43 KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModelControllerInterface *ret = qobject_cast<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModelControllerInterface *>(model); \
50static KTextEditor::Range _completionRange(KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel *model, KTextEditor::View *view, KTextEditor::Cursor cursor)
55static KTextEditor::Range _updateRange(KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel *model, KTextEditor::View *view, KTextEditor::Range &range)
60static QString _filterString(KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel *model, KTextEditor::View *view, const KTextEditor::Range &range, KTextEditor::Cursor cursor)
66_shouldAbortCompletion(KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel *model, KTextEditor::View *view, const KTextEditor::Range &range, const QString ¤tCompletion)
82 CALLCI(return, , return, model, shouldStartCompletion(view, automaticInvocationLine, m_lastInsertionByUser, cursor));
91 , m_argumentHintWidget(new ArgumentHintWidget(m_argumentHintModel, parent->renderer()->currentFont(), this, this))
104 if (parent->mainWindow() != KTextEditor::EditorPrivate::self()->dummyMainWindow() && parent->mainWindow()->window()) {
121 m_entryList->setColumnWidth(0, 0); // These will be determined automatically in KateCompletionTree::resizeColumns
130 connect(view(), &KTextEditor::ViewPrivate::focusOut, this, &KateCompletionWidget::viewFocusOut);
134 connect(m_automaticInvocationTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &KateCompletionWidget::automaticInvocation);
137 connect(m_presentationModel, &KateCompletionModel::modelReset, this, &KateCompletionWidget::modelReset);
138 connect(m_presentationModel, &KateCompletionModel::rowsInserted, this, &KateCompletionWidget::rowsInserted);
139 connect(m_argumentHintModel, &KateArgumentHintModel::contentStateChanged, this, &KateCompletionWidget::argumentHintsChanged);
140 connect(m_presentationModel, &KateCompletionModel::dataChanged, this, &KateCompletionWidget::onDataChanged);
143 connect(view(), &KTextEditor::ViewPrivate::cursorPositionChanged, this, &KateCompletionWidget::cursorPositionChanged);
149 connect(view()->doc(), &KTextEditor::Document::lineWrapped, this, &KateCompletionWidget::wrapLine);
150 connect(view()->doc(), &KTextEditor::Document::lineUnwrapped, this, &KateCompletionWidget::unwrapLine);
151 connect(view()->doc(), &KTextEditor::Document::textInserted, this, &KateCompletionWidget::insertText);
152 connect(view()->doc(), &KTextEditor::Document::textRemoved, this, &KateCompletionWidget::removeText);
156 // We need to do this, because else the focus goes to nirvana without any control when the completion-widget is clicked.
211 // qCDebug(LOG_KTE) << "waiting for" << m_waitingForReset.size() << "completion-models to reset";
220 if (!m_isSuspended && ((isHidden() && m_argumentHintWidget->isHidden()) || m_needShow) && realItemCount != 0) {
234 if (m_lastInvocationType != KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::AutomaticInvocation || view()->config()->automaticCompletionPreselectFirst()) {
237 // With each filtering items can be added or removed, so we have to reset the current index here so we always have a selected item
247 if (m_argumentHintWidget->isHidden() && !m_dontShowArgumentHints && m_argumentHintModel->rowCount(QModelIndex()) != 0) {
251 if (!m_noAutoHide && hideAutomaticCompletionOnExactMatch && !isHidden() && m_lastInvocationType == KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::AutomaticInvocation
254 } else if (isHidden() && !m_presentationModel->shouldMatchHideCompletionList() && m_presentationModel->rowCount(QModelIndex())) {
301void KateCompletionWidget::startCompletion(KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::InvocationType invocationType,
307 startCompletion(KTextEditor::Range(KTextEditor::Cursor(-1, -1), KTextEditor::Cursor(-1, -1)), models, invocationType);
346 disconnect(this->model(), &KateCompletionModel::layoutChanged, this, &KateCompletionWidget::modelContentChanged);
347 disconnect(this->model(), &KateCompletionModel::modelReset, this, &KateCompletionWidget::modelContentChanged);
351 QList<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel *> models = (modelsToStart.isEmpty() ? m_sourceModels : modelsToStart);
