| abstractdifferencesreporter.h |
| accountactivitiesabstract.cpp |
| accountactivitiesabstract.h |
| agentconfigurationbase.cpp |
| agentconfigurationbase.h |
| agentconfigurationfactorybase.cpp |
| agentconfigurationfactorybase.h |
| agentconfigurationmanager.cpp |
| agentinstance.cpp |
| agentinstance.h |
| agentmanager.cpp |
| agentmanager.h |
| agenttype.cpp |
| agenttype.h |
| asyncselectionhandler.cpp |
| attributefactory.cpp |
| attributefactory.h |
| attributestorage.cpp |
| braveheart.cpp |
| cachepolicy.cpp |
| cachepolicy.h |
| changenotification.cpp |
| changenotification.h |
| changenotificationdependenciesfactory.cpp |
| changerecorder.cpp |
| changerecorder.h |
| changerecorderjournal.cpp |
| collection.cpp |
| collection.h |
| collectionfetchscope.cpp |
| collectionfetchscope.h |
| collectionpathresolver.cpp |
| collectionpathresolver.h |
| collectionstatistics.cpp |
| collectionstatistics.h |
| collectionsync.cpp |
| collectionutils.cpp |
| collectionutils.h |
| config.cpp |
| conflicthandler.cpp |
| connection.cpp |
| control.cpp |
| control.h |
| differencesalgorithminterface.h |
| entitycache.cpp |
| exception.cpp |
| exceptionbase.h |
| firstrun.cpp |
| gidextractor.cpp |
| gidextractorinterface.h |
| item.cpp |
| item.h |
| itemchangelog.cpp |
| itemfetchscope.cpp |
| itemfetchscope.h |
| itemmonitor.cpp |
| itemmonitor.h |
| itemserializer.cpp |
| itemserializerplugin.cpp |
| itemserializerplugin.h |
| itemsync.cpp |
| itemsync.h |
| mimetypechecker.cpp |
| mimetypechecker.h |
| monitor.cpp |
| monitor.h |
| notificationsubscriber.cpp |
| notificationsubscriber.h |
| partfetcher.cpp |
| partfetcher.h |
| pastehelper.cpp |
| pluginloader.cpp |
| protocolhelper.cpp |
| qtest_akonadi.h |
| remotelog.cpp |
| searchquery.cpp |
| searchquery.h |
| servermanager.cpp |
| servermanager.h |
| session.cpp |
| session.h |
| sessionthread.cpp |
| specialcollections.cpp |
| specialcollections.h |
| supertrait.h |
| tag.cpp |
| tag.h |
| tagcache.cpp |
| tagcache.h |
| tagfetchscope.cpp |
| tagfetchscope.h |
| tagsync.cpp |
| tagsync.h |
| trashsettings.cpp |
| trashsettings.h |
| typepluginloader.cpp |
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:52:31 by
doxygen 1.13.2 written
Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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