
Search for usage in LXR

#include <document.h>

Inheritance diagram for Okular::Document:

Public Types

enum  DocumentAdditionalActionType {
  CloseDocument , SaveDocumentStart , SaveDocumentFinish , PrintDocumentStart ,
enum  MouseEventType { FieldMouseDown , FieldMouseEnter , FieldMouseExit , FieldMouseUp }
enum  OpenResult { OpenSuccess , OpenError , OpenNeedsPassword }
enum  PixmapRequestFlag { NoOption = 0 , RemoveAllPrevious = 1 }
typedef QFlags< PixmapRequestFlagPixmapRequestFlags
enum  PrintError {
  NoPrintError , UnknownPrintError , TemporaryFileOpenPrintError , FileConversionPrintError ,
  PrintingProcessCrashPrintError , PrintingProcessStartPrintError , PrintToFilePrintError , InvalidPrinterStatePrintError ,
  UnableToFindFilePrintError , NoFileToPrintError , NoBinaryToPrintError , InvalidPageSizePrintError
enum  PrintingType { NoPrinting , NativePrinting , PostscriptPrinting }
enum  SaveCapability { SaveFormsCapability = 1 , SaveAnnotationsCapability = 2 }
enum  SearchStatus { MatchFound , NoMatchFound , SearchCancelled }
enum  SearchType {
  NextMatch , PreviousMatch , AllDocument , GoogleAll ,


void aboutToClose ()
void annotationContentsChangedByUndoRedo (Okular::Annotation *annotation, const QString &contents, int cursorPos, int anchorPos)
void canRedoChanged (bool redoAvailable)
void canUndoChanged (bool undoAvailable)
void close ()
void error (const QString &text, int duration)
void fontReadingEnded ()
void fontReadingProgress (int page)
void formButtonsChangedByUndoRedo (int page, const QList< Okular::FormFieldButton * > &formButtons)
void formComboChangedByUndoRedo (int page, Okular::FormFieldChoice *form, const QString &text, int cursorPos, int anchorPos)
void formListChangedByUndoRedo (int page, Okular::FormFieldChoice *form, const QList< int > &choices)
void formTextChangedByUndoRedo (int page, Okular::FormFieldText *form, const QString &contents, int cursorPos, int anchorPos)
void gotFont (const Okular::FontInfo &font)
void linkEndPresentation ()
void linkFind ()
void linkGoToPage ()
void linkPresentation ()
void notice (const QString &text, int duration)
void openUrl (const QUrl &url)
void processMovieAction (const Okular::MovieAction *action)
void processRenditionAction (const Okular::RenditionAction *action)
void quit ()
void refreshFormWidget (Okular::FormField *field)
void requestPrint ()
void requestSaveAs ()
void searchFinished (int searchID, Okular::Document::SearchStatus endStatus)
void sourceReferenceActivated (const QString &absFileName, int line, int col, bool *handled)
void undoHistoryCleanChanged (bool clean)
void warning (const QString &text, int duration)

Public Slots

void cancelSearch ()
void editFormButtons (int pageNumber, const QList< Okular::FormFieldButton * > &formButtons, const QList< bool > &newButtonStates)
void editFormCombo (int pageNumber, Okular::FormFieldChoice *form, const QString &newText, int newCursorPos, int prevCursorPos, int prevAnchorPos)
void editFormList (int pageNumber, Okular::FormFieldChoice *form, const QList< int > &newChoices)
OKULARCORE_DEPRECATED void editFormText (int pageNumber, Okular::FormFieldText *form, const QString &newContents, int newCursorPos, int prevCursorPos, int prevAnchorPos)
void editFormText (int pageNumber, Okular::FormFieldText *form, const QString &newContents, int newCursorPos, int prevCursorPos, int prevAnchorPos, const QString &oldContents)
void redo ()
void refreshPixmaps (int pageNumber)
void reloadDocument () const
QByteArray requestSignedRevisionData (const Okular::SignatureInfo &info)
void setPageSize (const Okular::PageSize &size)
void setRotation (int rotation)
void undo ()