353 for (auto it = m_completionRanges.keyBegin(), end = m_completionRanges.keyEnd(); it != end; ++it) {
373 // qCDebug(LOG_KTE)<<"completionRange has been called, cursor pos is"<<view()->cursorPosition();
397 connect(model, &KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::waitForReset, this, &KateCompletionWidget::waitForModelReset);
402 disconnect(model, &KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::waitForReset, this, &KateCompletionWidget::waitForModelReset);
405 CompletionRange(view()->doc()->newMovingRange(range, KTextEditor::MovingRange::ExpandRight | KTextEditor::MovingRange::ExpandLeft));
407 // In automatic invocation mode, hide the completion widget as soon as the position where the completion was started is passed to the left
410 // In manual invocation mode, bound the activity either the point from where completion was invoked, or to the start of the range
418 qCWarning(LOG_KTE) << "Could not construct valid smart-range from" << range << "instead got" << *m_completionRanges[model].range;
429 connect(this->model(), &KateCompletionModel::layoutChanged, this, &KateCompletionWidget::modelContentChanged);
430 connect(this->model(), &KateCompletionModel::modelReset, this, &KateCompletionWidget::modelContentChanged);
431 // Now that all models have been notified, check whether the widget should be displayed instantly
449 static constexpr auto options = QRegularExpression::UseUnicodePropertiesOption | QRegularExpression::DontCaptureOption;
461 KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel *senderModel = qobject_cast<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel *>(sender());
503 && (!m_presentationModel->shouldMatchHideCompletionList() || !hideAutomaticCompletionOnExactMatch
566// Checks whether the given model has at least "rows" rows, also searching the second level of the tree.
597 // If we know there is enough rows, always use max-height, we don't need to calculate size-hints
652 if (calculatedCustomHeight && calculatedCustomHeight > baseHeight && calculatedCustomHeight < maxBaseHeight) {
657 if (m_expandedAddedHeightBase != baseHeight && m_expandedAddedHeightBase - baseHeight > -2 && m_expandedAddedHeightBase - baseHeight < 2) {
659 // Reason: Qt seems to apply slightly wrong sizes when the completion-widget is moved out of the screen at the bottom,
704 disconnect(this->model(), &KateCompletionModel::layoutChanged, this, &KateCompletionWidget::modelContentChanged);
705 disconnect(this->model(), &KateCompletionModel::modelReset, this, &KateCompletionWidget::modelContentChanged);
708 const QList<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel *> checkCompletionRanges = m_completionRanges.keys();
727 QString currentCompletion = _filterString(model, view(), *m_completionRanges[model].range, view()->cursorPosition());
733 bool abort = _shouldAbortCompletion(model, view(), *m_completionRanges[model].range, currentCompletion);
741 // cursor:"<<view()->cursorPosition()<<"completion_Range_left_boundary:"<<m_completionRanges[*it].leftBoundary;
769 connect(this->model(), &KateCompletionModel::layoutChanged, this, &KateCompletionWidget::modelContentChanged);
770 connect(this->model(), &KateCompletionModel::modelReset, this, &KateCompletionWidget::modelContentChanged);
792 return !m_completionRanges.isEmpty() && ((!isHidden() && isVisible()) || (!m_argumentHintWidget->isHidden() && m_argumentHintWidget->isVisible()));
864 if (atEndOfLine && m_lastInvocationType == KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::AutomaticInvocation
885 qCWarning(LOG_KTE) << "Could not map index" << m_entryList->selectionModel()->currentIndex() << "to source index.";
895 std::unique_ptr<KTextEditor::MovingCursor> oldPos(view()->doc()->newMovingCursor(view()->cursorPosition(), KTextEditor::MovingCursor::StayOnInsert));
897 KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel *model = static_cast<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel *>(const_cast<QAbstractItemModel *>(toExecute.model()));
906 std::unique_ptr<KTextEditor::MovingCursor> afterTailMCursor(view()->doc()->newMovingCursor(view()->cursorPosition()));
911 auto autoCompleteMulticursors = [connection, this](KTextEditor::Document *document, const KTextEditor::Range &range) {
