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TextEditor Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for TextEditor:


alias body
alias bold
alias canRedo
alias document
alias documentMenu
alias fileUrl
alias italic
alias scrollView
bool showFindBar
bool showLineNumbers
bool spellcheckEnabled
alias text
alias underline
alias uppercase
- Properties inherited from Page
alias configFile
alias engine
alias showUploadAction

Public Member Functions

void forceActiveFocus ()
void goToLine (line)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Page
void showEntryDetails (providerId, entryId)

Detailed Description

Integrated text editor component.

org.mauikit.texteditor 1.0

A text area for editing text with convinient functions. The Editor is controlled by the DocumentHandler which controls the files I/O, the syntax highlighting styles, and many more text editing properties.


The TextEditor control comes with a set of built-in features, such as find & replace, syntax highlighting support, line number sidebar, I/O capabilities, file document alerts, and syntax corrector.


Opening a local text file is handle by the DocumentHandler via the fileUrl property. The document contents will be loaded by the FileLoader and made available to the TextEditor for drawing.

See also
Opening large contents will cause the app to freeze, since it is not optimized to dynamically allocate the contents by chunks and instead all of the content will be rendered at once. A solution with a different backend is being implemented.

Once an existing document is opened or created, it will also be watched for any external changes, such as modifications to its contents or its removal, those changes will be notified via the alert bars, exposing the avaliable options.

See also

To save any changes made to an existing document or to save a new one manually use the exposed method DocumentHandler::saveAs, which will take as parameter the location where to save the file at, if you mean to save the changes to an already existing file, simply pass the DocumentHandler::fileUrl value. The changes made could be automatically saved every few seconds if the DocumentHandler::autoSave property is enabled.

icon.name: "folder-open"
onClicked: _editor.fileUrl = "file:///home/camiloh/nota/CMakeLists.txt"
id: _editor
anchors.fill: parent
body.wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
document.enableSyntaxHighlighting: true
alias document
Alias to access the DocumentHandler.
alias body
Access to the editor text area.

Syntax Highlighting

To enable the syntax highlighting enable the DocumentHandler::enableSyntaxHighlighting property.

If the language is not detected automatically or if you desire to change it, use the showSyntaxHighlightingLanguages property to toggle the selection combobox to allow the user to select a custom language, and bind it to the DocumentHandler::formatName property.

There are different color schemes available, those can be set using the DocumentHandler::theme property. You can also use the ColorSchemesPage control which lists all the available options.


The find & replace bars can be toggled using the showFindBar property.

See also

To enable the line number sidebar use the showLineNumbers property.

Spell checking can be anbled using the spellcheckEnabled property. For this Sonnet must be available.

Fonts & Colors

For tweaking the font properties and colors use the DocumentHandler::textColor and DocumentHandler::backgroundColor, etc.

For more details and properties check the own DocumentHandler properties.

Definition at line 76 of file TextEditor.qml.

Property Documentation

◆ body

alias TextEditor::body

Access to the editor text area.

This property is read-only

Definition at line 96 of file TextEditor.qml.

◆ bold

alias TextEditor::bold
See also

Definition at line 139 of file TextEditor.qml.

◆ canRedo

alias TextEditor::canRedo

Whether there are modifications to the document that can be redo.

Alias to the TextArea::canRedo

Definition at line 144 of file TextEditor.qml.

◆ document

alias TextEditor::document

Alias to access the DocumentHandler.

This property is read-only

Definition at line 102 of file TextEditor.qml.

◆ documentMenu

alias TextEditor::documentMenu

Alias to the contextual menu.

This property is read-only

This menu is loaded asynchronous.

Definition at line 114 of file TextEditor.qml.

◆ fileUrl

alias TextEditor::fileUrl

If a file url is provided the DocumentHandler will try to open its contents and display it.

See also

Definition at line 150 of file TextEditor.qml.

◆ italic

alias TextEditor::italic
See also

Definition at line 134 of file TextEditor.qml.

◆ scrollView

alias TextEditor::scrollView

Alias to the ScrollView.

This property is read-only

Definition at line 108 of file TextEditor.qml.

◆ showFindBar

bool TextEditor::showFindBar

Definition at line 85 of file TextEditor.qml.

◆ showLineNumbers

bool TextEditor::showLineNumbers

If a sidebar listing each line number should be visible.

By default this is set to false

Definition at line 155 of file TextEditor.qml.

◆ spellcheckEnabled

bool TextEditor::spellcheckEnabled

Whether to enable the spell checker.

By default this is set to false

Definition at line 160 of file TextEditor.qml.

◆ text

alias TextEditor::text

Alias to the text area text content.

Definition at line 119 of file TextEditor.qml.

◆ underline

alias TextEditor::underline
See also

Definition at line 129 of file TextEditor.qml.

◆ uppercase

alias TextEditor::uppercase
See also

Definition at line 124 of file TextEditor.qml.

Member Function Documentation

◆ forceActiveFocus()

void TextEditor::forceActiveFocus ( )

Force to focus the text area for input.

◆ goToLine()

void TextEditor::goToLine ( line )

Position the view and cursor at the given line number.

linethe line number

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