
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CPlasma5Support::DataEngineConsumerA class that makes it safe and easy to use DataEngines
 CPlasma5Support::DataSourceProvides data from a range of plugins
 CPlasma5Support::PluginLoaderThis is an abstract base class which defines an interface to which Plasma's DataEngine and Service Loading logic can communicate with a parent application
 CQObject [external]
 CFaviconProviderThis class provides a favicon for a given url
 CKJob [external]
 CPlasma5Support::ServiceJobThis class provides jobs for use with Plasma5Support::Service
 CKSolidNotifyClass which triggers solid notifications
 CPlasma5Support::DataContainerA set of data exported via a DataEngine
 CAppSourceApp Source
 CPlasma5Support::DataEngineData provider for plasmoids (Plasma plugins)
 CAppsEngineApps Data Engine
 CDeviceNotificationsEngineEngine which provides data sources for device notifications
 CFaviconsEngineThis class provides favicons for websites
 CFileBrowserEngineThis class evaluates the basic expressions given in the interface
 CHotplugEngineThis class is connected with solid, filter devices and provide signal with source for applet in Plasma
 CKeyStatesEngineThis engine provides the current state of the keyboard modifiers and mouse buttons, primarily useful for accessibility feature support
 CPowermanagementEngineThis class provides runtime information about the battery and AC status for use in power management Plasma applets
 CSolidDeviceEngineThis class evaluates the basic expressions given in the interface
 CPlasma5Support::DataSourceProvides data from a range of plugins
 CPlasma5Support::ServiceThis class provides a generic API for write access to settings or services
 CAppServiceApp Service
 CPlasma5Support::TypesEnums and constants used in Plasma
 CQAbstractItemModel [external]
 CPlasma5Support::DataModelDataSource data as a model
 CQAbstractProxyModel [external]
 CQSortFilterProxyModel [external]
 CPlasma5Support::SortFilterModelFilter and sort an existing QAbstractItemModel
 CServiceOperationStatusMonitors services
 CQQmlParserStatus [external]
 CPlasma5Support::DataSourceProvides data from a range of plugins
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