62 *@short Align class handles plate-solving and polar alignment measurement and correction using astrometry.net
63 * The align class employs StellarSolver library for local solvers and supports remote INDI-based solver.
64 * StellarSolver supports internal and external solvers (Astrometry.net, ASTAP, Online Astrometry).
65 * If an image is solved successfully, the image central J2000 RA & DE coordinates along with pixel scale, rotation, and partiy are
67 * Index files management is supported with ability to download astrometry.net files. The user may select and edit different solver
68 * profiles that provide settings to control both extraction and solving profiles in detail. Manual and automatic field rotation
69 * is supported in order to align the solved images to a particular orientation in the sky. The manual rotation assistant is an interactive
71 * Align module provide Polar Align Helper tool which enables easy-to-follow polar alignment procedure given wide FOVs (> 1.5 degrees)
113 * Ekos::Align interface provides advanced scripting capabilities to solve images using online or offline astrometry.net
126 * select the filter device from the available filter drivers. The filter device can be the same as the CCD driver if the filter functionality was embedded within the driver.
143 * @param isGenerated Set to true if filename is generated from a CCD capture operation. If the file is loaded from any storage or network media, pass false.
170 * @return Returns State of load slew procedure. Idle if not started. Busy if in progress. Ok if complete. Alert if procedure failed.
284 * @brief getCalculatedFOVScale Get calculated FOV scales from the current CCD+Telescope combination.
288 * @note This is NOT the same as effective FOV which is the measured FOV from astrometry. It is the
309 * @brief Sync the telescope to the solved alignment coordinate, and then slew to the target coordinate.
330 static void generateFOVBounds(double fov_h, QString &fov_low, QString &fov_high, double tolerance = 0.05);
357 * @param CCDNum By default, we check the already selected CCD in the dropdown menu. If CCDNum is specified, the check is made against this specific CCD in the dropdown menu. CCDNum is the index of the CCD in the dropdown menu.
363 * @param filterNum By default, we check the already selected filter in the dropdown menu. If filterNum is specified, the check is made against this specific filter in the dropdown menu.
382 * Loads an image (FITS, RAW, or JPG/PNG) and solve its coordinates, then it slews to the solved coordinates and an image is captured and solved to ensure
417 * @param type Set solver type. 0 LOCAL, 1 REMOTE (requires remote astrometry driver to be activated)
423 * @return Returns true if the procedure started successful, false otherwise (return true, not false, when retrying!)
428 * Loads an image (FITS, RAW, or JPG/PNG) and solve its coordinates, then it slews to the solved coordinates and an image is captured and solved to ensure
438 * coordinates is calculated. When Slew to Target is selected, the mount would be slewed afterwards to
471 * @param binIndex Index of binning value. Default values range from 0 (binning 1x1) to 3 (binning 4x4)
478 * @brief Solver finished successfully, process the data and execute the required actions depending on the mode.
483 * @param eastToTheRight When the image is rotated, so that North is up, East would be to the right.
485 void solverFinished(double orientation, double ra, double dec, double pixscale, bool eastToTheRight);
519 * @brief checkIfRotationRequired Check whether we need to perform an ALIGN_ROTATING action, whether manual or automatic.
582 * @brief After a solver process is completed successfully, sync, slew to target, or do nothing as set by the user.
641 * @brief syncSettings When checkboxes, comboboxes, or spin boxes are updated, save their values in the
669 * @brief Calculate Field of View of CCD+Telescope combination that we need to pass to astrometry.net solver.
679 * @brief calculateAlignTargetDiff Find the difference between aligned vs. target coordinates and update
739 * @brief getEffectiveFOV Search database for effective FOV that matches the current profile and settings
static QStringList generateRemoteOptions(const QVariantMap &optionsMap)
generateOptions Generate astrometry.net option given the supplied map
Definition align.cpp:1193
void checkCameraExposureProgress(ISD::CameraChip *targetChip, double remaining, IPState state)
checkCameraExposureProgress Track the progress of CCD exposure
Definition align.cpp:3287
QStringList generateRemoteArgs(const QSharedPointer< FITSData > &imageData)
Generate arguments we pass to the remote solver.
