centerLatitude () const
qreal centerLongitude () const
QList< AbstractDataPlugin * > dataPlugins () const
AngleUnit defaultAngleUnit () const
QFont defaultFont () const
bool discreteZoom () const
AbstractFloatItemfloatItem (const QString &nameId) const
QList< AbstractFloatItem * > floatItems () const
bool geoCoordinates (int x, int y, qreal &lon, qreal &lat, GeoDataCoordinates::Unit=GeoDataCoordinates::Degree) const
bool hasFeatureAt (const QPoint &) const
qreal heading () const
int height () const
bool isLockedToSubSolarPoint () const
bool isSubSolarPointIconVisible () const
MapQuality mapQuality () const
MapQuality mapQuality (ViewContext viewContext) const
QString mapThemeId () const
int maximumZoom () const
int minimumZoom () const
MarbleModelmodel () const
int preferredRadiusCeil (int radius) const
int preferredRadiusFloor (int radius) const
Projection projection () const
bool propertyValue (const QString &name) const
int radius () const
void removeLayer (LayerInterface *layer)
void removeTextureLayer (const QString &key)
QList< RenderPlugin * > renderPlugins () const
RenderState renderState () const
RenderStatus renderStatus () const
bool screenCoordinates (qreal lon, qreal lat, qreal &x, qreal &y) const
void setMapQualityForViewContext (MapQuality qualityForViewContext, ViewContext viewContext)
void setSize (const QSize &size)
void setSize (int width, int height)
void setViewContext (ViewContext viewContext)
bool showAtmosphere () const
bool showBackground () const
bool showBorders () const
bool showCities () const
bool showCityLights () const
bool showClouds () const
bool showCompass () const
bool showCrosshairs () const
bool showFrameRate () const
bool showGrid () const
bool showIceLayer () const
bool showLakes () const
bool showOtherPlaces () const
bool showOverviewMap () const
bool showPlaces () const
bool showRelief () const
bool showRivers () const
bool showScaleBar () const
bool showSunShading () const
bool showTerrain () const
QSize size () const
const StyleBuilder * styleBuilder () const
TextureLayer * textureLayer () const
int tileZoomLevel () const
VectorTileLayer * vectorTileLayer () const
ViewContext viewContext () const
ViewportParamsviewport ()
const ViewportParamsviewport () const
GeoDataRelation::RelationTypes visibleRelationTypes () const
quint64 volatileTileCacheLimit () const
QList< const GeoDataFeature * > whichFeatureAt (const QPoint &) const
QList< AbstractDataPluginItem * > whichItemAt (const QPoint &curpos) const
int width () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QObject
 QObject (QObject *parent)
QBindable< QStringbindableObjectName ()
bool blockSignals (bool block)
const QObjectListchildren () const const
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) const const
void deleteLater ()
void destroyed (QObject *obj)
bool disconnect (const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const const
bool disconnect (const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const const
void dumpObjectInfo () const const
void dumpObjectTree () const const
QList< QByteArraydynamicPropertyNames () const const
virtual bool event (QEvent *e)
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
findChild (const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
QList< T > findChildren (const QRegularExpression &re, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
QList< T > findChildren (const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
QList< T > findChildren (Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
bool inherits (const char *className) const const
void installEventFilter (QObject *filterObj)
bool isQuickItemType () const const
bool isWidgetType () const const
bool isWindowType () const const
void killTimer (int id)
virtual const QMetaObjectmetaObject () const const
void moveToThread (QThread *targetThread)
QString objectName () const const
void objectNameChanged (const QString &objectName)
QObjectparent () const const
QVariant property (const char *name) const const
 Q_CLASSINFO (Name, Value)
 Q_ENUM (...)
 Q_ENUM_NS (...)
 Q_ENUMS (...)
 Q_FLAG (...)
 Q_FLAG_NS (...)
 Q_FLAGS (...)
qobject_cast (const QObject *object)
qobject_cast (QObject *object)
void removeEventFilter (QObject *obj)
void setObjectName (const QString &name)
void setObjectName (QAnyStringView name)
void setParent (QObject *parent)
bool setProperty (const char *name, const QVariant &value)
bool setProperty (const char *name, QVariant &&value)
bool signalsBlocked () const const
int startTimer (int interval, Qt::TimerType timerType)
int startTimer (std::chrono::milliseconds interval, Qt::TimerType timerType)
QThreadthread () const const

