
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NKPublicTransportQuery operations and data types for accessing realtime public transport information from online services
 CAbstractQueryModelCommon base class for query models, do not use directly
 CAttributionCopyright and license information about the provided data
 CBackendInformation about a backend service queried for location/departure/journey data
 CBackendModelModel listing backends and allowing to configure which ones are active
 CCoverageAreaDescribes the area a specific KPublicTransport::Backend can provide information for
 CEquipmentStatus information about equipment such as elevators or escalators
 CFeatureAn amenity, facility or other relevant property of a vehicle (train, bus, etc), vehicle part (e.g
 CIndividualTransportIndividual transport mode details for a journey section, and for specifying journey requests
 CJourneyA journey plan
 CJourneyQueryModelModel representing journey query results
 CJourneyReplyJourney query response
 CJourneyRequestDescribes a journey search
 CJourneySectionA segment of a journey plan
 CLineA public transport line
 CLineMetaDataStatic information about a public transport line
 CLoadInfoVehicle load information
 CLocationA location
 CLocationHistoryModelModel of frequently/recently used locations
 CLocationQueryModelModel representing location query results
 CLocationReplyLocation query reply
 CLocationRequestDescribes a location search
 CManagerEntry point for starting public transport queries
 COnboardStatusAccess to public transport onboard API
 CPathA path followed by any kind of location change
 CPathModelModel representing a KPublicTransport::Path
 CPathSectionA section of a Path
 CPlatformInformation about the layout of a station platform
 CPlatformLayoutMethods for determining positions on a platform
 CPlatformSectionInformation about a part of a platform
 CRentalVehicleAn individual rental vehicle used on a JourneySection, ie
 CRentalVehicleNetworkA vehicle sharing system/network
 CRentalVehicleStationAdditional information for a vehicle renting station, attached to Location objects
 CReplyQuery response base class
 CRouteA route of a public transport line
 CStopoverInformation about an arrival and/or departure of a vehicle at a stop area
 CStopoverQueryModelModel representing arrival or departure query results
 CStopoverReplyDeparture or arrival query reply
 CStopoverRequestDescribes an arrival or departure search
 CVehicleInformation about the vehicle used on a journey
 CVehicleLayoutQueryModelModel for retrieving vehicle and platform layout query results
 CVehicleLayoutReplyReply to a vehicle layout query
 CVehicleLayoutRequestDescribes a query for vehicle layout information
 CVehicleSectionInformation about a part of a vehicle
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