Public Member Functions

 Document (QWidget *widget)
 ~Document () override
void addObserver (DocumentObserver *observer)
void addPageAnnotation (int page, Annotation *annotation)
void adjustPageAnnotation (int page, Annotation *annotation, const Okular::NormalizedPoint &delta1, const Okular::NormalizedPoint &delta2)
QSizeF allPagesSize () const
QList< int > bookmarkedPageList () const
QString bookmarkedPageRange () const
BookmarkManagerbookmarkManager () const
bool canConfigurePrinter () const
bool canExportToText () const
bool canModifyPageAnnotation (const Annotation *annotation) const
bool canProvideFontInformation () const
bool canRedo () const
bool canRemovePageAnnotation (const Annotation *annotation) const
bool canSaveChanges () const
bool canSaveChanges (SaveCapability cap) const
bool canSign () const
bool canSwapBackingFile () const
bool canUndo () const
CertificateStorecertificateStore () const
void clearHistory ()
void closeDocument ()
int configurableGenerators () const
void continueSearch (int searchID)
void continueSearch (int searchID, SearchType type)
QUrl currentDocument () const
uint currentPage () const
void docdataMigrationDone ()
DocumentInfo documentInfo () const
DocumentInfo documentInfo (const QSet< DocumentInfo::Key > &keys) const
const DocumentSynopsisdocumentSynopsis () const
const SourceReferencedynamicSourceReference (int pageNr, double absX, double absY)
QString editorCommandOverride () const
void editPageAnnotationContents (int page, Annotation *annotation, const QString &newContents, int newCursorPos, int prevCursorPos, int prevAnchorPos)
const QList< EmbeddedFile * > * embeddedFiles () const
QList< ExportFormatexportFormats () const
bool exportTo (const QString &fileName, const ExportFormat &format) const
bool exportToText (const QString &fileName) const
bool extractArchivedFile (const QString &destFileName)
void fillConfigDialog (KConfigDialog *dialog)
QByteArray fontData (const FontInfo &font) const
KPluginMetaData generatorInfo () const
KXMLGUIClientguiClient ()
bool historyAtBegin () const
bool historyAtEnd () const
bool isAllowed (Permission action) const
bool isDocdataMigrationNeeded () const
bool isHistoryClean () const
bool isOpened () const
QAbstractItemModellayersModel () const
QVariant metaData (const QString &key, const QVariant &option=QVariant()) const
void modifyPageAnnotationProperties (int page, Annotation *annotation)
OpenResult openDocument (const QString &docFile, const QUrl &url, const QMimeType &mime, const QString &password=QString())
OpenResult openDocumentArchive (const QString &docFile, const QUrl &url, const QString &password=QString())
QString openError () const
QPageLayout::Orientation orientation () const
const Pagepage (int number) const
uint pages () const
PageSize::List pageSizes () const
QString pageSizeString (int page) const
void prepareToModifyAnnotationProperties (Annotation *annotation)
Document::PrintError print (QPrinter &printer)
QWidgetprintConfigurationWidget () const
PrintingType printingSupport () const
void processAction (const Action *action)
void processDocumentAction (const Action *action, DocumentAdditionalActionType type)
void processFocusAction (const Action *action, Okular::FormField *field)
void processFormatAction (const Action *action, Okular::FormField *ff)
OKULARCORE_DEPRECATED void processFormatAction (const Action *action, Okular::FormFieldText *fft)
void processFormMouseScriptAction (const Action *action, Okular::FormField *ff, MouseEventType fieldMouseEventType)
OKULARCORE_DEPRECATED void processFormMouseUpScripAction (const Action *action, Okular::FormField *ff)
void processKeystrokeAction (const Action *action, Okular::FormField *ff, const QVariant &newValue, int prevCursorPos, int prevAnchorPos)
OKULARCORE_DEPRECATED void processKeystrokeAction (const Action *action, Okular::FormFieldText *fft, const QVariant &newValue)
void processKeystrokeCommitAction (const Action *action, Okular::FormField *ff, bool &returnCode)
OKULARCORE_DEPRECATED void processKeystrokeCommitAction (const Action *action, Okular::FormFieldText *fft)
void processKVCFActions (Okular::FormField *ff)
void processSourceReference (const SourceReference *reference)
void processValidateAction (const Action *action, Okular::FormField *ff, bool &returnCode)
OKULARCORE_DEPRECATED void processValidateAction (const Action *action, Okular::FormFieldText *fft, bool &returnCode)
void recalculateForms ()
void registerView (View *view)
void removeObserver (DocumentObserver *observer)
void removePageAnnotation (int page, Annotation *annotation)
void removePageAnnotations (int page, const QList< Annotation * > &annotations)
void reparseConfig ()
void requestPixmaps (const QList< PixmapRequest * > &requests)
void requestPixmaps (const QList< PixmapRequest * > &requests, PixmapRequestFlags reqOptions)
void requestTextPage (uint pageNumber)
void resetSearch (int searchID)
Rotation rotation () const
bool saveChanges (const QString &fileName)
bool saveChanges (const QString &fileName, QString *errorText)
bool saveDocumentArchive (const QString &fileName)
void searchText (int searchID, const QString &text, bool fromStart, Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity, SearchType type, bool moveViewport, const QColor &color)
void setAnnotationEditingEnabled (bool enable)
void setEditorCommandOverride (const QString &editCmd)
void setHistoryClean (bool clean)
void setNextDocumentDestination (const QString &namedDestination)
void setNextDocumentViewport (const DocumentViewport &viewport)
void setNextViewport ()
void setPageTextSelection (int page, std::unique_ptr< RegularAreaRect > &&rect, const QColor &color)
void setPrevViewport ()
void setViewport (const DocumentViewport &viewport, DocumentObserver *excludeObserver=nullptr, bool smoothMove=false, bool updateHistory=true)
void setViewportPage (int page, DocumentObserver *excludeObserver=nullptr, bool smoothMove=false)
void setVisiblePageRects (const QVector< VisiblePageRect * > &visiblePageRects, DocumentObserver *excludeObserver=nullptr)
void setZoom (int factor, DocumentObserver *excludeObserver=nullptr)
bool sign (const NewSignatureData &data, const QString &newPath)
void startFontReading ()
void stopFontReading ()
QStringList supportedMimeTypes () const
bool supportsPageSizes () const
bool supportsPrintToFile () const
bool supportsSearching () const
bool supportsTiles () const
bool swapBackingFile (const QString &newFileName, const QUrl &url)
bool swapBackingFileArchive (const QString &newFileName, const QUrl &url)
void translatePageAnnotation (int page, Annotation *annotation, const Okular::NormalizedPoint &delta)
void unregisterView (View *view)
const DocumentViewportviewport () const
const QVector< VisiblePageRect * > & visiblePageRects () const
void walletDataForFile (const QString &fileName, QString *walletName, QString *walletFolder, QString *walletKey) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QObject
 QObject (QObject *parent)
QBindable< QStringbindableObjectName ()
bool blockSignals (bool block)
const QObjectListchildren () const const
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) const const
void deleteLater ()
void destroyed (QObject *obj)
bool disconnect (const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const const
bool disconnect (const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const const
void dumpObjectInfo () const const
void dumpObjectTree () const const
QList< QByteArraydynamicPropertyNames () const const
virtual bool event (QEvent *e)
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
findChild (const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
QList< T > findChildren (const QRegularExpression &re, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
QList< T > findChildren (const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
QList< T > findChildren (Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const
bool inherits (const char *className) const const
void installEventFilter (QObject *filterObj)
bool isQuickItemType () const const
bool isWidgetType () const const
bool isWindowType () const const
void killTimer (int id)
virtual const QMetaObjectmetaObject () const const
void moveToThread (QThread *targetThread)
QString objectName () const const
void objectNameChanged (const QString &objectName)
QObjectparent () const const
QVariant property (const char *name) const const
 Q_CLASSINFO (Name, Value)
 Q_ENUM (...)
 Q_ENUM_NS (...)
 Q_ENUMS (...)
 Q_FLAG (...)
 Q_FLAG_NS (...)
 Q_FLAGS (...)
qobject_cast (const QObject *object)
qobject_cast (QObject *object)
void removeEventFilter (QObject *obj)
void setObjectName (const QString &name)
void setObjectName (QAnyStringView name)
void setParent (QObject *parent)
bool setProperty (const char *name, const QVariant &value)
bool setProperty (const char *name, QVariant &&value)
bool signalsBlocked () const const
int startTimer (int interval, Qt::TimerType timerType)
int startTimer (std::chrono::milliseconds interval, Qt::TimerType timerType)
QThreadthread () const const

Static Public Member Functions

static QString printErrorString (PrintError error)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QObject
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *context, Functor functor, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
QMetaObject::Connection connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor)
bool disconnect (const QMetaObject::Connection &connection)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method)
bool disconnect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method)
QString tr (const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n)

Additional Inherited Members

- Properties inherited from QObject
- Public Attributes inherited from QObject
typedef QObjectList
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QObject
virtual void childEvent (QChildEvent *event)
virtual void connectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
virtual void customEvent (QEvent *event)
virtual void disconnectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)
bool isSignalConnected (const QMetaMethod &signal) const const
int receivers (const char *signal) const const
QObjectsender () const const
int senderSignalIndex () const const
virtual void timerEvent (QTimerEvent *event)

Detailed Description

The Document.