Protected Member Functions

virtual void customPaint (GeoPainter *painter)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QObject
virtual void childEvent (QChildEvent *event)
virtual void connectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
virtual void customEvent (QEvent *event)
virtual void disconnectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
bool isSignalConnected (const QMetaMethod &signal) const const
int receivers (const char *signal) const const
QObjectsender () const const
int senderSignalIndex () const const
virtual void timerEvent (QTimerEvent *event)

Additional Inherited Members

- Properties inherited from QObject
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QObject
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *context, Functor functor, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor)
bool disconnect (const QMetaObject::Connection &connection)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method)
QString tr (const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n)
- Public Attributes inherited from QObject
typedef QObjectList

Detailed Description

A class that can paint a view of the earth.

FIXME: Change this description when we are done.

This class can paint a view of the earth or any other globe, depending on which dataset is used. It can be used to show the globe in a widget like MarbleWidget does, or on any other QPaintDevice.

The projection and other view parameters that control how MarbleMap paints the map is given through the class ViewParams. If the programmer wants to allow the user to control the map, he/she has to provide a way for the user to interact with it. An example of this can be seen in the class MarbleWidgetInputHandler, that lets the user control a MarbleWidget that uses MarbleMap internally.

The MarbleMap needs to be provided with a data model to work. This model is contained in the MarbleModel class. The widget can also construct its own model if none is given to the constructor. This data model contains 3 separate datatypes: tiles which provide the background, vectors which provide things like country borders and coastlines and placemarks which can show points of interest, such as cities, mountain tops or the poles.

See also

Definition at line 83 of file MarbleMap.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MarbleMap() [1/2]

Marble::MarbleMap::MarbleMap ( )

Construct a new MarbleMap.

This constructor should be used when you will only use one MarbleMap. The widget will create its own MarbleModel when created.

Definition at line 304 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ MarbleMap() [2/2]

Marble::MarbleMap::MarbleMap ( MarbleModel * model)

Construct a new MarbleMap.

modelthe data model for the widget.

This constructor should be used when you plan to use more than one MarbleMap for the same MarbleModel (not yet supported, but will be soon).

Definition at line 310 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ ~MarbleMap()

Marble::MarbleMap::~MarbleMap ( )

Definition at line 316 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addLayer()

void Marble::MarbleMap::addLayer ( LayerInterface * layer)

Add a layer to be included in rendering.

Definition at line 1390 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ addTextureLayer()

QString Marble::MarbleMap::addTextureLayer ( GeoSceneTextureTileDataset * texture)

Adds a texture sublayer.

Returns a key that identifies the texture sublayer

Definition at line 1410 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ centerLatitude()

qreal Marble::MarbleMap::centerLatitude ( ) const

Return the latitude of the center point.

The latitude of the center point in degree.

Definition at line 449 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ centerLongitude()

qreal Marble::MarbleMap::centerLongitude ( ) const

Return the longitude of the center point.

The longitude of the center point in degree.

Definition at line 462 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ centerOn

void Marble::MarbleMap::centerOn ( const qreal lon,
const qreal lat )

Center the view on a geographical point.

latan angle parallel to the latitude lines +90(N) - -90(S)
lonan angle parallel to the longitude lines +180(W) - -180(E)

Definition at line 707 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ clearVolatileTileCache

void Marble::MarbleMap::clearVolatileTileCache ( )

Definition at line 1310 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ customPaint()

void Marble::MarbleMap::customPaint ( GeoPainter * painter)

Enables custom drawing onto the MarbleMap straight after.

the globe and before all other layers have been rendered.

implement LayerInterface and add it using addLayer()

Definition at line 850 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ dataPlugins()

