1// -*- c++ -*-
3 This file is part of the KDE libraries
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999 Stephan Kulow <>
5 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000, 2001 Carsten Pfeiffer <>
7 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
12#include "kiofilewidgets_export.h"
13#include <kfile.h>
15#include <KFileItem>
17#include <QStyleOptionViewItem>
18#include <QUrl>
19#include <QWidget>
22class QMenu;
23class QModelIndex;
24class QProgressBar;
27class KActionMenu;
28class KCompletion;
29class KConfigGroup;
30class KDirLister;
31class KFileItemList;
35namespace KIO
37class CopyJob;
38class DeleteJob;
41class KDirOperatorPrivate;
44 * @class KDirOperator kdiroperator.h <KDirOperator>
45 *
46 * This widget works as a network transparent filebrowser. You specify a URL
47 * to display and this url will be loaded via KDirLister. The user can
48 * browse through directories, highlight and select files, delete or rename
49 * files.
50 *
51 * It supports different views, e.g. a detailed view (see KFileDetailView),
52 * a simple icon view (see KFileIconView), a combination of two views,
53 * separating directories and files ( KCombiView).
54 *
55 * Additionally, a preview view is available (see KFilePreview), which can
56 * show either a simple or detailed view and additionally a preview widget
57 * (see setPreviewWidget()). KImageFilePreview is one implementation
58 * of a preview widget, that displays previews for all supported filetypes
59 * utilizing KIO::PreviewJob.
60 *
61 * Currently, those classes don't support Drag&Drop out of the box -- there
62 * you have to use your own view-classes. You can use some DnD-aware views
63 * from Björn Sahlström <> until they will be integrated
64 * into this library. See
65 *
66 * This widget is the one used in the KFileWidget.
67 *
68 * Basic usage is like this:
69 * \code
70 * KDirOperator *op = new KDirOperator(QUrl("file:///home/gis"), this);
71 * // some signals you might be interested in
72 * connect(op, &KDirOperator::urlEntered, this, [this](const QUrl &url) { slotUrlEntered(url); });
73 * connect(op, &KDirOperator::fileHighlighted, this, [this](const KFileItem &item) { slotFileHighlighted(item) });
74 * connect(op, &KDirOperator::fileSelected, this, [this](const KFileItem &item) { slotFileSelected(item) });
75 * connect(op, &KDirOperator::finishedLoading, this, [this]() { slotLoadingFinished(); };
76 *
77 * KConfigGroup grp(KSharedConfig::openConfig(),"Your KDiroperator ConfigGroup" );
78 * op->readConfig( &grp);
79 * op->setViewMode(KFile::Default);
80 * \endcode
81 *
82 * This will create a childwidget of 'this' showing the directory contents
83 * of /home/gis in the default-view. The view is determined by the readConfig()
84 * call, which will read the KDirOperator settings, the user left your program
85 * with (and which you saved with op->writeConfig()).
86 *
87 * @short A widget for displaying files and browsing directories.
88 * @author Stephan Kulow <>, Carsten Pfeiffer <>
89 */
90class KIOFILEWIDGETS_EXPORT KDirOperator : public QWidget
95 /**
96 * The various action types. These values can be or'd together
97 */
99 SortActions = 1,
100 ViewActions = 2,
101 NavActions = 4,
102 FileActions = 8,
103 AllActions = 15,
104 };
106 /**
107 * Actions provided by KDirOperator that can be accessed from the outside using action()
108 */
109 enum Action {
110 /**
111 * An ActionMenu presenting a popupmenu with all actions
112 */
114 /**
115 * Changes to the parent directory
116 */
118 /**
119 * Goes back to the previous directory
120 */
122 /**
123 * Goes forward in the history
124 */
126 /**
127 * Changes to the user's home directory
128 */
130 /**
131 * Reloads the current directory
132 */
134 /*
135 * A KNewFileMenu
136 */
137 New,
138 /**
139 * Opens a dialog box to create a directory
140 */
142 Rename,
143 Trash,
144 /**
145 * Deletes the selected files/directories
146 */
148 /**
149 * An ActionMenu containing all sort-options
150 */
152 /**
153 * Sorts by name
154 */
156 /**
157 * Sorts by size
158 */
160 /**
161 * Sorts by date
162 */
164 /**
165 * Sorts by type
166 */
168 /**
169 * Changes sort order to ascending
170 */
172 /**
173 * Changes sort order to descending
174 */
176 /**
177 * Sorts folders before files
178 */
180 /**
181 * Sorts hidden files last
182 */
184 /**
185 * an ActionMenu containing all actions concerning the view
186 */
188 ViewIconsView,
189 ViewCompactView,
190 ViewDetailsView,
191 DecorationMenu,
192 DecorationAtTop,
193 DecorationAtLeft,
194 /**
195 * Shows a simple fileview
196 */
198 /**
199 * Shows a detailed fileview (dates, permissions ,...)
