
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CFaceLoaderA helper class to make it easier to load faces when used inside a face
 CFormatterA class for formatting sensor values
 CFormatterWrapperTiny helper class to make Formatter usable from QML
 CSensorAn object encapsulating a backend sensor
 CSensorDaemonInterfaceInternal helper class to communicate with the daemon
 CSensorDataModelA model representing a table of sensors
 CSensorFaceBase for sensor faces
 CSensorFaceControllerThe SensorFaceController links sensor faces and applications in which these faces are shown
 CSensorQueryAn object to query the daemon for a list of sensors and their metadata
 CSensorTreeModelA model representing a tree of sensors that are available from the daemon
 CSensorUnitModelA model that lists the units for a given list of sensors
 CExtendedLegendA legend control to be used in faces based on org.kde.quickcharts.Controls.Legend
 CSensorRangeSpinBoxA control to select a value with a unit
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