QList< AbstractDataPlugin * > Marble::MarbleMap::dataPlugins ( ) const

Returns a list of all DataPlugins on the layer.

the list of DataPlugins

Definition at line 1380 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ debugLevelTag

int Marble::MarbleMap::debugLevelTag ( ) const

Definition at line 1279 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ defaultAngleUnit()

AngleUnit Marble::MarbleMap::defaultAngleUnit ( ) const

Definition at line 1323 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ defaultFont()

QFont Marble::MarbleMap::defaultFont ( ) const

Definition at line 1347 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ discreteZoom()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::discreteZoom ( ) const

Definition at line 486 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ downloadRegion

void Marble::MarbleMap::downloadRegion ( QList< TileCoordsPyramid > const & pyramid)

Definition at line 505 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ floatItem()

AbstractFloatItem * Marble::MarbleMap::floatItem ( const QString & nameId) const

Returns a list of all FloatItems in the model.

the list of the floatItems

Definition at line 1368 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ floatItems()

QList< AbstractFloatItem * > Marble::MarbleMap::floatItems ( ) const

Definition at line 1363 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ geoCoordinates()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::geoCoordinates ( int x,
int y,
qreal & lon,
qreal & lat,
GeoDataCoordinates::Unit unit = GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) const

Get the earth coordinates corresponding to a pixel in the map.

xthe x coordinate of the pixel
ythe y coordinate of the pixel
lonthe longitude angle is returned through this parameter
latthe latitude angle is returned through this parameter
unitthe angle units
true if the pixel (x, y) is within the globe false if the pixel (x, y) is outside the globe, i.e. in space.

Definition at line 748 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ hasFeatureAt()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::hasFeatureAt ( const QPoint & position) const

Definition at line 457 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ heading()

qreal Marble::MarbleMap::heading ( ) const

Definition at line 1436 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ height()

int Marble::MarbleMap::height ( ) const

Definition at line 411 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ highlightRouteRelation

void Marble::MarbleMap::highlightRouteRelation ( qint64 osmId,
bool enabled )

Definition at line 554 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ isLockedToSubSolarPoint()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::isLockedToSubSolarPoint ( ) const

Return whether the globe is locked to the sub solar point.

if globe is locked to sub solar point

Definition at line 606 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ isSubSolarPointIconVisible()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::isSubSolarPointIconVisible ( ) const

Return whether the sun icon is shown in the sub solar point.

visibility of the sun icon in the sub solar point

Definition at line 611 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ levelTagDebugModeEnabled

bool Marble::MarbleMap::levelTagDebugModeEnabled ( ) const

Definition at line 1268 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ mapQuality() [1/2]

MapQuality Marble::MarbleMap::mapQuality ( ) const

Return the current map quality.

Definition at line 361 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ mapQuality() [2/2]

MapQuality Marble::MarbleMap::mapQuality ( ViewContext viewContext) const

Definition at line 356 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ mapThemeId()

QString Marble::MarbleMap::mapThemeId ( ) const

Get the ID of the current map theme To ensure that a unique identifier is being used the theme does NOT get represented by its name but the by relative location of the file that specifies the theme:

Example: maptheme = "earth/bluemarble/bluemarble.dgml"

Definition at line 855 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ maximumZoom()

int Marble::MarbleMap::maximumZoom ( ) const

return the minimum zoom value for the current map theme.

Definition at line 478 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ minimumZoom()

int Marble::MarbleMap::minimumZoom ( ) const

return the minimum zoom value for the current map theme.

Definition at line 470 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ model()

MarbleModel * Marble::MarbleMap::model ( ) const

Return the model that this view shows.

Definition at line 333 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ notifyMouseClick

void Marble::MarbleMap::notifyMouseClick ( int x,
int y )

used to notify about the position of the mouse click

Definition at line 1298 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ paint

void Marble::MarbleMap::paint ( GeoPainter & painter,
const QRect & dirtyRect )

Paint the map using a give painter.

painterThe painter to use.
dirtyRectthe rectangle that actually needs repainting.