200 */
203 TreeView,
204 DetailedTreeView,
205 AllowExpansionInDetailsView,
206 /**
207 * shows hidden files
208 */
210 /**
211 * shows a preview next to the fileview
212 */
214 ShowPreview,
215 OpenContainingFolder,
216 /**
217 * Shows a KPropertiesDialog for the selected files
218 */
220 };
222 /**
223 * Constructs the KDirOperator with no initial view. As the views are
224 * configurable, call readConfig() to load the user's configuration
225 * and then setView to explicitly set a view.
226 *
227 * This constructor doesn't start loading the url, setView will do it.
228 */
229 explicit KDirOperator(const QUrl &urlName = QUrl{}, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
230 /**
231 * Destroys the KDirOperator.
232 */
233 ~KDirOperator() override;
235 /**
236 * Enables/disables showing hidden files.
237 */
238 virtual void setShowHiddenFiles(bool s);
240 /**
241 * @returns true when hidden files are shown or false otherwise.
242 */
243 bool showHiddenFiles() const;
245 /**
246 * Stops loading immediately. You don't need to call this, usually.
247 */
248 void close();
250 /**
251 * Sets a filter like "*.cpp *.h *.o". Only files matching that filter
252 * will be shown.
253 *
254 * @see KDirLister::setNameFilter
255 * @see nameFilter
256 */
257 void setNameFilter(const QString &filter);
259 /**
260 * @returns the current namefilter.
261 * @see setNameFilter
262 */
263 QString nameFilter() const;
265 /**
266 * Sets a list of MIME types as filter. Only files of those MIME types
267 * will be shown.
268 *
269 * Example:
270 * \code
271 * QStringList filter;
272 * filter << "text/html" << "image/png" << "inode/directory";
273 * dirOperator->setMimefilter( filter );
274 * \endcode
275 *
276 * Node: Without the MIME type inode/directory, only files would be shown.
277 * Call updateDir() to apply it.
278 *
279 * @see KDirLister::setMimeFilter
280 * @see mimeFilter
281 */
282 void setMimeFilter(const QStringList &mimetypes);
284 /**
285 * @returns the current MIME type filter.
286 */
287 QStringList mimeFilter() const;
289 /**
290 * Only show the files in a given set of MIME types.
291 * This is useful in specialized applications (while file managers, on
292 * the other hand, want to show all MIME types). Internally uses
293 * KNewFileMenu::setSupportedMimeTypes
294 *
295 * Example:
296 * \code
297 * QStringList mimeTypes;
298 * mimeTypes << "text/html" << "inode/directory";
299 * dirOperator->setNewFileMenuSupportedMimeTypes(mimeTypes);
300 * \endcode
301 *
302 * Note: If the list is empty, all options will be shown. Otherwise,
303 * without the MIME type inode/directory, only file options will be shown.
304 *
305 * @see KNewFileMenu::setSupportedMimeTypes
306 * @see newFileMenuSupportedMimeTypes
307 */
308 void setNewFileMenuSupportedMimeTypes(const QStringList &mime);
310 /**
311 * @returns the current Supported Mimes Types.
