
MailCommon Namespace Reference


namespace  Util


class  AccountConfigOrderDialog
class  BackupJob
class  CollectionExpiryPage
class  CollectionGeneralPage
class  CollectionTemplatesWidget
class  EntityCollectionOrderProxyModel
class  FavoriteCollectionOrderProxyModel
class  FavoriteCollectionWidget
class  FilterAction
struct  FilterActionDesc
class  FilterActionDict
class  FilterActionWidget
class  FilterActionWidgetLister
class  FilterActionWithAddress
class  FilterActionWithFolder
class  FilterActionWithNone
class  FilterActionWithString
class  FilterActionWithStringList
class  FilterActionWithUOID
class  FilterActionWithUrlHelpButton
class  FilterImporterExporter
class  FilterImporterGmail
class  FilterImporterPathCache
class  FilterImporterThunderbird
class  FilterLog
class  FilterManager
class  FolderCollectionMonitor
class  FolderJob
class  FolderSelectionDialog
class  FolderSettings
class  FolderTreeView
class  FolderTreeWidget
class  FolderTreeWidgetProxyModel
class  IFilter
class  IKernel
class  InvalidFilterWidget
class  ISettings
class  ItemContext
class  JobScheduler
class  Kernel
class  MailFilter
class  MDNWarningJob
class  RedirectDialog
class  RuleWidgetHandler
class  RuleWidgetHandlerManager
class  ScheduledExpireTask
class  ScheduledJob
class  ScheduledTask
class  SearchPattern
class  SearchRule
class  SearchRuleNumerical
class  SearchRuleStatus
class  SearchRuleWidget
struct  SnippetInfo
struct  SnippetsInfo
class  SnippetsManager
class  SnippetsModel
class  SnippetTreeView
class  SnippetWidget
class  SoundTestWidget


using FilterActionNewFunc = FilterAction *(*)()


MAILCOMMON_EXPORT QDataStreamoperator<< (QDataStream &stream, const MailFilter &filter)
MAILCOMMON_EXPORT QDataStreamoperator>> (QDataStream &stream, MailFilter &filter)


static QMap< Collection::Id, QSharedPointer< FolderSettings > > fcMap
static QMutex mapMutex

Detailed Description

The filter dialog.

This class represents a search pattern rule operating on a string.

This is a complex widget that is used to manipulate a mail program's filter list.

This is a non-modal dialog used to manage the filters. It should only be called through KMFilterMgr::openDialog. The dialog consists of three main parts:

  • The KMFilterListBox in the left half allows the user to select a filter to be displayed using the widgets on the right half. It also has buttons to delete filters, add new ones, to rename them and to change their order (maybe you will be able to move the filters around by dragging later, and to optimize the filters by trying to apply them to all locally available KMMessage in turn and thus profiling which filters (and which rules of the search patterns) matches most often and sorting the filter/rules list according to the results, but I first want the basic functionality in place).
  • The SearchPatternEdit in the upper-right quarter allows the user to modify the filter criteria.
  • The KMFilterActionEdit in the lower-right quarter allows the user to select the actions that will be executed for any message that matches the search pattern.
  • (tbi) There will be another widget that will allow the user to select to which folders the filter may be applied and whether it should be applied on outbound or inbound message transfers or both or none (meaning the filter is only applied when the user explicitly hits CTRL-J). I'm not sure whether there should be a per-folder filter list or a single list where you can select the names of folders this rule will be applied to.

Upon creating the dialog, a (deep) copy of the current filter list is made by KMFilterListBox. The changed filters are local to KMFilterListBox until the user clicks the 'Apply' button.

NOTE: Though this dialog is non-modal, it completely ignores all the stuff that goes on behind the scenes with folders esp. folder creation, move and create. The widgets that depend on the filter list and the filters that use folders as parameters are not updated as you expect. I hope this will change sometime soon.

KMFilterDialog supports the creation of new filters through context menus, dubbed "rapid filters". Call KMFilterMgr::createFilter to use this. That call will be delivered to this dialog, which in turn delivers it to the KMFilterListBox.

If you change the (DocBook) anchor for the filter dialog help, make sure to change const QString KMFilterDialogHelpAnchor in kmfilterdlg.cpp accordingly.

The filter dialog.

Marc Mutz, based upon work by Stefan Taferner tafer.nosp@m.ner@.nosp@m.kde.o.nosp@m.rg.
See also
MailCommon::MailFilter KMFilterActionEdit SearchPatternEdit KMFilterListBox

It consists of an internal list of filters, which is a deep copy of the list KMFilterMgr manages, a QListBox displaying that list, and a few buttons used to create new filters, delete them, rename them and change the order of filters.

It does not provide means to change the actual filter (besides the name), but relies on auxiliary widgets (SearchPatternEdit and KMFilterActionEdit) to do that.

Communication with this widget is quite easy: simply create an instance, connect the signals filterSelected, resetWidgets and applyWidgets with a slot that does the right thing and there you go...

This widget will operate on it's own copy of the filter list as long as you don't call slotApplyFilterChanges. It will then transfer the altered filter list back to KMFilterMgr.

A complex widget that allows managing a list of MailCommon::MailFilter's.

Marc Mutz, based upon work by Stefan Taferner tafer.nosp@m.ner@.nosp@m.kde.o.nosp@m.rg.
See also
MailCommon::MailFilter KMFilterDialog KMFilterActionEdit SearchPatternEdit

This class represents a search to be performed against a string. The string can be either a message header, or a pseudo header, such as <body>

Typedef Documentation

◆ FilterActionNewFunc

using MailCommon::FilterActionNewFunc = FilterAction *(*)()

Definition at line 19 of file filteractiondict.h.

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

QDataStream & MailCommon::operator<< ( QDataStream & stream,
const MailFilter & filter )

Definition at line 674 of file mailfilter.cpp.

◆ operator>>()

QDataStream & MailCommon::operator>> ( QDataStream & stream,
MailCommon::MailFilter & filter )

Definition at line 706 of file mailfilter.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ fcMap

QMap<Collection::Id, QSharedPointer<FolderSettings> > MailCommon::fcMap

Definition at line 29 of file foldersettings.cpp.

◆ mapMutex

QMutex MailCommon::mapMutex

Definition at line 28 of file foldersettings.cpp.

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