Heart of everything. Actions take place here.

The Document is the main object in Okular. All views query the Document to get data/properties or even for accessing pages (in a 'const' way).

It is designed to keep it detached from the document type (pdf, ps, you name it..) so whenever you want to get some data, it asks its internal generators to do the job and return results in a format-independent way.

Apart from the generator (the currently running one) the document stores all the Pages ('Page' class) of the current document in a vector and notifies all the registered DocumentObservers when some content changes.

For a better understanding of hierarchies

See also
DocumentObserver, Page

Definition at line 191 of file document.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ PixmapRequestFlags

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ DocumentAdditionalActionType

Describes the additional actions available in the Document.


Definition at line 775 of file document.h.

◆ MouseEventType


< This event is the result of a mouse down on a field.


< This event is the result of mouse exiting from a field.


< This event is the result of mouse exiting from a field.

Definition at line 756 of file document.h.

◆ OpenResult

Describes the result of an open document operation.

0.20 (KDE 4.14)

Definition at line 210 of file document.h.

◆ PixmapRequestFlag

Describes the possible options for the pixmap requests.


No options.


Remove all the previous requests, even for non requested page pixmaps.

Definition at line 473 of file document.h.

◆ PrintError


Printing succeeded.

Definition at line 838 of file document.h.

◆ PrintingType

What type of printing a document supports.


Printing Not Supported.


Native Cross-Platform Printing.


Postscript file printing.

Definition at line 820 of file document.h.

◆ SaveCapability

Saving capabilities.

Their availability varies according to the underlying generator and/or the document type.

See also
canSaveChanges (SaveCapability)
0.15 (KDE 4.9)

Can save form changes.


Can save annotation changes.

Definition at line 948 of file document.h.

◆ SearchStatus

Describes how search ended.


Any match was found.


No match was found.


The search was cancelled.

Definition at line 623 of file document.h.

◆ SearchType

Describes the possible search types.


Search next match.


Search previous match.


Search complete document.


Search complete document (all words in google style)


Search complete document (any words in google style)

Definition at line 612 of file document.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Document()

Document::Document ( QWidget * widget)

Creates a new document with the given widget as widget to relay GUI things (messageboxes, ...).

Definition at line 2267 of file document.cpp.

◆ ~Document()

Document::~Document ( )

Destroys the document.

Definition at line 2284 of file document.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ aboutToClose

void Okular::Document::aboutToClose ( )

This signal is emitted whenever the document is about to close.


◆ addObserver()

void Document::addObserver ( DocumentObserver * observer)

Registers a new observer for the document.

Definition at line 2806 of file document.cpp.

◆ addPageAnnotation()

void Document::addPageAnnotation ( int page,
Annotation * annotation )

Adds a new annotation to the given page.

Definition at line 3513 of file document.cpp.

◆ adjustPageAnnotation()

void Document::adjustPageAnnotation ( int page,
Annotation * annotation,
const Okular::NormalizedPoint & delta1,
const Okular::NormalizedPoint & delta2 )

Adjusts the position of the top-left and bottom-right corners of given annotation on the given page.

Can be used to implement resize functionality. delta1 in normalized coordinates is added to top-left. delta2 in normalized coordinates is added to bottom-right.

Consecutive adjustments applied to the same annotation are merged together on the undo stack if the BeingResized flag is set on the annotation.


Definition at line 3585 of file document.cpp.

◆ allPagesSize()

QSizeF Document::allPagesSize ( ) const

If all pages have the same size this method returns it, if the page sizes differ an empty size object is returned.

Definition at line 3236 of file document.cpp.

◆ annotationContentsChangedByUndoRedo

void Okular::Document::annotationContentsChangedByUndoRedo ( Okular::Annotation * annotation,
const QString & contents,
int cursorPos,
int anchorPos )

This signal is emitted whenever the contents of the given annotation are changed by an undo or redo action.

The new contents (contents), cursor position (cursorPos), and anchor position (anchorPos) are included

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

◆ bookmarkedPageList()

QList< int > Document::bookmarkedPageList ( ) const

Returns a list of the bookmarked.pages.

Definition at line 4063 of file document.cpp.

◆ bookmarkedPageRange()

QString Document::bookmarkedPageRange ( ) const

Returns the range of the bookmarked.pages.

Definition at line 4077 of file document.cpp.

◆ bookmarkManager()

BookmarkManager * Document::bookmarkManager ( ) const

Returns the bookmark manager of the document.

Definition at line 4058 of file document.cpp.

◆ cancelSearch

void Document::cancelSearch ( )

Cancels the current search.

Definition at line 3994 of file document.cpp.

◆ canConfigurePrinter()

bool Document::canConfigurePrinter ( ) const

Returns whether the document can configure the printer itself.

Definition at line 2889 of file document.cpp.

◆ canExportToText()

bool Document::canExportToText ( ) const

Returns whether the document supports the export to ASCII text.

Definition at line 3117 of file document.cpp.

◆ canModifyPageAnnotation()

bool Document::canModifyPageAnnotation ( const Annotation * annotation) const

Tests if the annotation can be modified.

0.15 (KDE 4.9)

Definition at line 3523 of file document.cpp.

◆ canProvideFontInformation()

bool Document::canProvideFontInformation ( ) const

Whether the current document can provide information about the fonts used in it.

Definition at line 3012 of file document.cpp.

◆ canRedo()

bool Document::canRedo ( ) const

Returns true if there is a redo command available; otherwise returns false.

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

Definition at line 3695 of file document.cpp.

◆ canRedoChanged

void Okular::Document::canRedoChanged ( bool redoAvailable)

This signal is emitted whenever the availability of the redo function changes.

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

◆ canRemovePageAnnotation()

bool Document::canRemovePageAnnotation ( const Annotation * annotation) const

Tests if the annotation can be removed.

0.15 (KDE 4.9)

Definition at line 3599 of file document.cpp.

◆ canSaveChanges() [1/2]

bool Document::canSaveChanges ( ) const

Returns whether the changes to the document (modified annotations, values in form fields, etc) can be saved to another document.

