Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345678]
▼ sources | |
▼ libplasma | |
▼ src | |
▼ declarativeimports | |
► core | |
► private | |
DefaultToolTip.qml | |
DialogBackground.qml | |
action.cpp | |
action.h | |
corebindingsplugin.cpp | |
corebindingsplugin.h | |
quicktheme.cpp | |
quicktheme.h | |
tooltiparea.cpp | |
tooltiparea.h | |
tooltipdialog.cpp | |
tooltipdialog.h | |
windowthumbnail.cpp | |
windowthumbnail.h | |
► kirigamiplasmastyle | |
AbstractApplicationHeader.qml | |
plasmatheme.cpp | |
plasmatheme.h | |
plugin.cpp | |
plugin.h | |
units.cpp | |
units.h | |
► plasmacomponents3 | |
► mobiletextselection | |
MobileCursor.qml | |
MobileTextActionsToolBar.qml | |
MobileTextActionsToolBarImpl.qml | |
► private | |
ButtonBackground.qml | |
ButtonContent.qml | |
ButtonFocus.qml | |
ButtonHover.qml | |
ButtonShadow.qml | |
DefaultListItemBackground.qml | |
FlatButtonBackground.qml | |
IconLabel.qml | |
RaisedButtonBackground.qml | |
RoundShadow.qml | |
TextFieldFocus.qml | |
AbstractButton.qml | |
BusyIndicator.qml | |
Button.qml | |
CheckBox.qml | |
CheckDelegate.qml | |
CheckIndicator.qml | |
ComboBox.qml | |
Container.qml | |
Control.qml | |
Dial.qml | |
Dialog.qml | |
DialogButtonBox.qml | |
Drawer.qml | |
Frame.qml | |
GroupBox.qml | |
ItemDelegate.qml | |
Label.qml | |
Menu.qml | |
MenuItem.qml | |
MenuSeparator.qml | |
Page.qml | |
PageIndicator.qml | |
Pane.qml | |
Popup.qml | |
ProgressBar.qml | |
RadioButton.qml | |
RadioDelegate.qml | |
RadioIndicator.qml | |
RangeSlider.qml | |
RoundButton.qml | |
ScrollBar.qml | |
ScrollView.qml | |
Slider.qml | |
SpinBox.qml | |
StackView.qml | |
SwipeView.qml | |
Switch.qml | |
SwitchDelegate.qml | |
SwitchIndicator.qml | |
TabBar.qml | |
TabButton.qml | |
TextArea.qml | |
TextField.qml | |
ToolBar.qml | |
ToolButton.qml | |
ToolTip.qml | |
► plasmaextracomponents | |
► qml | |
► animations | |
ActivateAnimation.qml | |
AppearAnimation.qml | |
DisappearAnimation.qml | |
PressedAnimation.qml | |
ReleasedAnimation.qml | |
► private | |
BackgroundMetrics.qml | |
ActionTextField.qml | |
BasicPlasmoidHeading.qml | |
DescriptiveLabel.qml | |
ExpandableListItem.qml | |
Heading.qml | |
Highlight.qml | |
ListItem.qml | |
ListSectionHeader.qml | |
ModelContextMenu.qml | |
PasswordField.qml | |
PlaceholderMessage.qml | |
PlasmoidHeading.qml | |
Representation.qml | |
SearchField.qml | |
ShadowedLabel.qml | |
qmenu.cpp | |
qmenu.h | |
qmenuitem.cpp | |
qmenuitem.h | |
▼ plasma | |
► packagestructure | |
► qmlWallpaper | |
wallpaper.cpp | |
► shell | |
shellpackage.cpp | |
packages.cpp | |
plasma_applet_packagestructure.cpp | |
plasma_containmentactions_packagestructure.cpp | |
plasma_generic_packagestructure.cpp | |
plasma_theme_packagestructure.cpp | |
► private | |
contrasteffectwatcher.cpp | |
applet.cpp | |
applet.h | |
containment.cpp | |
containment.h | |
containmentactions.cpp | |
containmentactions.h | |
corona.cpp | |
corona.h | |
plasma.cpp | |
plasma.h | |
pluginloader.cpp | |
pluginloader.h | |
theme.cpp | |
theme.h | |
▼ plasmaquick | |
► plasmoid | |
containmentitem.cpp | |
containmentitem.h | |
dropmenu.cpp | |
dropmenu.h | |
plasmoiditem.cpp | |
plasmoiditem.h | |
wallpaperitem.cpp | |
wallpaperitem.h | |
appletcontext.cpp | |
appletpopup.cpp | |
appletpopup.h | |
appletquickitem.cpp | |
appletquickitem.h | |
configmodel.cpp | |
configmodel.h | |
configview.cpp | |
configview.h | |
containmentview.cpp | |
containmentview.h | |
dialog.cpp | |
dialog.h | |
dialogshadows.cpp | |
edgeeventforwarder.cpp | |
edgeeventforwarder.h | |
plasmashellwaylandintegration.cpp | |
plasmashellwaylandintegration.h | |
plasmawindow.cpp | |
plasmawindow.h | |
popupplasmawindow.cpp | |
popupplasmawindow.h | |
quickviewsharedengine.cpp | |
quickviewsharedengine.h | |
sharedqmlengine.cpp | |
sharedqmlengine.h | |
transientplacementhint.cpp | |
utils.cpp | |
utils.h | |
windowresizehandler.cpp | |
windowresizehandler.h | |
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:50:52 by
doxygen 1.13.2 written
Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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