312 */
313 QStringList newFileMenuSupportedMimeTypes() const;
315 /**
316 * Setting this to true will make a directory get selected when trying to create a new one that has the same name.
317 *
318 * @since 5.76
319 */
320 void setNewFileMenuSelectDirWhenAlreadyExist(bool selectOnDirExists);
322 /**
323 * Clears both the namefilter and MIME type filter, so that all files and
324 * directories will be shown. Call updateDir() to apply it.
325 *
326 * @see setMimeFilter
327 * @see setNameFilter
328 */
329 void clearFilter();
331 /**
332 * @returns the current url
333 */
334 QUrl url() const;
336 /**
337 * Sets a new url to list.
338 * @param clearforward specifies whether the "forward" history should be cleared.
339 * @param url the URL to set
340 */
341 virtual void setUrl(const QUrl &url, bool clearforward);
343 /**
344 * Clears the current selection and attempts to set @p url
345 * the current url file.
346 */
347 void setCurrentItem(const QUrl &url);
349 /**
350 * Clears the current selection and attempts to set @p item
351 * as the current item.
352 */
353 void setCurrentItem(const KFileItem &item);
355 /**
356 * Clears the current selection and attempts to set @p urls
357 * the current url files.
358 */
359 void setCurrentItems(const QList<QUrl> &urls);
361 /**
362 * Clears the current selection and attempts to set @p items
363 * as the current items.
364 */
365 void setCurrentItems(const KFileItemList &items);
367 /**
368 * @returns the currently used view.
369 * @see setView
370 */
371 QAbstractItemView *view() const;
373 /**
374 * Set the view mode to one of the predefined modes.
375 * @see KFile::FileView
376 *
377 * @since 5.100
378 */
379 void setViewMode(KFile::FileView viewKind);
381 /**
382 * Returns the current view mode.
383 * @returns KFile::FileView
384 * @see KFile::FileView
385 * @since 5.0
386 */
387 KFile::FileView viewMode() const;
389 /**
390 * Sets the way to sort files and directories.
391 */
392 void setSorting(QDir::SortFlags);
394 /**
395 * @returns the current way of sorting files and directories
396 */
397 QDir::SortFlags sorting() const;
399 /**
400 * @returns true if we are displaying the root directory of the current url
401 */
402 bool isRoot() const;
404 /**
405 * @returns the object listing the directory
406 */
407 KDirLister *dirLister() const;
409 /**
410 * @returns the progress widget, that is shown during directory listing.
411 * You can for example reparent() it to put it into a statusbar.
412 */
413 QProgressBar *progressBar() const;
415 /**
416 * Sets the listing/selection mode for the views, an OR'ed combination of
417 * @li File
418 * @li Directory
419 * @li Files
420 * @li ExistingOnly
421 * @li LocalOnly
422 *
423 * You cannot mix File and Files of course, as the former means
424 * single-selection mode, the latter multi-selection.
425 */
426 virtual void setMode(KFile::Modes m);
427 /**
428 * @returns the listing/selection mode.
429 */
430 KFile::Modes mode() const;
432 /**
433 * Sets a preview-widget to be shown next to the file-view.
434 * The ownership of @p w is transferred to KDirOperator, so don't
435 * delete it yourself!
436 */
437 virtual void setPreviewWidget(KPreviewWidgetBase *w);
439 /**
440 * @returns a list of all currently selected items. If there is no view,
441 * or there are no selected items, an empty list is returned.
442 */
443 KFileItemList selectedItems() const;
445 /**
446 * @returns true if @p item is currently selected, or false otherwise.
447 */
448 bool isSelected(const KFileItem &item) const;
450 /**
451 * @returns the number of directories in the currently listed url.
452 * Returns 0 if there is no view.
453 */
454 int numDirs() const;
456 /**
457 * @returns the number of files in the currently listed url.
458 * Returns 0 if there is no view.
459 */
460 int numFiles() const;
462 /**
463 * @returns a KCompletion object, containing all filenames and
464 * directories of the current directory/URL.