Equivalent to the logical OR of canSaveChanges(SaveCapability) for each capability.

0.7 (KDE 4.1)

Definition at line 5169 of file document.cpp.

◆ canSaveChanges() [2/2]

bool Document::canSaveChanges ( SaveCapability cap) const

Returns whether it's possible to save a given category of changes to another document.

0.15 (KDE 4.9)

Definition at line 5186 of file document.cpp.

◆ canSign()

bool Document::canSign ( ) const

Whether the current document can perform digital signing.

Definition at line 3017 of file document.cpp.

◆ canSwapBackingFile()

bool Document::canSwapBackingFile ( ) const

Returns whether the generator supports hot-swapping the current file with another identical file.


Definition at line 5022 of file document.cpp.

◆ canUndo()

bool Document::canUndo ( ) const

Returns true if there is an undo command available; otherwise returns false.

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

Definition at line 3690 of file document.cpp.

◆ canUndoChanged

void Okular::Document::canUndoChanged ( bool undoAvailable)

This signal is emitted whenever the availability of the undo function changes.

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

◆ certificateStore()

Okular::CertificateStore * Document::certificateStore ( ) const

Returns the generator's certificate store (if any)


Definition at line 2908 of file document.cpp.

◆ clearHistory()

void Document::clearHistory ( )

Definition at line 5164 of file document.cpp.

◆ close

void Okular::Document::close ( )

This signal is emitted whenever an action requests a document close operation.

◆ closeDocument()

void Document::closeDocument ( )

Closes the document.

Definition at line 2639 of file document.cpp.

◆ configurableGenerators()

int Document::configurableGenerators ( ) const

Returns the number of generators that have a configuration widget.

Definition at line 4984 of file document.cpp.

◆ continueSearch() [1/2]

void Document::continueSearch ( int searchID)

Continues the search for the given searchID.

Definition at line 3932 of file document.cpp.

◆ continueSearch() [2/2]

void Document::continueSearch ( int searchID,
SearchType type )

Continues the search for the given searchID, optionally specifying a new type for the search.

0.7 (KDE 4.1)

Definition at line 3948 of file document.cpp.

◆ currentDocument()

QUrl Document::currentDocument ( ) const

Returns the url of the currently opened document.

Definition at line 3068 of file document.cpp.

◆ currentPage()

uint Document::currentPage ( ) const

Returns the number of the current page.

Definition at line 3058 of file document.cpp.

◆ docdataMigrationDone()

void Document::docdataMigrationDone ( )

Delete annotations and form data from the docdata folder.

Call it if isDocdataMigrationNeeded() was true and you've just saved them to an external file.


Definition at line 5550 of file document.cpp.

◆ documentInfo() [1/2]

DocumentInfo Okular::Document::documentInfo ( ) const

Returns the meta data of the document.

◆ documentInfo() [2/2]

DocumentInfo Document::documentInfo ( const QSet< DocumentInfo::Key > & keys) const

Returns the asked set of meta data of the document.

The result may contain more metadata than the one asked for.

Definition at line 2933 of file document.cpp.

◆ documentSynopsis()

const DocumentSynopsis * Document::documentSynopsis ( ) const

Returns the table of content of the document or 0 if no table of content is available.

Definition at line 2970 of file document.cpp.

◆ dynamicSourceReference()

const SourceReference * Document::dynamicSourceReference ( int pageNr,
double absX,
double absY )

Asks the generator to dynamically generate a SourceReference for a given page number and absolute X and Y position on this page.

Ownership of the returned SourceReference is transferred to the caller.
This method does not call processSourceReference( const SourceReference * )
0.10 (KDE 4.4)

Definition at line 4810 of file document.cpp.

◆ editFormButtons

void Document::editFormButtons ( int pageNumber,
const QList< Okular::FormFieldButton * > & formButtons,
const QList< bool > & newButtonStates )

Set the states of the group of form buttons formButtons on page page to newButtonStates.

The lists formButtons and newButtonStates should be the same length and true values in newButtonStates indicate that the corresponding entry in formButtons should be enabled.

Definition at line 4041 of file document.cpp.

◆ editFormCombo

void Document::editFormCombo ( int pageNumber,
Okular::FormFieldChoice * form,
const QString & newText,
int newCursorPos,
int prevCursorPos,
int prevAnchorPos )

Set the active choice in the combo box form on page page to newText The new cursor position (newCursorPos), previous cursor position (prevCursorPos), and previous anchor position (prevAnchorPos) will be restored by the undo / redo commands.

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

Definition at line 4028 of file document.cpp.

◆ editFormList

void Document::editFormList ( int pageNumber,
Okular::FormFieldChoice * form,
const QList< int > & newChoices )

Edit the selected list entries in form on page page to be newChoices.

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

Definition at line 4021 of file document.cpp.

◆ editFormText [1/2]

void Document::editFormText ( int pageNumber,
Okular::FormFieldText * form,
const QString & newContents,
int newCursorPos,
int prevCursorPos,
int prevAnchorPos )

Edit the text contents of the specified form on page page to be newContents.

The new text cursor position (newCursorPos), previous text cursor position (prevCursorPos), and previous cursor anchor position will be restored by the undo / redo commands.

0.17 (KDE 4.11)
use editFormText(int pageNumber, Okular::FormFieldText *form, const QString &newContents, int newCursorPos, int prevCursorPos, int prevAnchorPos, const QString &oldContents)

Definition at line 4009 of file document.cpp.

◆ editFormText [2/2]

void Document::editFormText ( int pageNumber,
Okular::FormFieldText * form,
const QString & newContents,
int newCursorPos,
int prevCursorPos,
int prevAnchorPos,
const QString & oldContents )

Edit the text contents of the specified form on page page to be newContents where previous contents are oldContents for undo/redo commands.

The new text cursor position (newCursorPos), previous text cursor position (prevCursorPos), and previous cursor anchor position will be restored by the undo / redo commands.


Definition at line 4015 of file document.cpp.

◆ editorCommandOverride()

QString Document::editorCommandOverride ( ) const

returns the overriding editor command.

If the editor command was not overriden, the string is empty.


Definition at line 2918 of file document.cpp.

◆ editPageAnnotationContents()

void Document::editPageAnnotationContents ( int page,
Annotation * annotation,
const QString & newContents,
int newCursorPos,
int prevCursorPos,
int prevAnchorPos )

Edits the plain text contents of the given annotation on the given page.