925 *connection = connect(view()->doc(), &KTextEditor::DocumentPrivate::textInsertedRange, this, autoCompleteMulticursors);
930 // There are situations where keeping the tail is beneficial, but with the "Remove tail on complete" option is enabled,
937 // Technically the tail is already removed by "executeCompletionItem()", so before this call we save the possible tail
938 // and re-add the tail before we end the first grouped "edit". Then immediately after that we add a second edit that
940 // NOTE: The ViInputMode makes assumptions about the edit actions in a completion and breaks if we insert extra
969 // qCDebug(LOG_KTE) << "executed, starting automatic invocation with line" << m_automaticInvocationLine;
1009KTextEditor::MovingRange *KateCompletionWidget::completionRange(KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel *model) const
1032QMap<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel *, KateCompletionWidget::CompletionRange> KateCompletionWidget::completionRanges() const
1246 KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel *model = qobject_cast<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel *>(sender());
1260 // qCDebug(LOG_KTE) << "all completion-models we waited for are ready. Last one: " << model->objectName();
1262 // Use a queued connection once again to make sure that KateCompletionModel is notified before we are
1280 connect(model, &KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::destroyed, this, &KateCompletionWidget::modelDestroyed);
1282 connect(model, &KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::modelReset, this, &KateCompletionWidget::completionModelReset);
1293 disconnect(model, &KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::destroyed, this, &KateCompletionWidget::modelDestroyed);
1294 disconnect(model, &KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::modelReset, this, &KateCompletionWidget::completionModelReset);
1300bool KateCompletionWidget::isCompletionModelRegistered(KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel *model) const
1318 disconnect(view()->doc(), &KTextEditor::Document::lineWrapped, this, &KateCompletionWidget::wrapLine);
1319 disconnect(view()->doc(), &KTextEditor::Document::lineUnwrapped, this, &KateCompletionWidget::unwrapLine);
1320 disconnect(view()->doc(), &KTextEditor::Document::textInserted, this, &KateCompletionWidget::insertText);
1321 disconnect(view()->doc(), &KTextEditor::Document::textRemoved, this, &KateCompletionWidget::removeText);
1323 connect(view()->doc(), &KTextEditor::Document::lineWrapped, this, &KateCompletionWidget::wrapLine);
1324 connect(view()->doc(), &KTextEditor::Document::lineUnwrapped, this, &KateCompletionWidget::unwrapLine);
1325 connect(view()->doc(), &KTextEditor::Document::textInserted, this, &KateCompletionWidget::insertText);
1326 connect(view()->doc(), &KTextEditor::Document::textRemoved, this, &KateCompletionWidget::removeText);
1353void KateCompletionWidget::insertText(KTextEditor::Document *, KTextEditor::Cursor position, const QString &text)
1381void KateCompletionWidget::removeText(KTextEditor::Document *, KTextEditor::Range, const QString &)
1403 // qCDebug(LOG_KTE)<<"m_completionRanges contains model?:"<<m_completionRanges.contains(model);
1408 start = _shouldStartCompletion(model, view(), m_automaticInvocationLine, m_lastInsertionByUser, view()->cursorPosition());
1444void KateCompletionWidget::onDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &, const QList<int> &roles)
1447 if ((roles.empty() || roles.contains(KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::ExpandingWidget)) && topLeft == m_entryList->currentIndex()) {
An item model for providing code completion, and meta information for enhanced presentation.
Definition codecompletionmodel.h:68
void waitForReset()
Emit this if the code-completion for this model was invoked, some time is needed in order to get the ...
@ AccessibilityAccept
AccessibilityAccept will be requested on an item if it is expanded, contains an expanding-widget,...
Definition codecompletionmodel.h:320
@ ExpandingWidget
After a model returned true for a row on IsExpandable, the row may be expanded by the user.
Definition codecompletionmodel.h:243
@ AccessibilityNext
The following three enumeration-values are only used on expanded completion-list items that contain a...