465 * You can use it to insert it into a KLineEdit or KComboBox
466 * Note: it will only contain files, after prepareCompletionObjects()
467 * has been called. It will be implicitly called from makeCompletion()
468 * or makeDirCompletion()
469 */
470 KCompletion *completionObject() const;
472 /**
473 * @returns a KCompletion object, containing only all directories of the
474 * current directory/URL.
475 * You can use it to insert it into a KLineEdit or KComboBox
476 * Note: it will only contain directories, after
477 * prepareCompletionObjects() has been called. It will be implicitly
478 * called from makeCompletion() or makeDirCompletion()
479 */
480 KCompletion *dirCompletionObject() const;
482 /**
483 * Obtain a given action from the KDirOperator's set of actions.
484 *
485 * You can e.g. use
486 * \code
487 * dirOperator->action(KDirOperator::Up)->plug(someToolBar);
488 * \endcode
489 * to add a button into a toolbar, which makes the dirOperator change to
490 * its parent directory.
491 *
492 * @since 5.100
493 */
494 QAction *action(KDirOperator::Action action) const;
496 /**
497 * A list of all actions for this KDirOperator.
498 *
499 * See action()
500 *
501 * @since 5.100
502 *
503 */
504 QList<QAction *> allActions() const;
506 /**
507 * Sets the config object and the to be used group in KDirOperator. This
508 * will be used to store the view's configuration.
509 * If you don't set this, the views cannot save and restore their
510 * configuration.
511 *
512 * Usually you call this right after KDirOperator creation so that the view
513 * instantiation can make use of it already.
514 *
515 * Note that KDirOperator does NOT take ownership of that object (typically
516 * it's KSharedConfig::openConfig() anyway.
517 *
518 * You must not delete the KConfig or KConfigGroup object (and master config object) before
519 * either deleting the KDirOperator or calling setViewConfig(0); or something like that
520 *
521 * @see viewConfig
522 * @see viewConfigGroup
523 */
524 virtual void setViewConfig(KConfigGroup &configGroup);
526 /**
527 * @returns the group set by setViewConfig configuration.
528 */
529 KConfigGroup *viewConfigGroup() const;
531 /**
532 * Reads the default settings for a view, i.e.\ the default KFile::FileView.
533 * Also reads the sorting and whether hidden files should be shown.
534 * Note: the default view will not be set - you have to call
535 * \code
536 * setViewMode( KFile::Default )
537 * \endcode
538 * to apply it.
539 *
540 * @see setView
541 * @see setViewConfig
542 * @see writeConfig
543 */
544 virtual void readConfig(const KConfigGroup &configGroup);
546 /**
547 * Saves the current settings like sorting, simple or detailed view.
548 *
549 * @see readConfig
550 * @see setViewConfig
551 */
552 virtual void writeConfig(KConfigGroup &configGroup);
554 /**
555 * This toggles between double/single click file and directory selection mode.
556 * When argument is true, files and directories are highlighted with single click and
557 * selected (executed) with double click.
558 *
559 * NOTE: this currently has no effect.
560 *
561 * The default follows the single/double click system setting.
562 */
563 void setOnlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles(bool enable);
565 /**
566 * @returns whether files (not directories) should only be select()ed by
567 * double-clicks.
568 * @see setOnlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles
569 */
570 bool onlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles() const;
572 /**
573 * Toggles whether setUrl is called on newly created directories.
574 * @since 5.62
575 */
576 void setFollowNewDirectories(bool enable);
578 /**
579 * @returns true if setUrl is called on newly created directories, false
580 * otherwise. Enabled by default.
581 * @since 5.62
582 * @see setFollowNewDirectories
583 */
584 bool followNewDirectories() const;
586 /**
587 * Toggles whether setUrl is called on selected directories when a tree view
588 * is used.
589 * @since 5.62
590 */
591 void setFollowSelectedDirectories(bool enable);
593 /**
594 * @returns whether setUrl is called on selected directories when a tree
595 * view is used. Enabled by default.