The contents are set to newContents with cursor position newCursorPos. The previous cursor position prevCursorPos and previous anchor position prevAnchorPos must also be supplied so that they can be restored if the edit action is undone.

The Annotation's internal contents should not be modified prior to calling this method.

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

Definition at line 3592 of file document.cpp.

◆ embeddedFiles()

const QList< EmbeddedFile * > * Document::embeddedFiles ( ) const

Returns the list of embedded files or 0 if no embedded files are available.

Definition at line 3022 of file document.cpp.

◆ error

void Okular::Document::error ( const QString & text,
int duration )

This signal is emitted whenever an error occurred.

textThe description of the error.
durationThe time in milliseconds the message should be shown to the user.

◆ exportFormats()

ExportFormat::List Document::exportFormats ( ) const

Returns the list of supported export formats.

See also

Definition at line 3141 of file document.cpp.

◆ exportTo()

bool Document::exportTo ( const QString & fileName,
const ExportFormat & format ) const

Exports the document in the given format and saves it under fileName.

Definition at line 3151 of file document.cpp.

◆ exportToText()

bool Document::exportToText ( const QString & fileName) const

Exports the document as ASCII text and saves it under fileName.

Definition at line 3127 of file document.cpp.

◆ extractArchivedFile()

bool Document::extractArchivedFile ( const QString & destFileName)

Extract the document file from the current archive.

This function only works if the current file is a document archive

Definition at line 5494 of file document.cpp.

◆ fillConfigDialog()

void Document::fillConfigDialog ( KConfigDialog * dialog)

Fill the KConfigDialog dialog with the setting pages of the generators.

Definition at line 4914 of file document.cpp.

◆ fontData()

QByteArray Document::fontData ( const FontInfo & font) const

Gets the font data for the given font.

0.8 (KDE 4.2)

Definition at line 5270 of file document.cpp.

◆ fontReadingEnded

void Okular::Document::fontReadingEnded ( )

Reports that the reading of the fonts in the document is finished.

◆ fontReadingProgress

void Okular::Document::fontReadingProgress ( int page)

Reports the progress when reading the fonts in the document.

pageis the page that was just finished to scan for fonts

◆ formButtonsChangedByUndoRedo

void Okular::Document::formButtonsChangedByUndoRedo ( int page,
const QList< Okular::FormFieldButton * > & formButtons )

This signal is emitted whenever the state of the specified group of form buttons (formButtons) on the given page is changed by an undo or redo action.

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

◆ formComboChangedByUndoRedo

void Okular::Document::formComboChangedByUndoRedo ( int page,
Okular::FormFieldChoice * form,
const QString & text,
int cursorPos,
int anchorPos )

This signal is emitted whenever the active text for the given combo form on the given page is changed by an undo or redo action.

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

◆ formListChangedByUndoRedo

void Okular::Document::formListChangedByUndoRedo ( int page,
Okular::FormFieldChoice * form,
const QList< int > & choices )

This signal is emitted whenever the selected choices for the given list form on the given page are changed by an undo or redo action.

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

◆ formTextChangedByUndoRedo

void Okular::Document::formTextChangedByUndoRedo ( int page,
Okular::FormFieldText * form,
const QString & contents,
int cursorPos,
int anchorPos )

This signal is emitted whenever the text contents of the given text form on the given page are changed by an undo or redo action.

The new text contents (contents), cursor position (cursorPos), and anchor position (anchorPos) are included

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

◆ generatorInfo()

KPluginMetaData Document::generatorInfo ( ) const

Returns the metadata associated with the generator.

May be invalid.

Definition at line 4973 of file document.cpp.

◆ gotFont

void Okular::Document::gotFont ( const Okular::FontInfo & font)

Emitted when a new font is found during the reading of the fonts of the document.

◆ guiClient()

KXMLGUIClient * Document::guiClient ( )

Returns the gui client of the generator, if it provides one.

Definition at line 2628 of file document.cpp.

◆ historyAtBegin()

bool Document::historyAtBegin ( ) const

Returns whether the document history is at the begin.

Definition at line 3156 of file document.cpp.

◆ historyAtEnd()

bool Document::historyAtEnd ( ) const

Returns whether the document history is at the end.

Definition at line 3161 of file document.cpp.

◆ isAllowed()

bool Document::isAllowed ( Permission action) const

Returns whether the given action is allowed in the document.

See also

Definition at line 3073 of file document.cpp.

◆ isDocdataMigrationNeeded()

bool Document::isDocdataMigrationNeeded ( ) const

Since version 0.21, okular does not allow editing annotations and form data if they are stored in the docdata directory (like older okular versions did by default).

If this flag is set, then annotations and forms cannot be edited.


Definition at line 5545 of file document.cpp.

◆ isHistoryClean()

bool Document::isHistoryClean ( ) const

Definition at line 5159 of file document.cpp.

◆ isOpened()

bool Document::isOpened ( ) const

Returns whether the document is currently opened.

Definition at line 2884 of file document.cpp.

◆ layersModel()

QAbstractItemModel * Document::layersModel ( ) const

Returns the model for rendering layers (NULL if the document has no layers)


Definition at line 5558 of file document.cpp.

◆ linkEndPresentation

void Okular::Document::linkEndPresentation ( )

This signal is emitted whenever an action requests an end presentation operation.

◆ linkFind

void Okular::Document::linkFind ( )

This signal is emitted whenever an action requests a find operation.

◆ linkGoToPage

void Okular::Document::linkGoToPage ( )

This signal is emitted whenever an action requests a goto operation.

◆ linkPresentation

void Okular::Document::linkPresentation ( )

This signal is emitted whenever an action requests a start presentation operation.

◆ metaData()

QVariant Document::metaData ( const QString & key,
const QVariant & option = QVariant() ) const

Returns the meta data for the given key and option or an empty variant if the key doesn't exists.

Definition at line 3166 of file document.cpp.

◆ modifyPageAnnotationProperties()

void Document::modifyPageAnnotationProperties ( int page,
Annotation * annotation )

Modifies the given annotation on the given page.

Must be preceded by a call to prepareToModifyAnnotationProperties before the annotation's properties are modified

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

Definition at line 3565 of file document.cpp.

◆ notice

void Okular::Document::notice ( const QString & text,
int duration )

This signal is emitted to signal a notice.

textThe description of the notice.
durationThe time in milliseconds the message should be shown to the user.

◆ openDocument()

Document::OpenResult Document::openDocument ( const QString & docFile,
const QUrl & url,
const QMimeType & mime,
const QString & password = QString() )

Opens the document.

