64 const QString text = hasDate ? i18n("Date: %1", item.timeString(KFileItem::ModificationTime)) : QString();
169 // sets the text in file name line edit box, selecting the filename (but not the extension if there is one).
230 d->bApplyAll->setToolTip((_options & RenameDialog_DestIsDirectory) ? i18n("When this is checked the button pressed will be applied to all "
243 connect(d->bSuggestNewName, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &RenameDialog::suggestNewNamePressed);
249 d->bSkip->setToolTip((_options & RenameDialog_DestIsDirectory) ? i18n("Do not copy or move this folder, skip to the next item instead")
264 i18n("Files and folders will be copied into the existing directory, alongside its existing contents.\nYou will be prompted again in case of a "
267 } else if ((_options & RenameDialog_MultipleItems) && mtimeSrc.isValid() && mtimeDest.isValid()) {
268 d->bOverwriteWhenOlder = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme(KStandardGuiItem::overwrite().iconName()),
269 i18nc("Overwrite files into an existing folder when files are older", "&Overwrite older files"),
273 i18n("Destination files which have older modification times will be overwritten by the source, skipped otherwise."));
274 connect(d->bOverwriteWhenOlder, &QAction::triggered, this, &RenameDialog::overwriteWhenOlderPressed);
381 QLabel *destUrlLabel = createSqueezedLabel(this, d->dest.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile));
390 QWidget *srcContainer = createContainerWidget(d->m_srcPreview, srcSizeLabel, d->m_srcDateLabel);
396 QWidget *destContainer = createContainerWidget(d->m_destPreview, destSizeLabel, d->m_destDateLabel);
410 if (d->srcItem.entry().contains(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_SIZE) && d->destItem.entry().contains(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_SIZE)
425 if ((d->dest.isLocalFile() && !(_options & RenameDialog_DestIsDirectory)) && (d->src.isLocalFile() && !(_options & RenameDialog_SourceIsDirectory))
427 const CompareFilesResult CompareFilesResult = compareFiles(d->src.toLocalFile(), d->dest.toLocalFile());
446 i18n("The files are likely to be identical: they have the same size and their contents are the same at the beginning, middle and end."));
465 sentence1 = i18n("An older item named '%1' already exists.", d->dest.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile));
467 sentence1 = i18n("A similar file named '%1' already exists.", d->dest.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile));
469 sentence1 = i18n("A more recent item named '%1' already exists.", d->dest.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile));
701 const QPixmap pix = QIcon::fromTheme(fileitem.iconName(), QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("application-octet-stream"))).pixmap(size);
711 const QPixmap pix = QIcon::fromTheme(fileitem.iconName(), QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("application-octet-stream"))).pixmap(size);
747 KIO::PreviewJob *srcJob = KIO::filePreview(KFileItemList{d->srcItem}, QSize(d->m_srcPreview->width() * qreal(0.9), d->m_srcPreview->height()));
750 KIO::PreviewJob *destJob = KIO::filePreview(KFileItemList{d->destItem}, QSize(d->m_destPreview->width() * qreal(0.9), d->m_destPreview->height()));
759QWidget *RenameDialog::createContainerWidget(QLabel *preview, QLabel *SizeLabel, QLabel *DateLabel)
Q_INVOKABLE QString timeString(KFileItem::FileTimes which=ModificationTime) const
Requests the modification, access or creation time as a string, depending on which.
Definition kfileitem.cpp:1578
static void assign(QPushButton *button, const KGuiItem &item)
void setScaleType(ScaleType type)
Sets the scale type for the generated preview.
Definition previewjob.cpp:304
void failed(const KFileItem &item)
Emitted when a thumbnail for item could not be created, either because a ThumbCreator for its MIME ty...
void gotPreview(const KFileItem &item, const QPixmap &preview)
Emitted when a thumbnail picture for item has been successfully retrieved.
The dialog shown when a CopyJob realizes that a destination file already exists, and wants to offer t...
Definition renamedialog.h:40
RenameDialog(QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QUrl &src, const QUrl &dest, RenameDialog_Options options, KIO::filesize_t sizeSrc=KIO::filesize_t(-1), KIO::filesize_t sizeDest=KIO::filesize_t(-1), const QDateTime &ctimeSrc=QDateTime(), const QDateTime &ctimeDest=QDateTime(), const QDateTime &mtimeSrc=QDateTime(), const QDateTime &mtimeDest=QDateTime())
Construct a "rename" dialog to let the user know that src is about to overwrite dest.