596 * @since 5.62
597 */
598 bool followSelectedDirectories() const;
600 /**
601 * Starts and returns a KIO::DeleteJob to delete the given @p items.
602 *
603 * @param items the list of items to be deleted
604 * @param parent the parent widget used for the confirmation dialog
605 * @param ask specifies whether a confirmation dialog should be shown
606 * @param showProgress passed to the DeleteJob to show a progress dialog
607 */
608 virtual KIO::DeleteJob *del(const KFileItemList &items, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool ask = true, bool showProgress = true);
610 /**
611 * Clears the forward and backward history.
612 */
613 void clearHistory();
615 /**
616 * When using the up or back actions to navigate the directory hierarchy, KDirOperator
617 * can highlight the directory that was just left.
618 *
619 * For example:
620 * - starting in /a/b/c/, going up to /a/b, "c" will be highlighted
621 * - starting in /a/b/c, going up (twice) to /a, "b" will be highlighted;
622 * using the back action to go to /a/b/, "c" will be highlighted
623 * - starting in /a, going to "b", then going to "c", using the back action
624 * to go to /a/b/, "c" will be highlighted; using the back action again to go
625 * to /a/, "b" will be highlighted
626 *
627 * @see dirHighlighting. The default is to highlight directories when going back/up.
628 */
629 virtual void setEnableDirHighlighting(bool enable);
631 /**
632 * @returns whether the last directory will be made the current item
633 * (and hence highlighted) when going up or back in the directory hierarchy
634 *
635 * Directories are highlighted by default.
636 */
637 bool dirHighlighting() const;
639 /**
640 * @returns true if we are in directory-only mode, that is, no files are
641 * shown.
642 */
643 bool dirOnlyMode() const;
645 static bool dirOnlyMode(uint mode);
647 /**
648 * Sets up the action menu.
649 * @param whichActions is an value of OR'd ActionTypes that controls which actions to show in the action menu
650 */
651 void setupMenu(int whichActions);
653 /**
654 * Reimplemented - allow dropping of files if @p b is true, defaults to true since 5.59
655 * @param b true if the widget should allow dropping of files
656 */
657 virtual void setAcceptDrops(bool b);
659 /**
660 * Sets the options for dropping files.
662 */
663 virtual void setDropOptions(int options);
665 /**
666 * Starts and returns a KIO::CopyJob to trash the given @p items.
667 *
668 * @param items the list of items to be trashed
669 * @param parent the parent widget used for the confirmation dialog
670 * @param ask specifies whether a confirmation dialog should be shown
671 * @param showProgress passed to the CopyJob to show a progress dialog
672 */
673 virtual KIO::CopyJob *trash(const KFileItemList &items, QWidget *parent, bool ask = true, bool showProgress = true);
675 /**
676 * Returns the preview generator for the current view.
677 */
678 KFilePreviewGenerator *previewGenerator() const;
680 /**
681 * Forces the inline previews to be shown or hidden, depending on @p show.
682 *
683 * @param show Whether to show inline previews or not.
684 */
685 void setInlinePreviewShown(bool show);
687 /**
688 * Returns the position where icons are shown relative to the labels
689 * of file items in the icon view.
690 * @since 4.2.3
691 */
692 QStyleOptionViewItem::Position decorationPosition() const;
694 /**
695 * Sets the position where icons shall be shown relative to the labels
696 * of file items in the icon view.
697 * @since 4.2.3
698 */
699 void setDecorationPosition(QStyleOptionViewItem::Position position);
701 /**
702 * Returns whether the inline previews are shown or not.
703 */
704 bool isInlinePreviewShown() const;
706 /**
707 * Returns the icon size in pixels, ranged from KIconLoader::SizeSmall (16) to
708 * KIconLoader::SizeEnormous (128).
709 *
710 * @since 5.76
711 */
712 int iconSize() const;
714 /**
715 * If the system is set up to trigger items on single click, if @p isSaving
716 * is true, we will force to double click to accept.
717 * @note this is false by default
718 */
719 void setIsSaving(bool isSaving);
721 /**
722 * Returns whether KDirOperator will force a double click to accept.