0.20 (KDE 4.14)

Definition at line 2398 of file document.cpp.

◆ openDocumentArchive()

Document::OpenResult Document::openDocumentArchive ( const QString & docFile,
const QUrl & url,
const QString & password = QString() )

Opens a document archive.

0.20 (KDE 4.14)

Definition at line 5375 of file document.cpp.

◆ openError()

QString Document::openError ( ) const

Returns the reason why the file opening failed, if any.


Definition at line 5563 of file document.cpp.

◆ openUrl

void Okular::Document::openUrl ( const QUrl & url)

This signal is emitted whenever an action requests an open url operation for the given document url.

◆ orientation()

QPageLayout::Orientation Document::orientation ( ) const

Returns the orientation of the document (for printing purposes).

This is used in the KPart to initialize the print dialog and in the generators to check whether the document needs to be rotated or not.

0.14 (KDE 4.8)

Definition at line 5506 of file document.cpp.

◆ page()

const Page * Document::page ( int number) const

Returns the page object for the given page number or 0 if the number is out of range.

Definition at line 3027 of file document.cpp.

◆ pages()

uint Document::pages ( ) const

Returns the number of pages of the document.

Definition at line 3063 of file document.cpp.

◆ pageSizes()

PageSize::List Document::pageSizes ( ) const

Returns the list of supported page sizes or an empty list if this feature is not available.

See also

Definition at line 3106 of file document.cpp.

◆ pageSizeString()

QString Document::pageSizeString ( int page) const

Returns the size string for the given page or an empty string if the page is out of range.

Definition at line 3255 of file document.cpp.

◆ prepareToModifyAnnotationProperties()

void Document::prepareToModifyAnnotationProperties ( Annotation * annotation)

Prepares to modify the properties of the given annotation.

Must be called before the annotation's properties are modified

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

Definition at line 3555 of file document.cpp.

◆ print()

Document::PrintError Document::print ( QPrinter & printer)

Prints the document to the given printer.

Definition at line 4858 of file document.cpp.

◆ printConfigurationWidget()

QWidget * Document::printConfigurationWidget ( ) const

Returns a custom printer configuration page or 0 if no custom printer configuration page is available.

The returned object should be of a PrintOptionsWidget subclass (which is not officially enforced by the signature for binary compatibility reasons).

Definition at line 4904 of file document.cpp.

◆ printErrorString()

QString Document::printErrorString ( PrintError error)

Definition at line 4872 of file document.cpp.

◆ printingSupport()

Document::PrintingType Document::printingSupport ( ) const

Returns what sort of printing the document supports: Native, Postscript, None.

Definition at line 4836 of file document.cpp.

◆ processAction()

void Document::processAction ( const Action * action)

Processes the given action.

Definition at line 4156 of file document.cpp.

◆ processDocumentAction()

void Document::processDocumentAction ( const Action * action,
DocumentAdditionalActionType type )

Processes the given document additional action of specified type.


Definition at line 4660 of file document.cpp.

◆ processFocusAction()

void Document::processFocusAction ( const Action * action,
Okular::FormField * field )

Processes the given focus action on the field.


Definition at line 4569 of file document.cpp.

◆ processFormatAction() [1/2]

void Document::processFormatAction ( const Action * action,
Okular::FormField * ff )

Processes the given format action on a Form Field ff.


Definition at line 4383 of file document.cpp.

◆ processFormatAction() [2/2]

void Document::processFormatAction ( const Action * action,
Okular::FormFieldText * fft )

Processes the given format action on fft.

use processFormatAction(const Action *, Okular::FormField *).

Definition at line 4378 of file document.cpp.

◆ processFormMouseScriptAction()

void Document::processFormMouseScriptAction ( const Action * action,
Okular::FormField * ff,
MouseEventType fieldMouseEventType )

Processes the mouse action of type fieldMouseEventType on ff.


Definition at line 4693 of file document.cpp.

◆ processFormMouseUpScripAction()

void Document::processFormMouseUpScripAction ( const Action * action,
Okular::FormField * ff )

Processes the mouse up action on ff.

use processFormMouseScriptAction

Definition at line 4731 of file document.cpp.

◆ processKeystrokeAction() [1/2]

void Document::processKeystrokeAction ( const Action * action,
Okular::FormField * ff,
const QVariant & newValue,
int prevCursorPos,
int prevAnchorPos )

Processes the given keystroke action on ff between the two positions prevCursorPos and prevAnchorPos prevCursorPos and prevAnchorPos are used to set the selStart and selEnd event properties.


Definition at line 4453 of file document.cpp.

◆ processKeystrokeAction() [2/2]

void Document::processKeystrokeAction ( const Action * action,
Okular::FormFieldText * fft,
const QVariant & newValue )

Processes the given keystroke action on fft.

use processKeystrokeAction(const Action *, Okular::FormField *, const QVariant &, int, int)

Definition at line 4525 of file document.cpp.

◆ processKeystrokeCommitAction() [1/2]

void Document::processKeystrokeCommitAction ( const Action * action,
Okular::FormField * ff,
bool & returnCode )

Processes the given keystroke action on FormField ff.

This will set event.willCommit=true. The return code parameter is set if the value is to be committed.


Definition at line 4537 of file document.cpp.

◆ processKeystrokeCommitAction() [2/2]

void Document::processKeystrokeCommitAction ( const Action * action,
Okular::FormFieldText * fft )

Processes the given keystroke action on fft.

This will set event.willCommit=true

use processKeystrokeCommitAction(const Action *, Okular::FormField *, bool &).

Definition at line 4531 of file document.cpp.

◆ processKVCFActions()

void Document::processKVCFActions ( Okular::FormField * ff)

A method that executes the relevant keystroke, validate, calculate and format actions on a FormField ff.


Definition at line 4625 of file document.cpp.

◆ processMovieAction

void Okular::Document::processMovieAction ( const Okular::MovieAction * action)

This signal is emitted whenever an movie action is triggered and the UI should process it.

◆ processRenditionAction

void Okular::Document::processRenditionAction ( const Okular::RenditionAction * action)

This signal is emitted whenever an rendition action is triggered and the UI should process it.

0.16 (KDE 4.10)

◆ processSourceReference()

void Document::processSourceReference ( const SourceReference * reference)

Processes/Executes the given source reference.

Definition at line 4736 of file document.cpp.

◆ processValidateAction() [1/2]

void Document::processValidateAction ( const Action * action,
Okular::FormField * ff,
bool & returnCode )

Validates the input value in the FormField ff and sets the returnCode for a given validate action.


