Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
▼ sources | |
▼ ktexteditor | |
▼ src | |
► buffer | |
katesecuretextbuffer.cpp | |
katetextblock.cpp | |
katetextblock.h | |
katetextbuffer.cpp | |
katetextbuffer.h | |
katetextcursor.cpp | |
katetextcursor.h | |
katetextfolding.cpp | |
katetextfolding.h | |
katetexthistory.cpp | |
katetexthistory.h | |
katetextline.cpp | |
katetextline.h | |
katetextloader.h | |
katetextrange.cpp | |
katetextrange.h | |
► completion | |
► expandingtree | |
expandingwidgetmodel.cpp | |
expandingwidgetmodel.h | |
documentation_tip.cpp | |
documentation_tip.h | |
kateargumenthintmodel.cpp | |
kateargumenthintmodel.h | |
kateargumenthinttree.cpp | |
kateargumenthinttree.h | |
katecompletiondelegate.cpp | |
katecompletiondelegate.h | |
katecompletionmodel.cpp | |
katecompletionmodel.h | |
katecompletiontree.cpp | |
katecompletiontree.h | |
katecompletionwidget.cpp | |
katecompletionwidget.h | |
katekeywordcompletion.cpp | |
katekeywordcompletion.h | |
katewordcompletion.cpp | |
katewordcompletion.h | |
► dialogs | |
clipboardhistorydialog.cpp | |
clipboardhistorydialog.h | |
kateconfigpage.cpp | |
kateconfigpage.h | |
katedialogs.cpp | |
katedialogs.h | |
► document | |
editorconfig.cpp | |
editorconfig.h | |
katebuffer.cpp | |
katebuffer.h | |
katedocument.cpp | |
katedocument.h | |
► draft | |
foldinginterface.h | |
► export | |
abstractexporter.h | |
exporter.cpp | |
exporter.h | |
htmlexporter.cpp | |
htmlexporter.h | |
► include | |
► ktexteditor | |
abstractannotationitemdelegate.h | |
annotationinterface.h | |
application.h | |
attribute.h | |
codecompletionmodel.h | |
codecompletionmodelcontrollerinterface.h | |
command.h | |
configpage.h | |
cursor.h | |
document.h | |
documentcursor.h | |
editor.h | |
inlinenote.h | |
inlinenoteprovider.h | |
linerange.h | |
mainwindow.h | |
message.h | |
movingcursor.h | |
movingrange.h | |
movingrangefeedback.h | |
plugin.h | |
range.h | |
sessionconfiginterface.h | |
texthintinterface.h | |
view.h | |
► inputmode | |
kateabstractinputmode.cpp | |
kateabstractinputmode.h | |
kateabstractinputmodefactory.cpp | |
kateabstractinputmodefactory.h | |
katenormalinputmode.cpp | |
katenormalinputmode.h | |
katenormalinputmodefactory.cpp | |
katenormalinputmodefactory.h | |
kateviinputmode.cpp | |
kateviinputmode.h | |
kateviinputmodefactory.cpp | |
kateviinputmodefactory.h | |
► mode | |
katemodeconfigpage.cpp | |
katemodeconfigpage.h | |
katemodemanager.cpp | |
katemodemanager.h | |
katemodemenu.cpp | |
katemodemenu.h | |
katemodemenulist.cpp | |
katemodemenulist.h | |
► part | |
katepart.cpp | |
► printing | |
kateprinter.cpp | |
kateprinter.h | |
printconfigwidgets.cpp | |
printconfigwidgets.h | |
printpainter.cpp | |
printpainter.h | |
► render | |
katelayoutcache.cpp | |
katelayoutcache.h | |
katelinelayout.cpp | |
katelinelayout.h | |
katerenderer.cpp | |
katerenderer.h | |
katerenderrange.cpp | |
katerenderrange.h | |
katetextlayout.cpp | |
katetextlayout.h | |
► script | |
katecommandlinescript.cpp | |
katecommandlinescript.h | |
kateindentscript.cpp | |
kateindentscript.h | |
katescript.cpp | |
katescript.h | |
katescriptaction.cpp | |
katescriptaction.h | |
katescriptdocument.cpp | |
katescriptdocument.h | |
katescripteditor.cpp | |
katescripteditor.h | |
katescripthelpers.cpp | |
katescripthelpers.h | |
katescriptmanager.cpp | |
katescriptmanager.h | |
katescriptview.cpp | |
katescriptview.h | |
scriptcursor.h | |
scriptrange.h | |
► scripttester | |
ktexteditorscripttester.cpp | |
scripttester.cpp | |
► search | |
katematch.cpp | |
katematch.h | |
kateplaintextsearch.cpp | |
kateplaintextsearch.h | |
kateregexpsearch.cpp | |
kateregexpsearch.h | |
katesearchbar.cpp | |
katesearchbar.h | |
► spellcheck | |
ontheflycheck.cpp | |
ontheflycheck.h | |
prefixstore.cpp | |
prefixstore.h | |
spellcheck.cpp | |
spellcheck.h | |
spellcheckbar.cpp | |
spellcheckbar.h | |
spellcheckdialog.cpp | |
spellcheckdialog.h | |