723 * @note this is false by default
724 */
725 bool isSaving() const;
727 /**
728 * Returns the URL schemes that the file widget should allow navigating to.
729 *
730 * If the returned list is empty, all schemes are supported.
731 *
732 * @sa QFileDialog::supportedSchemes
733 * @since 5.43
734 */
735 QStringList supportedSchemes() const;
737 /**
738 * Call with @c true to add open-with actions to items in the view.
739 * This can be useful when you're attaching an image or text file to
740 * an email or uploading an image to some online service, and need to
741 * check the contents before going forward.
742 *
743 * @since 5.87
744 */
745 void showOpenWithActions(bool enable);
748 /**
749 * A view factory for creating predefined fileviews. Called internally by setView,
750 * but you can also call it directly. Reimplement this if you depend on self defined fileviews.
751 * @param parent is the QWidget to be set as parent
752 * @param viewKind is the predefined view to be set, note: this can be several ones OR:ed together
753 * @returns the created view
754 * @see KFile::FileView
755 * @see setView
756 */
757 virtual QAbstractItemView *createView(QWidget *parent, KFile::FileView viewKind);
759 /**
760 * Sets a custom KDirLister to list directories.
761 * The KDirOperator takes ownership of the given KDirLister.
762 */
763 virtual void setDirLister(KDirLister *lister);
765 void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override;
767 /**
768 * Sets up all the actions. Called from the constructor, you usually
769 * better not call this.
770 */
771 void setupActions();
773 /**
774 * Updates the sorting-related actions to comply with the current sorting
775 * @see sorting
776 */
777 void updateSortActions();
779 /**
780 * Updates the view-related actions to comply with the current
781 * KFile::FileView
782 */
783 void updateViewActions();
785 /**
786 * Sets up the context-menu with all the necessary actions. Called from the
787 * constructor, you usually don't need to call this.
788 */
789 void setupMenu();
791 /**
792 * Synchronizes the completion objects with the entries of the
793 * currently listed url.
794 *
795 * Automatically called from makeCompletion() and
796 * makeDirCompletion()
797 */
798 void prepareCompletionObjects();
800 /**
801 * Checks if there support from KIO::PreviewJob for the currently
802 * shown files, taking mimeFilter() and nameFilter() into account
803 * Enables/disables the preview-action accordingly.
804 */
805 bool checkPreviewSupport();
807 /**
808 * Called upon right-click to activate the popupmenu.
809 */
810 virtual void activatedMenu(const KFileItem &item, const QPoint &pos);
812 void changeEvent(QEvent *event) override;
814 bool eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) override;
816public Q_SLOTS:
817 /**
818 * Goes one step back in the history and opens that url.
819 */
820 virtual void back();
822 /**
823 * Goes one step forward in the history and opens that url.
824 */
825 virtual void forward();
827 /**
828 * Enters the home directory.
829 */
830 virtual void home();
832 /**
833 * Goes one directory up from the current url.
834 */
835 virtual void cdUp();
837 /**
838 * to update the view after changing the settings
839 */
840 void updateDir();
842 /**
843 * Re-reads the current url.
844 */
845 virtual void rereadDir();
847 /**
848 * Opens a dialog to create a new directory.
849 */
850 virtual void mkdir();
852 /**
853 * Deletes the currently selected files/directories.
854 */
855 virtual void deleteSelected();
857 /**
858 * Enables/disables actions that are selection dependent. Call this e.g.
859 * when you are about to show a popup menu using some of KDirOperators
860 * actions.
861 */
862 void updateSelectionDependentActions();
864 /**
865 * Tries to complete the given string (only completes files).
866 */
867 QString makeCompletion(const QString &);
869 /**
870 * Tries to complete the given string (only completes directories).
871 */
872 QString makeDirCompletion(const QString &);
874 /**
875 * Initiates a rename operation on the currently selected files/directories,
876 * prompting the user to choose a new name(s) for the currently selected items
877 * @see renamingFinished
878 * @since 5.67
879 */
880 void renameSelected();
882 /**
883 * Trashes the currently selected files/directories.
