Go to the documentation of this file.
bool canSendAuthzid() const
An Authorization ID can be sent if desired.
Params(bool user, bool authzid, bool pass, bool realm)
Standard constructor.
void startServer(const QString &service, const QString &host, const QString &realm, ServerSendMode mode=DisableServerSendLast)
Initialise the server side of the connection.
void putServerFirstStep(const QString &mech)
Process the first step in server mode (server)
void setUsername(const QString &user)
Specify the username to use in authentication.
void setExternalSSF(int strength)
Specify a security strength factor for an externally secured connection.
void authCheck(const QString &user, const QString &authzid)
This signal is emitted when the server needs to perform the authentication check.
void continueAfterParams()
Continue negotiation after parameters have been set (client)
void write(const QByteArray &a) override
This method writes unencrypted (plain) data to the SecureLayer implementation.
void startClient(const QString &service, const QString &host, const QStringList &mechlist, ClientSendMode mode=AllowClientSendFirst)
Initialise the client side of the connection.
int convertBytesWritten(qint64 encryptedBytes) override
Convert encrypted bytes written to plain text bytes written.
SASL(QObject *parent=nullptr, const QString &provider=QString())
Standard constructor.
void setConstraints(AuthFlags f, SecurityLevel s=SL_None)
Specify connection constraints.
void setAuthzid(const QString &auth)
Specify the authorization identity to use in authentication.
void nextStep(const QByteArray &stepData)
This signal is emitted when there is data required to be sent over the network to complete the next s...
void continueAfterAuthCheck()
Continue negotiation after auth ids have been checked (server)
void writeIncoming(const QByteArray &a) override
This method accepts encoded (typically encrypted) data for processing.
@ NeedEncrypt
Encryption is needed in order to use mechanism (server side only)
Definition qca_securelayer.h:857
@ RemoteUnavailable
Remote service needed for auth is gone (server side only)
Definition qca_securelayer.h:861
void serverStarted()
This signal is emitted after the server has been successfully started.
void setPassword(const SecureArray &pass)
Specify the password to use in authentication.
void setExternalAuthId(const QString &authid)
Specify the id of the externally secured connection.
int bytesOutgoingAvailable() const override
Returns the number of bytes available to be readOutgoing() on the network side.
void clientStarted(bool clientInit, const QByteArray &clientInitData)
This signal is emitted when the client has been successfully started.
QByteArray read() override
This method reads decrypted (plain) data from the SecureLayer implementation.
void needParams(const QCA::SASL::Params ¶ms)
This signal is emitted when the client needs additional parameters.
void setRemoteAddress(const QString &addr, quint16 port)
Specify the peer address.
void setConstraints(AuthFlags f, int minSSF, int maxSSF)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
void putServerFirstStep(const QString &mech, const QByteArray &clientInit)
Process the first step in server mode (server)
int bytesAvailable() const override
Returns the number of bytes available to be read() on the application side.
AuthCondition authCondition() const
Return the reason for authentication failure.
void setLocalAddress(const QString &addr, quint16 port)
Specify the local address.
QByteArray readOutgoing(int *plainBytes=nullptr) override
This method provides encoded (typically encrypted) data.
virtual void write(const QByteArray &a)=0
This method writes unencrypted (plain) data to the SecureLayer implementation.
virtual int convertBytesWritten(qint64 encryptedBytes)=0
Convert encrypted bytes written to plain text bytes written.
virtual QByteArray readUnprocessed()
This allows you to read data without having it decrypted first.
SecureLayer(QObject *parent=nullptr)
Constructor for an abstract secure communications layer.
virtual void writeIncoming(const QByteArray &a)=0
This method accepts encoded (typically encrypted) data for processing.
virtual int bytesAvailable() const =0
Returns the number of bytes available to be read() on the application side.
virtual QByteArray readOutgoing(int *plainBytes=nullptr)=0
This method provides encoded (typically encrypted) data.
void readyReadOutgoing()
This signal is emitted when SecureLayer has encrypted (network side) data ready to be read.
virtual QByteArray read()=0
This method reads decrypted (plain) data from the SecureLayer implementation.
void closed()
This signal is emitted when the SecureLayer connection is closed.
virtual bool isClosable() const
Returns true if the layer has a meaningful "close".
virtual int bytesOutgoingAvailable() const =0
Returns the number of bytes available to be readOutgoing() on the network side.
void readyRead()
This signal is emitted when SecureLayer has decrypted (application side) data ready to be read.
void setConstraints(SecurityLevel s)
The security level required for this link.
int packetsOutgoingAvailable() const
Determine the number of packets available to be read on the network side.