Definition at line 4595 of file document.cpp.

◆ processValidateAction() [2/2]

void Document::processValidateAction ( const Action * action,
Okular::FormFieldText * fft,
bool & returnCode )

Processes the given keystroke action on fft.

use processValidateAction(const Action *, Okular::FormField *, bool &).

Definition at line 4590 of file document.cpp.

◆ quit

void Okular::Document::quit ( )

This signal is emitted whenever an action requests an application quit operation.

◆ recalculateForms()

void Document::recalculateForms ( )

Recalculates all the form fields in the document.


Definition at line 3508 of file document.cpp.

◆ redo

void Document::redo ( )

Redo last undone edit command.

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

Definition at line 4004 of file document.cpp.

◆ refreshFormWidget

void Okular::Document::refreshFormWidget ( Okular::FormField * field)

This signal is emitted whenever a FormField was changed programmatically and the according widget should be updated.


◆ refreshPixmaps

void Document::refreshPixmaps ( int pageNumber)

Refresh the pixmaps for the given pageNumber.


Definition at line 5584 of file document.cpp.

◆ registerView()

void Document::registerView ( View * view)

Register the specified view for the current document.

It is unregistered from the previous document, if any.

0.7 (KDE 4.1)

Definition at line 5235 of file document.cpp.

◆ reloadDocument

void Document::reloadDocument ( ) const

Reloads the pixmaps for whole document.


Definition at line 4047 of file document.cpp.

◆ removeObserver()

void Document::removeObserver ( DocumentObserver * observer)

Unregisters the given observer for the document.

Definition at line 2818 of file document.cpp.

◆ removePageAnnotation()

void Document::removePageAnnotation ( int page,
Annotation * annotation )

Removes the given annotation from the given page.

Definition at line 3623 of file document.cpp.

◆ removePageAnnotations()

void Document::removePageAnnotations ( int page,
const QList< Annotation * > & annotations )

Removes the given annotations from the given page.

Definition at line 3629 of file document.cpp.

◆ reparseConfig()

void Document::reparseConfig ( )

Reparses and applies the configuration.

Definition at line 2852 of file document.cpp.

◆ requestPixmaps() [1/2]

void Document::requestPixmaps ( const QList< PixmapRequest * > & requests)

Sends requests for pixmap generation.

The same as requestPixmaps( requests, RemoveAllPrevious );


Definition at line 3349 of file document.cpp.

◆ requestPixmaps() [2/2]

void Document::requestPixmaps ( const QList< PixmapRequest * > & requests,
PixmapRequestFlags reqOptions )

Sends requests for pixmap generation.

requeststhe linked list of requests
reqOptionsthe options for the request

Definition at line 3354 of file document.cpp.

◆ requestPrint

void Okular::Document::requestPrint ( )

This signal is emitted whenever an action requests a document print operation.


◆ requestSaveAs

void Okular::Document::requestSaveAs ( )

This signal is emitted whenever an action requests a document save as operation.


◆ requestSignedRevisionData

QByteArray Document::requestSignedRevisionData ( const Okular::SignatureInfo & info)

Returns the part of document covered by the given signature info.


Definition at line 5568 of file document.cpp.

◆ requestTextPage()

void Document::requestTextPage ( uint pageNumber)

Sends a request for text page generation for the given page pageNumber.

Definition at line 3486 of file document.cpp.

◆ resetSearch()

void Document::resetSearch ( int searchID)

Resets the search for the given searchID.

Definition at line 3964 of file document.cpp.

◆ rotation()

Rotation Document::rotation ( ) const

Returns the current rotation of the document.

Definition at line 3231 of file document.cpp.

◆ saveChanges() [1/2]

bool Document::saveChanges ( const QString & fileName)

Save the document and the optional changes to it to the specified fileName.

0.7 (KDE 4.1)

Definition at line 5202 of file document.cpp.

◆ saveChanges() [2/2]

bool Document::saveChanges ( const QString & fileName,
QString * errorText )

Save the document and the optional changes to it to the specified fileName and returns a errorText if fails.

0.10 (KDE 4.4)

Definition at line 5208 of file document.cpp.

◆ saveDocumentArchive()

bool Document::saveDocumentArchive ( const QString & fileName)

Saves a document archive.

0.8 (KDE 4.2)

Definition at line 5395 of file document.cpp.

◆ searchFinished

void Okular::Document::searchFinished ( int searchID,
Okular::Document::SearchStatus endStatus )

Reports that the current search finished.

◆ searchText()

void Document::searchText ( int searchID,
const QString & text,
bool fromStart,
Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity,
SearchType type,
bool moveViewport,
const QColor & color )

Searches the given text in the document.

searchIDThe unique id for this search request.
textThe text to be searched.
fromStartWhether the search should be started at begin of the document.
caseSensitivityWhether the search is case sensitive.
typeThe type of the search. SearchType
moveViewportWhether the viewport shall be moved to the position of the matches.
colorThe highlighting color of the matches.

Definition at line 3835 of file document.cpp.

◆ setAnnotationEditingEnabled()

void Document::setAnnotationEditingEnabled ( bool enable)

Control annotation editing (creation, modification and removal), which is enabled by default.

0.15 (KDE 4.9)

Definition at line 5530 of file document.cpp.

◆ setEditorCommandOverride()

void Document::setEditorCommandOverride ( const QString & editCmd)

sets the editor command to the command editCmd, as given at the commandline.


Definition at line 2913 of file document.cpp.

◆ setHistoryClean()

void Document::setHistoryClean ( bool clean)

Sets the history to be clean.


Definition at line 5150 of file document.cpp.

◆ setNextDocumentDestination()

void Document::setNextDocumentDestination ( const QString & namedDestination)

Sets the next namedDestination in the viewport history.

0.9 (KDE 4.3)

Definition at line 3830 of file document.cpp.

◆ setNextDocumentViewport()

void Document::setNextDocumentViewport ( const DocumentViewport & viewport)

Sets the next viewport in the viewport history.

Definition at line 3825 of file document.cpp.

◆ setNextViewport()

void Document::setNextViewport ( )

Sets the current document viewport to the previous viewport in the viewport history.

Definition at line 3807 of file document.cpp.

◆ setPageSize

void Document::setPageSize ( const Okular::PageSize & size)

This slot is called whenever the user changes the page size of the document.

Definition at line 5768 of file document.cpp.