Definition at line 808 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ pluginSettingsChanged

void Marble::MarbleMap::pluginSettingsChanged ( )

This signal is emit when the settings of a plugin changed.

◆ preferredRadiusCeil()

int Marble::MarbleMap::preferredRadiusCeil ( int radius) const

Definition at line 433 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ preferredRadiusFloor()

int Marble::MarbleMap::preferredRadiusFloor ( int radius) const

Definition at line 438 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ projection()

Projection Marble::MarbleMap::projection ( ) const

Get the Projection used for the map.

Spherical a Globe
Equirectangular a flat map
Mercator another flat map

Definition at line 724 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ propertyValue()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::propertyValue ( const QString & name) const

Return the property value by name.

The property value (usually: visibility).

Definition at line 559 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ radius()

int Marble::MarbleMap::radius ( ) const

Return the radius of the globe in pixels.

Definition at line 416 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ reload

void Marble::MarbleMap::reload ( )

Reload the currently displayed map by reloading texture tiles from the Internet.

In the future this should be extended to all kinds of data which is used in the map.

Definition at line 499 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ removeLayer()

void Marble::MarbleMap::removeLayer ( LayerInterface * layer)

Remove a layer from being included in rendering.

Definition at line 1395 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ removeTextureLayer()

void Marble::MarbleMap::removeTextureLayer ( const QString & key)

Removes a texture sublayer.

keya key that was returned from corresponding addTextureLayer

Definition at line 1415 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ renderPluginInitialized

void Marble::MarbleMap::renderPluginInitialized ( RenderPlugin * renderPlugin)

Signal that a render item has been initialized.

◆ renderPlugins()

QList< RenderPlugin * > Marble::MarbleMap::renderPlugins ( ) const

Returns a list of all RenderPlugins in the model, this includes float items.

the list of RenderPlugins

Definition at line 1358 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ renderState()

RenderState Marble::MarbleMap::renderState ( ) const

Definition at line 1405 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ renderStatus()

RenderStatus Marble::MarbleMap::renderStatus ( ) const

Definition at line 1400 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ renderStatusChanged

void Marble::MarbleMap::renderStatusChanged ( RenderStatus status)

Emitted when the layer rendering status has changed.

statusNew render status

◆ repaintNeeded

void Marble::MarbleMap::repaintNeeded ( const QRegion & dirtyRegion = QRegion())

This signal is emitted when the repaint of the view was requested.

If available with the dirtyRegion which is the region the view will change in. If dirtyRegion.isEmpty() returns true, the whole viewport has to be repainted.

◆ rotateBy

void Marble::MarbleMap::rotateBy ( qreal deltaLon,
qreal deltaLat )

Rotate the view by the two angles phi and theta.

deltaLonan angle that specifies the change in terms of longitude
deltaLatan angle that specifies the change in terms of latitude

This function rotates the view by two angles, deltaLon ("theta") and deltaLat ("phi"). If we start at (0, 0), the result will be the exact equivalent of (lon, lat), otherwise the resulting angle will be the sum of the previous position and the two offsets.

Definition at line 702 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ screenCoordinates()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::screenCoordinates ( qreal lon,
qreal lat,
qreal & x,
qreal & y ) const

Get the screen coordinates corresponding to geographical coordinates in the map.

lonthe lon coordinate of the requested pixel position
latthe lat coordinate of the requested pixel position
xthe x coordinate of the pixel is returned through this parameter
ythe y coordinate of the pixel is returned through this parameter
true if the geographical coordinates are visible on the screen false if the geographical coordinates are not visible on the screen

Definition at line 743 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setCenterLatitude

void Marble::MarbleMap::setCenterLatitude ( qreal lat)

Set the latitude for the center point.

latthe new value for the latitude in degree

Definition at line 714 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setCenterLongitude

void Marble::MarbleMap::setCenterLongitude ( qreal lon)

Set the longitude for the center point.

lonthe new value for the longitude in degree

Definition at line 719 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setDebugLevelTag

void Marble::MarbleMap::setDebugLevelTag ( int level)