TLS(Mode mode, QObject *parent=nullptr, const QString &provider=QString())
Constructor for Transport Layer Security connection.
int cipherMaxBits() const
The number of bits of security that the cipher could use.
void write(const QByteArray &a) override
This method writes unencrypted (plain) data to the SecureLayer implementation.
void startClient(const QString &host=QString())
Start the TLS/SSL connection as a client.
void writeIncoming(const QByteArray &a) override
This method accepts encoded (typically encrypted) data for processing.
void setConstraints(int minSSF, int maxSSF)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
PrivateKey localPrivateKey() const
The PrivateKey for the local host certificate.
int cipherBits() const
The number of effective bits of security being used for this connection.
int bytesOutgoingAvailable() const override
Returns the number of bytes available to be readOutgoing() on the network side.
QString hostName() const
Returns the host name specified or an empty string if no host name is specified.
TLSSession session() const
The session object of the TLS connection, which can be used for resuming.
void setTrustedCertificates(const CertificateCollection &trusted)
Set up the set of trusted certificates that will be used to verify that the certificate provided is v...
bool isClosable() const override
Returns true if the layer has a meaningful "close".
void setConstraints(const QStringList &cipherSuiteList)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
QStringList supportedCipherSuites(const Version &version=TLS_v1) const
Get the list of cipher suites that are available for use.
QList< CertificateInfoOrdered > issuerList() const
Retrieve the list of allowed issuers by the server, if the server has provided them.
CertificateCollection trustedCertificates() const
Return the trusted certificates set for this object.
IdentityResult peerIdentityResult() const
After the SSL/TLS handshake is complete, this method allows you to determine if the other end of the ...
QByteArray readOutgoing(int *plainBytes=nullptr) override
This method provides encoded (typically encrypted) data.
TLS(QObject *parent=nullptr, const QString &provider=QString())
Constructor for Transport Layer Security connection.
bool canSetHostName() const
Test if the link can specify a hostname (Server Name Indication)
QByteArray read() override
This method reads decrypted (plain) data from the SecureLayer implementation.
void connectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) override
Called when a connection is made to a particular signal.
int packetsAvailable() const
Determine the number of packets available to be read on the application side.
Validity peerCertificateValidity() const
After the SSL/TLS handshake is valid, this method allows you to check if the received certificate fro...
QByteArray readUnprocessed() override
This allows you to read data without having it decrypted first.
int convertBytesWritten(qint64 encryptedBytes) override
Convert encrypted bytes written to plain text bytes written.
CertificateChain peerCertificateChain() const
The CertificateChain from the peer (other end of the connection to the trusted root certificate).
int bytesAvailable() const override
Returns the number of bytes available to be read() on the application side.
void peerCertificateAvailable()
Emitted when a certificate is received from the peer.
QString cipherSuite() const
The cipher suite that has been negotiated for this connection.
void setCertificate(const CertificateChain &cert, const PrivateKey &key)
The local certificate to use.
void disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) override
Called when a connection is removed from a particular signal.
void setIssuerList(const QList< CertificateInfoOrdered > &issuers)
Sets the issuer list to present to the client.
void setSession(const TLSSession &session)
Resume a TLS session using the given session object.
void certificateRequested()
Emitted when the server requests a certificate.
void setCertificate(const KeyBundle &kb)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
CertificateChain localCertificateChain() const
The CertificateChain for the local host certificate.
Specify the lower-bound for acceptable TLS/SASL security layers.
Definition qca_securelayer.h:60
Header file for PGP key and X.509 certificate related classes.
Header file for core QCA infrastructure.
Header file for PublicKey and PrivateKey related classes.
QObject(QObject *parent)
QObject * parent() const const
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:53:44 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:53:44 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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