◆ setPageTextSelection()

void Document::setPageTextSelection ( int page,
std::unique_ptr< RegularAreaRect > && rect,
const QColor & color )

Clears the text selection highlights for the given page, creates new ones if rect is not nullptr, and deletes rect.

pageThe number of the page.
rectThe rectangle of the selection.
colorThe color of the selection.

Definition at line 3672 of file document.cpp.

◆ setPrevViewport()

void Document::setPrevViewport ( )

Sets the current document viewport to the next viewport in the viewport history.

Definition at line 3791 of file document.cpp.

◆ setRotation

void Document::setRotation ( int rotation)

This slot is called whenever the user changes the rotation of the document.

Definition at line 5736 of file document.cpp.

◆ setViewport()

void Document::setViewport ( const DocumentViewport & viewport,
DocumentObserver * excludeObserver = nullptr,
bool smoothMove = false,
bool updateHistory = true )

Sets the current document viewport to the given viewport.

viewportThe document viewport.
excludeObserverThe observer which shouldn't be effected by this change.
smoothMoveWhether the move shall be animated smoothly.
updateHistoryWhether to consider the change of viewport for the history navigation

Definition at line 3716 of file document.cpp.

◆ setViewportPage()

void Document::setViewportPage ( int page,
DocumentObserver * excludeObserver = nullptr,
bool smoothMove = false )

Sets the current document viewport to the given page.

pageThe number of the page.
excludeObserverThe observer ids which shouldn't be effected by this change.
smoothMoveWhether the move shall be animated smoothly.

Definition at line 3768 of file document.cpp.

◆ setVisiblePageRects()

void Document::setVisiblePageRects ( const QVector< VisiblePageRect * > & visiblePageRects,
DocumentObserver * excludeObserver = nullptr )

Sets the list of visible page rectangles.

See also

Definition at line 3042 of file document.cpp.

◆ setZoom()

void Document::setZoom ( int factor,
DocumentObserver * excludeObserver = nullptr )

Sets the zoom for the current document.

Definition at line 3781 of file document.cpp.

◆ sign()

bool Document::sign ( const NewSignatureData & data,
const QString & newPath )

Digitally sign document.


Definition at line 2899 of file document.cpp.

◆ sourceReferenceActivated

void Okular::Document::sourceReferenceActivated ( const QString & absFileName,
int line,
int col,
bool * handled )

This signal is emitted whenever a source reference with the given parameters has been activated.

absFileNameabsolute name of the file.
lineline number.
colcolumn number.
handledshould be set to 'true' if a slot handles this source reference; the default action to launch the configured editor will then not be performed by the document
0.14 (KDE 4.8)

◆ startFontReading()

void Document::startFontReading ( )

Starts the reading of the information about the fonts in the document, if available.

The results as well the end of the reading is notified using the signals gotFont(), fontReadingProgress() and fontReadingEnded()

Definition at line 2975 of file document.cpp.

◆ stopFontReading()

void Document::stopFontReading ( )

Force the termination of the reading of the information about the fonts in the document, if running.

Definition at line 3000 of file document.cpp.

◆ supportedMimeTypes()

QStringList Document::supportedMimeTypes ( ) const

Returns the list with the supported MIME types.

Definition at line 4989 of file document.cpp.

◆ supportsPageSizes()

bool Document::supportsPageSizes ( ) const

Returns whether the document supports the listing of page sizes.

Definition at line 3096 of file document.cpp.

◆ supportsPrintToFile()

bool Document::supportsPrintToFile ( ) const

Returns whether the document supports printing to both PDF and PS files.

Definition at line 4853 of file document.cpp.

◆ supportsSearching()

bool Document::supportsSearching ( ) const

Returns whether the document supports searching.

Definition at line 3091 of file document.cpp.

◆ supportsTiles()

bool Document::supportsTiles ( ) const

Returns whether the current document supports tiles.

0.16 (KDE 4.10)

Definition at line 3101 of file document.cpp.

◆ swapBackingFile()

bool Document::swapBackingFile ( const QString & newFileName,
const QUrl & url )

Reload the document from a new location, without any visible effect to the user.

The new file must be identical to the current one or, if the document has been modified (eg the user edited forms and annotations), the new document must have these changes too. For example, you can call saveChanges first to write changes to a file and then swapBackingFile to switch to the new location.


Definition at line 5031 of file document.cpp.

◆ swapBackingFileArchive()

bool Document::swapBackingFileArchive ( const QString & newFileName,
const QUrl & url )

Same as swapBackingFile, but newFileName must be a .okular file.

The new file must be identical to the current one or, if the document has been modified (eg the user edited forms and annotations), the new document must have these changes too. For example, you can call saveDocumentArchive first to write changes to a file and then swapBackingFileArchive to switch to the new location.


Definition at line 5129 of file document.cpp.

◆ translatePageAnnotation()

void Document::translatePageAnnotation ( int page,
Annotation * annotation,
const Okular::NormalizedPoint & delta )

Translates the position of the given annotation on the given page by a distance delta in normalized coordinates.

Consecutive translations applied to the same annotation are merged together on the undo stack if the BeingMoved flag is set on the annotation.

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

Definition at line 3578 of file document.cpp.

◆ undo

void Document::undo ( )

Undo last edit command.

0.17 (KDE 4.11)

Definition at line 3999 of file document.cpp.

◆ undoHistoryCleanChanged

void Okular::Document::undoHistoryCleanChanged ( bool clean)

This signal is emitted whenever the undo history is clean (i.e.

the same status the last time it was saved)


◆ unregisterView()

void Document::unregisterView ( View * view)

Unregister the specified view from the current document.

0.7 (KDE 4.1)

Definition at line 5255 of file document.cpp.

◆ viewport()

const DocumentViewport & Document::viewport ( ) const

Returns the current viewport of the document.

Definition at line 3032 of file document.cpp.

◆ visiblePageRects()

const QVector< VisiblePageRect * > & Document::visiblePageRects ( ) const

Returns the list of visible page rectangles.

Definition at line 3037 of file document.cpp.

◆ walletDataForFile()

void Document::walletDataForFile ( const QString & fileName,
QString * walletName,
QString * walletFolder,
QString * walletKey ) const

Returns which wallet data to use to read/write the password for the given fileName.

0.20 (KDE 4.14)

Definition at line 5536 of file document.cpp.

◆ warning

void Okular::Document::warning ( const QString & text,
int duration )

This signal is emitted to signal a warning.

textThe description of the warning.
durationThe time in milliseconds the message should be shown to the user.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:54:37 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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