spellingmenu.cpp | |
spellingmenu.h | |
► swapfile | |
kateswapdiffcreator.cpp | |
kateswapdiffcreator.h | |
kateswapfile.cpp | |
kateswapfile.h | |
► syntax | |
katecategorydrawer.cpp | |
katecategorydrawer.h | |
katecolortreewidget.cpp | |
katecolortreewidget.h | |
kateextendedattribute.h | |
katehighlight.cpp | |
katehighlight.h | |
katehighlightingcmds.cpp | |
katehighlightingcmds.h | |
katehighlightmenu.cpp | |
katehighlightmenu.h | |
katestyletreewidget.cpp | |
katestyletreewidget.h | |
katesyntaxmanager.cpp | |
katesyntaxmanager.h | |
katethemeconfig.cpp | |
katethemeconfig.h | |
► undo | |
kateundo.cpp | |
kateundo.h | |
kateundomanager.cpp | |
kateundomanager.h | |
► utils | |
application.cpp | |
attribute.cpp | |
codecompletionmodel.cpp | |
codecompletionmodelcontrollerinterface.cpp | |
document.cpp | |
documentcursor.cpp | |
kateautoindent.cpp | |
kateautoindent.h | |
katebookmarks.cpp | |
katebookmarks.h | |
katecmd.cpp | |
katecmd.h | |
katecmds.cpp | |
katecmds.h | |
katecommandrangeexpressionparser.cpp | |
katecommandrangeexpressionparser.h | |
kateconfig.cpp | |
kateconfig.h | |
kateglobal.cpp | |
kateglobal.h | |
kateindentdetecter.cpp | |
kateindentdetecter.h | |
katesedcmd.cpp | |
katesedcmd.h | |
katetemplatehandler.cpp | |
katetemplatehandler.h | |
katevariableexpansionhelpers.cpp | |
katevariableexpansionhelpers.h | |
katevariableexpansionmanager.cpp | |
katevariableexpansionmanager.h | |
ktexteditor.cpp | |
mainwindow.cpp | |
messageinterface.cpp | |
movingapi.cpp | |
range.cpp | |
variable.cpp | |
variable.h | |
► variableeditor | |
variableeditor.cpp | |
variableeditor.h | |
variableitem.cpp | |
variableitem.h | |
variablelineedit.cpp | |
variablelineedit.h | |
variablelistview.cpp | |
variablelistview.h | |
► view | |
inlinenotedata.h | |
kateanimation.cpp | |
kateanimation.h | |
kateannotationitemdelegate.cpp | |
kateannotationitemdelegate.h | |
katefadeeffect.cpp | |
katefadeeffect.h | |
katemessagewidget.cpp | |
katemessagewidget.h | |
katestatusbar.cpp | |
katestatusbar.h | |
katetextanimation.cpp | |
katetextanimation.h | |
katetextpreview.cpp | |
katetextpreview.h | |
kateview.cpp | |
kateview.h | |
kateviewaccessible.h | |
kateviewhelpers.cpp | |
kateviewhelpers.h | |
kateviewinternal.cpp | |
kateviewinternal.h | |
screenshotdialog.cpp | |
screenshotdialog.h | |
wordcounter.cpp | |
wordcounter.h | |
► vimode | |
► config | |
configtab.cpp | |
configtab.h | |
► emulatedcommandbar | |
activemode.cpp | |
activemode.h | |
commandmode.cpp | |
commandmode.h | |
completer.cpp | |
completer.h | |
emulatedcommandbar.cpp | |
emulatedcommandbar.h | |
interactivesedreplacemode.cpp | |
interactivesedreplacemode.h | |
matchhighlighter.cpp | |
matchhighlighter.h | |
searchmode.cpp | |
searchmode.h | |
► modes | |
insertvimode.cpp | |
insertvimode.h | |
modebase.cpp | |
modebase.h | |
normalvimode.cpp | |
normalvimode.h | |
replacevimode.cpp | |
replacevimode.h | |
visualvimode.cpp | |
visualvimode.h | |
appcommands.cpp | |
appcommands.h | |
cmds.cpp | |
cmds.h | |
command.cpp | |
command.h | |
commandrangeexpressionparser.cpp | |
commandrangeexpressionparser.h | |
completion.cpp | |
completion.h | |
completionrecorder.cpp | |
completionrecorder.h | |
completionreplayer.cpp | |
completionreplayer.h | |
definitions.h | |
globalstate.cpp | |
globalstate.h | |
history.cpp | |
history.h | |
inputmodemanager.cpp | |
inputmodemanager.h | |
jumps.cpp | |
jumps.h | |
keyevent.cpp | |
keyevent.h | |
keymapper.cpp | |
keymapper.h | |
keyparser.cpp | |
keyparser.h | |
lastchangerecorder.cpp | |
lastchangerecorder.h | |
macrorecorder.cpp | |
macrorecorder.h | |
macros.cpp | |
macros.h | |
mappings.cpp | |
mappings.h | |
marks.cpp | |
marks.h | |
motion.cpp | |
motion.h | |
range.cpp | |
range.h | |
registers.cpp | |
registers.h | |
searcher.cpp | |
searcher.h | |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:00:13 by
doxygen 1.13.2 written
Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.