
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NBackendCapabilitiesCollection of functions describing the capabilities of the Backend
 CNotifierNotifications about backend capabilities
 CAbstractAudioDataOutputThis class gives you the audio data
 CAbstractVideoDataOutputThis class gives you the video data
 CAudioDataOutputThis class gives you the audio data (for visualizations)
 CAvCaptureMedia data from a soundcard, soundserver, camera or any other hardware device supported by the backend
 CVideoDataOutputThis class gives you nothing
 CVideoDataOutput2This class gives you the video data
 CVideoFrameA single video frame
 CVideoFrame2A single video frame
 CVisualizationA class to create visual effects from an audio signal
 CAbstractAudioOutputCommon base class for all audio outputs
 CAbstractMediaStreamBase class for custom media data streams
 CAbstractMediaStream2Base class for custom media data streams
 CAbstractVideoOutputCommon base class for all video outputs
 CAddonInterfaceInterface for Menu, Chapter, Angle and Title/Track control
 CAudioDataOutputThis class gives you the audio data (for visualizations)
 CAudioOutputClass for audio output to the soundcard
 CBackendInterfaceMain Backend class interface
 CEffectEffects that can be inserted into a Path
 CEffectInterfaceInterface for Effect objects
 CEffectParameterThis class describes one parameter of an effect
 CEffectWidgetWidget to control the parameters of an Effect
 CMediaControllerControls optional features of a media file/device like title, chapter, angle
 CMediaObjectInterface for media playback of a given URL
 CMediaObjectInterfaceBackend interface for media sources
 CMediaSourceNote that all constructors of this class are implicit, so that you can simply write
 CMrlMedia Resource Locator - A QUrl particularly for MediaSources
 CObjectDescriptionProvides a tuple of enduser visible name and description
 CObjectDescriptionDataData class for objects describing devices or features of the backend
 CObjectDescriptionModelThe ObjectDescriptionModel class provides a model from a list of ObjectDescription objects
 CObjectDescriptionModelDataData class for models for ObjectDescription objects
 CPacketClass to access memory preallocated by PacketPool
 CPacketPoolClass to preallocate memory
 CPathConnection object providing convenient effect insertion
 CSeekSliderWidget providing a slider for seeking in MediaObject objects
 CStreamInterfaceBackend interface to handle media streams (AbstractMediaStream)
 CVideoPlayerPlayback class for simple tasks
 CVideoWidgetWidget to display video
 CVolumeFaderEffectAudio effect to gradually fade the audio volume
 CVolumeSliderWidget providing a slider to control the volume of an AudioOutput
 CAudioOutputInterfaceInterface for AudioOutput objects
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