884 *
885 * This function used to take activation reason and keyboard modifiers,
886 * in order to call deleteSelected() if the user wanted to delete.
887 * Instead, call deleteSelected().
888 *
889 * FIXME KAction Port: link deleteSelected() up correctly
890 */
891 virtual void trashSelected();
893 /**
894 * Notifies that the icons size should change. @p value is the icon size in pixels, ranged
895 * from KIconLoader::SizeSmall (16) to KIconLoader::SizeEnormous (128).
896 *
897 * @since 5.76
898 */
899 void setIconSize(int value);
901 /**
902 * Set the URL schemes that the file widget should allow navigating to.
903 *
904 * If the returned list is empty, all schemes are supported. Examples for
905 * schemes are @c "file" or @c "ftp".
906 *
907 * @sa QFileDialog::setSupportedSchemes
908 * @since 5.43
909 */
910 void setSupportedSchemes(const QStringList &schemes);
912protected Q_SLOTS:
913 /**
914 * Restores the normal cursor after showing the busy-cursor. Also hides
915 * the progressbar.
916 */
917 void resetCursor();
919 /**
920 * Called after setUrl() to load the directory, update the history,
921 * etc.
922 */
923 void pathChanged();
925 /**
926 * Enters the directory specified by the given @p item.
927 */
928 virtual void selectDir(const KFileItem &item);
930 /**
931 * Emits fileSelected( item )
932 */
933 void selectFile(const KFileItem &item);
935 /**
936 * Emits fileHighlighted(item)
937 */
938 void highlightFile(const KFileItem &item);
940 /**
941 * Changes sorting to sort by name
942 */
943 void sortByName();
945 /**
946 * Changes sorting to sort by size
947 */
948 void sortBySize();
950 /**
951 * Changes sorting to sort by date
952 */
953 void sortByDate();
955 /**
956 * Changes sorting to sort by date
957 */
958 void sortByType();
960 /**
961 * Changes sorting to reverse sorting
962 */
963 void sortReversed();
965 /**
966 * Toggles showing directories first / having them sorted like files.
967 */
968 void toggleDirsFirst();
970 /**
971 * Toggles case sensitive / case insensitive sorting
972 */
973 void toggleIgnoreCase();
975 /**
976 * Tries to make the given @p match as current item in the view and emits
977 * completion( match )
978 */
979 void slotCompletionMatch(const QString &match);
982 void urlEntered(const QUrl &);
983 void updateInformation(int files, int dirs);
984 void completion(const QString &);
985 void finishedLoading();
987 /**
988 * Emitted whenever the current fileview is changed, either by an explicit
989 * call to setView() or by the user selecting a different view thru
990 * the GUI.
991 */
994 /**
995 * Emitted when a file is highlighted or generally the selection changes in
996 * multiselection mode. In the latter case, @p item is a null KFileItem.
997 * You can access the selected items with selectedItems().
998 */
999 void fileHighlighted(const KFileItem &item);
1000 void dirActivated(const KFileItem &item);
1001 void fileSelected(const KFileItem &item);
1002 /**
1003 * Emitted when files are dropped. Dropping files is disabled by
1004 * default. You need to enable it with setAcceptDrops()
1005 * @param item the item on which the drop occurred or 0.
1006 * @param event the drop event itself.
1007 * @param urls the urls that where dropped.
1008 */
1009 void dropped(const KFileItem &item, QDropEvent *event, const QList<QUrl> &urls);
1011 /**
1012 * Emitted just before the context menu is shown, allows users to
1013 * extend the menu with custom actions.
1014 *
1015 * @param item the file on which the context menu was invoked
1016 * @param menu the context menu, pre-populated with the file-management actions
1017 */
1018 void contextMenuAboutToShow(const KFileItem &item, QMenu *menu);
1020 /**
1021 * Will notify that the icon size has changed. Since we save the icon size depending
1022 * on the view type (list view or a different kind of view), a call to setView() can
1023 * trigger this signal to be emitted.