Definition codecompletionmodel.h:305
@ AccessibilityPrevious
AccessibilityPrevious will be requested on an item if it is expanded, contains an expanding-widget,...
Definition codecompletionmodel.h:312
constexpr int column() const noexcept
Retrieve the column on which this cursor is situated.
Definition cursor.h:192
static constexpr Cursor start() noexcept
Returns a cursor representing the start of any document - i.e., line 0, column 0.
Definition cursor.h:120
void textInsertedRange(KTextEditor::Document *document, KTextEditor::Range range)
The document emits this signal whenever text was inserted.
void lineUnwrapped(KTextEditor::Document *document, int line)
A line got unwrapped.
void lineWrapped(KTextEditor::Document *document, KTextEditor::Cursor position)
A line got wrapped.
void textInserted(KTextEditor::Document *document, KTextEditor::Cursor position, const QString &text)
Text got inserted.
void textRemoved(KTextEditor::Document *document, KTextEditor::Range range, const QString &text)
Text got removed.
A range that is bound to a specific Document, and maintains its position.
Definition movingrange.h:131
virtual const MovingCursor & start() const =0
Retrieve start cursor of this range, read-only.
@ ExpandRight
Expand to encapsulate new characters to the right of the range.
Definition movingrange.h:144
@ ExpandLeft
Expand to encapsulate new characters to the left of the range.
Definition movingrange.h:142
An object representing a section of text, from one Cursor to another.
Definition include/ktexteditor/range.h:49
constexpr Cursor start() const noexcept
Get the start position of this range.
Definition include/ktexteditor/range.h:153
void setEnd(Cursor end) noexcept
Set the end cursor to end.
Definition include/ktexteditor/range.h:234
void focusOut(KTextEditor::View *view)
This signal is emitted whenever the view loses the focus.
void cursorPositionChanged(KTextEditor::View *view, KTextEditor::Cursor newPosition)
This signal is emitted whenever the view's cursor position changed.
void verticalScrollPositionChanged(KTextEditor::View *view, KTextEditor::Cursor newPos)
This signal should be emitted whenever the view is scrolled vertically.
This class has the responsibility for filtering, sorting, and manipulating code completion data provi...
Definition katecompletionmodel.h:40
void updateHeight()
Called by KateViewInternal, because we need the specific information from the event.
Definition katecompletionwidget.cpp:586
KCOREADDONS_EXPORT Result match(QStringView pattern, QStringView str)
The KTextEditor namespace contains all the public API that is required to use the KTextEditor compone...
Definition katetextblock.h:18
void dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QList< int > &roles)
virtual QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const const=0
void layoutChanged(const QList< QPersistentModelIndex > &parents, QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint)
void modelReset()
virtual int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const const=0
void rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
void doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
QWidget * activeWindow()
QWidget * focusWidget()
int key() const const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers() const const
bool contains(const AT &value) const const
bool empty() const const
bool isEmpty() const const
qsizetype removeAll(const AT &t)
bool isEmpty() const const
bool invokeMethod(QObject *context, Functor &&function, FunctorReturnType *ret)
QVariant data(int role) const const
bool isValid() const const
const QAbstractItemModel * model() const const
int row() const const
QModelIndex sibling(int row, int column) const const
QMetaObject::Connection connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor)
void destroyed(QObject *obj)
bool disconnect(const QMetaObject::Connection &connection)
virtual bool event(QEvent *e)
virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
QObject * parent() const const
T qobject_cast(QObject *object)
QObject * sender() const const
int & rx()
int x() const const
int y() const const
void setHeight(int height)
bool isEmpty() const const
qsizetype length() const const
QString mid(qsizetype position, qsizetype n) const const
qsizetype size() const const
void timeout()
QWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f)
bool hasFocus() const const
void hide()
bool isAncestorOf(const QWidget *child) const const
bool isHidden() const const
QPoint mapFromGlobal(const QPoint &pos) const const
virtual void moveEvent(QMoveEvent *event)
QWidget * parentWidget() const const
void move(const QPoint &)
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
void show()
virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent *event)
void setUpdatesEnabled(bool enable)
bool isVisible() const const
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:00:11 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:00:11 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.