Definition align.cpp:1283
bool setCamera(ISD::Camera *device)
Add Camera to the list of available Cameras.
Definition align.cpp:642
void syncCameraControls()
syncCCDControls Update camera controls like gain, offset, ISO..etc.
Definition align.cpp:912
void checkCamera()
Check CCD and make sure information is updated and FOV is re-calculated.
Definition align.cpp:604
void refreshAlignOptions()
refreshAlignOptions is called when settings are updated in OpsAlign.
Definition align.cpp:3484
void getFOVScale(double &fov_w, double &fov_h, double &fov_scale)
getFOVScale Returns calculated FOV values
Definition align.cpp:971
void executeGOTO()
After a solver process is completed successfully, sync, slew to target, or do nothing as set by the u...
Definition align.cpp:2914
bool loadAndSlew(const QByteArray &image, const QString &extension)
DBUS interface function.
Definition align.cpp:3085
void setAstrometryDevice(const QSharedPointer< ISD::GenericDevice > &device)
Definition align.cpp:3471
void solverFinished(double orientation, double ra, double dec, double pixscale, bool eastToTheRight)
Solver finished successfully, process the data and execute the required actions depending on the mode...
Definition align.cpp:2094
bool checkIfRotationRequired()
checkIfRotationRequired Check whether we need to perform an ALIGN_ROTATING action,...
Definition align.cpp:2455
bool setFilterWheel(ISD::FilterWheel *device)
addFilterWheel Add new filter wheel filter device.
Definition align.cpp:3129
void checkFilter()
Check Filter and make sure information is updated accordingly.
Definition align.cpp:3189
void processData(const QSharedPointer< FITSData > &data)
Process new FITS received from CCD.
Definition align.cpp:1710
void getCalculatedFOVScale(double &fov_w, double &fov_h, double &fov_scale)
getCalculatedFOVScale Get calculated FOV scales from the current CCD+Telescope combination.
Definition align.cpp:1005
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setExposure(double value)
DBUS interface function.
Definition align.cpp:3109
void settleSettings()
settleSettings Run this function after timeout from debounce timer to update database and emit settin...
Definition align.cpp:4275
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setSolverAction(int mode)
DBUS interface function.
Definition align.cpp:1825
bool syncTelescopeInfo()
We received new telescope info, process them and update FOV.
Definition align.cpp:818
void SlewToTarget()
Sync the telescope to the solved alignment coordinate, and then slew to the target coordinate.
Definition align.cpp:2983
AstrometryParser is an interface for online and offline astrometry parsers.
Definition astrometryparser.h:23
The PolarAlignmentAssistant class.
Definition polaralignmentassistant.h:46
RemoteAstrometryParser invokes the remote astrometry.net solver in the remote CCD driver to solve the...
Definition remoteastrometryparser.h:25
The QProgressIndicator class lets an application display a progress indicator to show that a long tas...
Definition QProgressIndicator.h:24
void setTarget(const SkyPoint &targetCoord)
Set the alignment target where the mount is expected to point at.
Definition align.cpp:3820
void setTelescopeCoordinates(const SkyPoint &position)
Set the coordinates that the mount reports as its position.
Definition align.h:462
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setTargetCoords(double ra0, double de0)
DBUS interface function.
Definition align.cpp:3811
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setBinningIndex(int binIndex)
DBUS interface function.
Definition align.cpp:3114
Q_SCRIPTABLE bool captureAndSolve(bool initialCall=true)
DBUS interface function.
Definition align.cpp:1416
Q_SCRIPTABLE QList< double > getTargetCoords()
getTargetCoords QList of target coordinates.
Definition align.cpp:3827
Q_CLASSINFO(Name, Value)
virtual bool event(QEvent *e)
QString join(QChar separator) const const
QWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:55:58 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:55:58 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.