Definition at line 1273 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setDefaultAngleUnit

void Marble::MarbleMap::setDefaultAngleUnit ( AngleUnit angleUnit)

Definition at line 1334 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setDefaultFont

void Marble::MarbleMap::setDefaultFont ( const QFont & font)

Definition at line 1352 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setHeading

void Marble::MarbleMap::setHeading ( qreal heading)

Definition at line 1441 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setLevelTagDebugModeEnabled

void Marble::MarbleMap::setLevelTagDebugModeEnabled ( bool visible)

Set whether to enter the debug mode for level tags.

visiblevisibility according to OSM level tags

Definition at line 1259 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setLockToSubSolarPoint

void Marble::MarbleMap::setLockToSubSolarPoint ( bool visible)

Set the globe locked to the sub solar point.

visibleif globe is locked to the sub solar point

Definition at line 1122 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setMapQualityForViewContext()

void Marble::MarbleMap::setMapQualityForViewContext ( MapQuality qualityForViewContext,
ViewContext viewContext )

Definition at line 348 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setMapThemeId

void Marble::MarbleMap::setMapThemeId ( const QString & maptheme)

Set a new map theme.

mapthemeThe ID of the new maptheme. To ensure that a unique identifier is being used the theme does NOT get represented by its name but the by relative location of the file that specifies the theme:

Example: maptheme = "earth/bluemarble/bluemarble.dgml"

Definition at line 860 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setProjection

void Marble::MarbleMap::setProjection ( Projection projection)

Set the Projection used for the map.

projectionprojection type (e.g. Spherical, Equirectangular, Mercator)

Definition at line 729 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setPropertyValue

void Marble::MarbleMap::setPropertyValue ( const QString & name,
bool value )

Sets the value of a map theme property.

namename of the property
valuevalue of the property (usually: visibility)

Later on we might add a "setPropertyType and a QVariant if needed.

Definition at line 1048 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setRadius

void Marble::MarbleMap::setRadius ( int radius)

Set the radius of the globe in pixels.

radiusThe new globe radius value in pixels.

Definition at line 421 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowAtmosphere

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowAtmosphere ( bool visible)

Set whether the atmospheric glow is visible.

visiblevisibility of the atmospheric glow

Definition at line 1080 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowBackground

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowBackground ( bool visible)

Definition at line 1284 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowBorders

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowBorders ( bool visible)

Set whether the borders visible.

visiblevisibility of the borders

Definition at line 1186 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowCities

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowCities ( bool visible)

Set whether the city place mark overlay is visible.

visiblevisibility of the city place marks

Definition at line 1161 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowCityLights

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowCityLights ( bool visible)

Set whether city lights instead of night shadow are visible.

visiblevisibility of city lights

Definition at line 1116 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowClouds

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowClouds ( bool visible)

Set whether the cloud cover is visible.

visiblevisibility of the cloud cover

Definition at line 1104 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowCompass

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowCompass ( bool visible)

Set whether the compass overlay is visible.

visiblevisibility of the compass

Definition at line 1075 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowCrosshairs

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowCrosshairs ( bool visible)

Set whether the crosshairs are visible.

visiblevisibility of the crosshairs

Definition at line 1092 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowDebugBatchRender

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowDebugBatchRender ( bool visible)

Set whether to enter the debug mode for visualizing batch rendering.

visiblevisibility of the batch rendering

Definition at line 1232 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowDebugPlacemarks

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowDebugPlacemarks ( bool visible)

Set whether to enter the debug mode for placemark drawing.

visiblevisibility of the node debug mode

Definition at line 1246 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowDebugPolygons

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowDebugPolygons ( bool visible)

Set whether to enter the debug mode for polygon node drawing.

visiblevisibility of the node debug mode

Definition at line 1219 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowFrameRate

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowFrameRate ( bool visible)

Set whether the frame rate gets shown.

visiblevisibility of the frame rate

Definition at line 1201 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowGrid

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowGrid ( bool visible)

Set whether the coordinate grid overlay is visible.

visiblevisibility of the coordinate grid

Definition at line 1151 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowIceLayer

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowIceLayer ( bool visible)

Set whether the ice layer is visible.

visiblevisibility of the ice layer

Definition at line 1181 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowLakes

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowLakes ( bool visible)

Set whether the lakes are visible.

visiblevisibility of the lakes

Definition at line 1196 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowOtherPlaces

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowOtherPlaces ( bool visible)

Set whether the other places overlay is visible.

visiblevisibility of other places

Definition at line 1171 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowOverviewMap

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowOverviewMap ( bool visible)

Set whether the overview map overlay is visible.

visiblevisibility of the overview map

Definition at line 1065 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowPlaces

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowPlaces ( bool visible)

Set whether the place mark overlay is visible.

visiblevisibility of the place marks

Definition at line 1156 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowRelief

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowRelief ( bool visible)

Set whether the relief is visible.

visiblevisibility of the relief

Definition at line 1176 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowRivers

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowRivers ( bool visible)

Set whether the rivers are visible.

visiblevisibility of the rivers

Definition at line 1191 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowRuntimeTrace

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowRuntimeTrace ( bool visible)

Definition at line 1206 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowScaleBar

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowScaleBar ( bool visible)

Set whether the scale bar overlay is visible.

visiblevisibility of the scale bar

Definition at line 1070 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowSunShading

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowSunShading ( bool visible)

Set whether the night shadow is visible.

visiblevisibility of shadow

Definition at line 1111 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowTerrain

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowTerrain ( bool visible)

Set whether the terrain place mark overlay is visible.

visiblevisibility of the terrain place marks

Definition at line 1166 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setShowTileId

void Marble::MarbleMap::setShowTileId ( bool visible)

Set whether the is tile is visible NOTE: This is part of the transitional debug API and might be subject to changes until Marble 0.8.

visiblevisibility of the tile

Definition at line 1146 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setSize() [1/2]

void Marble::MarbleMap::setSize ( const QSize & size)

Definition at line 394 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setSize() [2/2]

void Marble::MarbleMap::setSize ( int width,
int height )

Definition at line 389 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setSubSolarPointIconVisible

void Marble::MarbleMap::setSubSolarPointIconVisible ( bool visible)

Set whether the sun icon is shown in the sub solar point.

visibleif the sun icon is shown in the sub solar point

Definition at line 1139 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setViewContext()

void Marble::MarbleMap::setViewContext ( ViewContext viewContext)

Definition at line 366 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setVisibleRelationTypes

void Marble::MarbleMap::setVisibleRelationTypes ( GeoDataRelation::RelationTypes relationTypes)

Definition at line 1289 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ setVolatileTileCacheLimit

void Marble::MarbleMap::setVolatileTileCacheLimit ( quint64 kiloBytes)

Set the limit of the volatile (in RAM) tile cache.

kiloBytesThe limit in kilobytes.

Definition at line 1317 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showAtmosphere()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showAtmosphere ( ) const

Return whether the atmospheric glow is visible.

The cloud cover visibility.

Definition at line 616 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showBackground()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showBackground ( ) const

Definition at line 687 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showBorders()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showBorders ( ) const

Return whether the borders are visible.

The border visibility.

Definition at line 667 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showCities()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showCities ( ) const

Return whether the city place marks are visible.

The city place mark visibility.

Definition at line 642 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showCityLights()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showCityLights ( ) const

Return whether the city lights are shown instead of the night shadow.

visibility of city lights

Definition at line 601 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showClouds()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showClouds ( ) const

Return whether the cloud cover is visible.

The cloud cover visibility.

Definition at line 591 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showCompass()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showCompass ( ) const

Return whether the compass bar is visible.

The compass visibility.

Definition at line 581 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showCrosshairs()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showCrosshairs ( ) const

Return whether the crosshairs are visible.

The crosshairs' visibility.