Definition renamedialog.cpp:203
void reserve(int size)
Calling this function before inserting items into an empty UDSEntry may save time and memory.
Definition udsentry.cpp:385
void fastInsert(uint field, const QString &value)
insert field with string value, it will assert if the field is already inserted.
Definition udsentry.cpp:390
The time the file was created. Required time format: seconds since UNIX epoch.
Definition udsentry.h:238
The last time the file was modified. Required time format: seconds since UNIX epoch.
Definition udsentry.h:234
QString i18nc(const char *context, const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
QString i18n(const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
KCOREADDONS_EXPORT QString suggestName(const QUrl &baseURL, const QString &oldName)
@ RenameDialog_MultipleItems
Set if the current operation concerns multiple files, so it makes sense to offer buttons that apply t...
Definition jobuidelegateextension.h:31
@ RenameDialog_Resume
Offer a "Resume" button (plus "Resume All" if RenameDialog_MultipleItems).
Definition jobuidelegateextension.h:33
@ RenameDialog_DestIsDirectory
The destination is a directory, the dialog updates labels and tooltips accordingly.
Definition jobuidelegateextension.h:35
@ RenameDialog_OverwriteItself
Warn that the current operation would overwrite a file with itself, which is not allowed.
Definition jobuidelegateextension.h:29
@ RenameDialog_Overwrite
We have an existing destination, show details about it and offer to overwrite it.
Definition jobuidelegateextension.h:28
@ RenameDialog_Skip
Offer a "Skip" button, to skip other files too. Requires RenameDialog_MultipleItems.
Definition jobuidelegateextension.h:30
@ RenameDialog_SourceIsDirectory
The source is a directory, the dialog updates labels and tooltips accordingly.
Definition jobuidelegateextension.h:36
KIOGUI_EXPORT PreviewJob * filePreview(const KFileItemList &items, const QSize &size, const QStringList *enabledPlugins=nullptr)
Creates a PreviewJob to generate a preview image for the given items.
Definition previewjob.cpp:1059
KIOCORE_EXPORT QString convertSize(KIO::filesize_t size)
Converts size from bytes to the string representation.
Definition global.cpp:43
@ Result_OverwriteWhenOlder
Can be returned only when multiple files are passed, Option overwrite is passed And files modificatio...
Definition jobuidelegateextension.h:103
QFlags< RenameDialog_Option > RenameDialog_Options
Stores a combination of RenameDialog_Option values.
Definition jobuidelegateextension.h:41
KIOCORE_EXPORT QString decodeFileName(const QString &str)
Decodes (from the filename to the text displayed) This doesn't do anything anymore,...
Definition global.cpp:118
KIOCORE_EXPORT QString encodeFileName(const QString &str)
Encodes (from the text displayed to the real filename) This translates '/' into a "unicode fraction s...
Definition global.cpp:111
void error(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &title, const KGuiItem &buttonOk, Options options=Notify)
KCOREADDONS_EXPORT QString tildeCollapse(const QString &path)
KGuiItem overwrite()
KGuiItem cancel()
QString label(StandardShortcut id)
KCOREADDONS_EXPORT QString csqueeze(const QString &str, int maxlen=40)
void clicked(bool checked)
void triggered(bool checked)
bool isValid() const const
qint64 toMSecsSinceEpoch() const const
QDialog(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f)
virtual void done(int r)
virtual QSize sizeHint() const const override
void setBold(bool enable)
QPixmap pixmap(QWindow *window, const QSize &size, Mode mode, State state) const const
QIcon fromTheme(const QString &name)
void setAlignment(Qt::Alignment)
void setTextFormat(Qt::TextFormat)
void textChanged(const QString &text)
bool invokeMethod(QObject *context, Functor &&function, FunctorReturnType *ret)
QString suffixForFileName(const QString &fileName) const const
QMetaObject::Connection connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor)
QObject * parent() const const
void setObjectName(QAnyStringView name)
bool isEmpty() const const
qsizetype length() const const
QUrl adjusted(FormattingOptions options) const const
QString errorString() const const
QString fileName(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const
bool isValid() const const
QString path(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const
void setPath(const QString &path, ParsingMode mode)
QWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f)
QLayout * layout() const const
void setTabOrder(QWidget *first, QWidget *second)
void resize(const QSize &)
void setWindowTitle(const QString &)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:52:09 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:52:09 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.