1024 */
1027 /**
1028 * Triggered when the user hit Enter/Return
1029 * @since 5.57
1030 */
1033 /**
1034 * Emitted when renaming selected files has finished.
1035 *
1036 * @param urls URL list of the renamed files
1037 * @since 5.96
1038 */
1042 KIOFILEWIDGETS_NO_EXPORT void setViewInternal(QAbstractItemView *view);
1044 friend class KDirOperatorPrivate;
1045 std::unique_ptr<KDirOperatorPrivate> d;
Subclass of KCoreDirLister which uses QWidgets to show error messages and to associate jobs with wind...
Definition kdirlister.h:25
This widget works as a network transparent filebrowser.
void keyEnterReturnPressed()
Triggered when the user hit Enter/Return.
void renamingFinished(const QList< QUrl > &urls)
Emitted when renaming selected files has finished.
void dropped(const KFileItem &item, QDropEvent *event, const QList< QUrl > &urls)
Emitted when files are dropped.
void contextMenuAboutToShow(const KFileItem &item, QMenu *menu)
Emitted just before the context menu is shown, allows users to extend the menu with custom actions.
Actions provided by KDirOperator that can be accessed from the outside using action()
@ SortByDate
Sorts by date.
@ SortAscending
Changes sort order to ascending.
@ Up
Changes to the parent directory.
@ SortFoldersFirst
Sorts folders before files.
@ ViewModeMenu
an ActionMenu containing all actions concerning the view
@ Home
Changes to the user's home directory.
@ SortByType
Sorts by type.
@ SortDescending
Changes sort order to descending.
@ SortBySize
Sorts by size.
@ PopupMenu
An ActionMenu presenting a popupmenu with all actions.
@ ShowHiddenFiles
shows hidden files
@ ShowPreviewPanel
shows a preview next to the fileview
@ Properties
Shows a KPropertiesDialog for the selected files.
@ DetailedView
Shows a detailed fileview (dates, permissions ,...)
@ Forward
Goes forward in the history.
@ NewFolder
Opens a dialog box to create a directory.
@ Delete
Deletes the selected files/directories.
@ ShortView
Shows a simple fileview.
@ SortMenu
An ActionMenu containing all sort-options.
@ SortHiddenFilesLast
Sorts hidden files last.
@ Reload
Reloads the current directory.
@ Back
Goes back to the previous directory.
@ SortByName
Sorts by name.
void fileHighlighted(const KFileItem &item)
Emitted when a file is highlighted or generally the selection changes in multiselection mode.
void viewChanged(QAbstractItemView *newView)
Emitted whenever the current fileview is changed, either by an explicit call to setView() or by the u...
The various action types.
void currentIconSizeChanged(int size)
Will notify that the icon size has changed.
List of KFileItems, which adds a few helper methods to QList<KFileItem>.
Definition kfileitem.h:630
A KFileItem is a generic class to handle a file, local or remote.
Definition kfileitem.h:36
Generates previews for files of an item view.
CopyJob is used to move, copy or symlink files and directories.
A more complex Job to delete files and directories.
Abstract baseclass for all preview widgets which shall be used via KFileDialog::setPreviewWidget(cons...
A namespace for KIO globals.
KIOCORE_EXPORT MkdirJob * mkdir(const QUrl &url, int permissions=-1)
Creates a single directory.
Definition mkdirjob.cpp:110
KIOCORE_EXPORT CopyJob * trash(const QUrl &src, JobFlags flags=DefaultFlags)
Trash a file or directory.
Definition copyjob.cpp:2679
QAction * home(const QObject *recvr, const char *slot, QObject *parent)
KGuiItem del()
KGuiItem back(BidiMode useBidi=IgnoreRTL)
KGuiItem forward(BidiMode useBidi=IgnoreRTL)
const QList< QKeySequence > & completion()
virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
void setAcceptDrops(bool on)
virtual void changeEvent(QEvent *event)
bool close()
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2024 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Oct 11 2024 12:11:14 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.