Definition at line 621 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showDebugBatchRender

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showDebugBatchRender ( ) const

Definition at line 1241 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showDebugPlacemarks

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showDebugPlacemarks ( ) const

Definition at line 1254 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showDebugPolygons

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showDebugPolygons ( ) const

Definition at line 1227 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showFrameRate()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showFrameRate ( ) const

Return whether the frame rate gets displayed.

the frame rates visibility

Definition at line 682 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showGrid()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showGrid ( ) const

Return whether the coordinate grid is visible.

The coordinate grid visibility.

Definition at line 586 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showIceLayer()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showIceLayer ( ) const

Return whether the ice layer is visible.

The ice layer visibility.

Definition at line 662 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showLakes()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showLakes ( ) const

Return whether the lakes are visible.

The lakes' visibility.

Definition at line 677 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showOtherPlaces()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showOtherPlaces ( ) const

Return whether other places are visible.

The visibility of other places.

Definition at line 652 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showOverviewMap()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showOverviewMap ( ) const

Return whether the overview map is visible.

The overview map visibility.

Definition at line 571 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showPlaces()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showPlaces ( ) const

Return whether the place marks are visible.

The place mark visibility.

Definition at line 637 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showRelief()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showRelief ( ) const

Return whether the relief is visible.

The relief visibility.

Definition at line 657 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showRivers()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showRivers ( ) const

Return whether the rivers are visible.

The rivers' visibility.

Definition at line 672 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showRuntimeTrace

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showRuntimeTrace ( ) const

Definition at line 1214 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showScaleBar()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showScaleBar ( ) const

Return whether the scale bar is visible.

The scale bar visibility.

Definition at line 576 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showSunShading()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showSunShading ( ) const

Return whether the night shadow is visible.

visibility of night shadow

Definition at line 596 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ showTerrain()

bool Marble::MarbleMap::showTerrain ( ) const

Return whether the terrain place marks are visible.

The terrain place mark visibility.

Definition at line 647 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ size()

QSize Marble::MarbleMap::size ( ) const

Definition at line 401 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ styleBuilder()

const StyleBuilder * Marble::MarbleMap::styleBuilder ( ) const

Definition at line 1431 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ textureLayer()

TextureLayer * Marble::MarbleMap::textureLayer ( ) const

Definition at line 1421 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ themeChanged

void Marble::MarbleMap::themeChanged ( const QString & theme)

Signal that the theme has changed.

themeName of the new theme.

◆ tileZoomLevel()

int Marble::MarbleMap::tileZoomLevel ( ) const

Definition at line 443 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ vectorTileLayer()

VectorTileLayer * Marble::MarbleMap::vectorTileLayer ( ) const

Definition at line 1426 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ viewContext()

ViewContext Marble::MarbleMap::viewContext ( ) const

Definition at line 384 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ viewport() [1/2]

ViewportParams * Marble::MarbleMap::viewport ( )

Definition at line 338 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ viewport() [2/2]

const ViewportParams * Marble::MarbleMap::viewport ( ) const

Definition at line 343 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ visibleLatLonAltBoxChanged

void Marble::MarbleMap::visibleLatLonAltBoxChanged ( const GeoDataLatLonAltBox & visibleLatLonAltBox)

This signal is emitted when the visible region of the map changes.

This typically happens when the user moves the map around or zooms.

◆ visibleRelationTypes()

GeoDataRelation::RelationTypes Marble::MarbleMap::visibleRelationTypes ( ) const

Definition at line 692 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ volatileTileCacheLimit()

quint64 Marble::MarbleMap::volatileTileCacheLimit ( ) const

Returns the limit in kilobytes of the volatile (in RAM) tile cache.

the limit of volatile tile cache in kilobytes.

Definition at line 697 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ whichFeatureAt()

QList< const GeoDataFeature * > Marble::MarbleMap::whichFeatureAt ( const QPoint & curpos) const

Definition at line 494 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ whichItemAt()

QList< AbstractDataPluginItem * > Marble::MarbleMap::whichItemAt ( const QPoint & curpos) const

Returns all widgets of dataPlugins on the position curpos.

Definition at line 1385 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

◆ width()

int Marble::MarbleMap::width ( ) const

Definition at line 406 of file MarbleMap.cpp.

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This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 2025 12:00:25 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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